Requirements in Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs)
Persons in need of behavioral health treatment may contact their local coordinated care organization or your local Community Mental Health Program (CMHP).
For more information about certification, please contact a Licensing and Certification Compliance Specialist:
Brenda Dennis | 0000000000 | Outpatient Behavioral Health Programs, Outpatient Behavioral Health Programs - New application liaison | Portland Metro (tri-counties), Willamette Valley, Statewide | Melissa Farin | 0000000000 | Community Mental Health Programs, Outpatient Behavioral Health Programs, Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Programs, Substance Use Disorder Residential Treatment, SUD 1115 Waiver – ASAM Implementation | Portland Metro (tri-counties), Statewide | Leili Kiaii | 0000000000 | Community Mental Health Programs, Outpatient Behavioral Health Programs, Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Programs | Portland Metro (tri-counties), Willamette Valley, Northwest Coastal Region | Lindsay Newton | 0000000000 | ADSS, Operations Lead, Sobering Facilities | Statewide | Lisa Rivers | 0000000000 | Community Mental Health Programs, Outpatient Behavioral Health Programs, Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Programs, Substance Use Disorder Residential Treatment | Eastern Oregon, Central Oregon | Terry Schroeder | 0000000000 | Civil Commitment, Outpatient Behavioral Health Programs, Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Programs | Statewide | Mary Stone | 0000000000 | Community Mental Health Programs, Outpatient Behavioral Health Programs, Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Programs, Substance Use Disorder Residential Treatment | Southern Oregon | Simon Williams | 0000000000 | Corrections Programs, Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Programs | Portland Metro (tri-counties), Willamette Valley | Carrie Wouda | 0000000000 | Child and Adolescent Programs | Statewide |
Compliance Details
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