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Oregon Health Authority

Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act (Measure 110)

Do you need addiction treatment or recovery services? Find providers in your county.

 View a breakdown of available quarterly data from Behavioral Health Resource Network grantees.

2025 Request for Grant Applications 

The solicitation for 2025 Measure 110 grantees closed 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4, 2024. Learn about who can apply, applicable deliverables, funding timeline and more:

View the Request for Grant Applications on Oregon Buys

View the full list of applicants (posted Jan. 21, 2025)


In November 2020, Oregon voters passed by referendum Measure 110, or the Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act

Senate Bill 755 (2021) established  Behavioral Health Resource Networks (BHRNs). House Bill 2513 (2023) further clarified the role of BHRNs. A BHRN is an entity or group of entities working together to provide comprensive, community-based services and supports to people with substance use disorders or harmful substance use. 

  • Each Oregon county or Tribal area has at least one BHRN. 
  • BHRNs must bill the individual's insurance if available.

Each BHRN must provide trauma-informed, culturally specific and linguistically responsive services. Services include but are not limited to:

  • Screening for health and social service needs,
  • Behavioral health screening and referral for substance use disorder,
  • Individualized intervention planning,
  • Low-barrier substance use disorder treatment,
  • Harm reduction services,
  • Peer support services,
  • Employment supports,
  • Housing supports, and
  • Referral to appropriate outside services.

It is the policy of the State of Oregon that screening, health assessment, treatment and recovery services for drug addiction are available to all those who need and want access to those services.

Measure 110 Resources 

Oregon Administrative Rules (Chapter 944): These rules govern the implementation of Measure 110 and Senate Bill 755.​​​


OHA awarded $22.3 million dollars in Access to Care grants to 70 organizations across Oregon in 2021. Awardees uses these funds to increase community access to services for people with substance use disorders or harmful substance use. Learn more about the effect of Access to Care funding across Oregon.


The Req​u​est for Grant Proposals ended December 2021. 244 organizations received approximately $265 million in Measure 110 grant funds. OHA distrubuted funds using the funding formula approved by the Oversight and Accountability Council (OAC). 


OAC approved an opportunity for grant extension. Qualified partners have been encouraged to apply. This extension would carry grantees through 2025 and is currently in progress.

​Visit the new Measure 110 Videos page​ to see how Measure 110 dollars are working in Oregon communities.

9/27/2023: ​Measure 110 data report show gains continued in clients served substance use treatment and other service and supports​

6/28/2023: Latest Measure 110 report shows gains in clients served across every service area statewide. OHA develops new and comprehensive reporting dashboard​.

5/25/2023: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council terminates grant for noncompliance with grant terms​

2/1/2023: Combined Measure 110 providers served more than 60,000 people during early implementation, preliminary reporting shows​

9/20/2022: OHA report highlights progress on behavioral health investments in Oregon​

9/2/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council approves final Oregon county for drug treatment and recovery services funding​​

8/25/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council approves Lincoln County funding for drug treatment and recovery services​

8/18/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council approves Multnomah County funding for drug treatment and recovery services​

7/28/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council has now approved BHRNs in 31 counties for drug treatment and recovery services​

7/21/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council has now approved BHRNs in 29 counties for drug treatment and recovery services​ ​

7/15/2022: ​Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council has now approved BHRNs in 27 county regions for drug treatment and recovery services​

7/7/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council has approved BHRNs in 23 county regions for drug treatment and recovery services​

6/23/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council has approved BHRNs in more than half of all county regions for drug treatment and recovery services​​

6​/17/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council has approved BHRNs in half of all county regions for drug treatment and recovery services​

6/16/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council approves new grant agreements for drug treatment, recovery services​

6/9/2022: ​Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council approves new grant agreements for drug treatment, recovery services

6/3/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council approves new grant agreements for drug treatment, recovery services

5/27/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council approves BHRN grant agreement for drug treatment, recovery services in Jefferson County

5/20/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council approves first BHRN grant agreement for drug treatment, recovery services in Harney County

5/13/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council approves more BHRN applications for Oregon counties

5/5/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council approves more BHRN applications for Oregon counties

4/28/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council approves more BHRN applications for Oregon counties

4/22/2022: Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council approves more BHRN applications for Oregon counties

4/18/2022: M110 Oversight and Accountability Council adopts funding formula; approves BHRNs for Morrow and Baker Counties

Measure 110 Data Report, Quarters 1 and 2


​​OHA has deve​​loped a comprehensive Measure 110 reporting dashboard that includes quarterly data and operational reporting, expenditures, key demographic information, and aggregated narrative sum​maries for each of the 42 statewide Measure 110 service networks. ​​This report:

  • Contains data submitted in Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 (July 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022). 
  • Includes a county-by-county data breakdown along with a timeline for data and available provider contact information. 

Note: The data will change as BHRN partners submit new reports or​ correct previous reports.

OHA exported the data on June 8, 2023.

Client Data Colle​​ction Process:

Each BHRN provider must use an online form to submit data for each quarter they receive Measure 110 funding. They report the number of unique clients served across the seven designated Measure 110 service areas. Counties with no reports for a designated service area will show no data.

For each designated service area, the “Client Counts" field collects the total number of unique clients served by a BHRN partner. It does not reflect the number of times a client received services across service areas or BHRN partners.

When more than one BHRN partner receives funds to provide a designated service in a county:

  • OHA combines their reported client counts for the service total.
  • As a result, the county's service totals may count a client more than once. This may happen if the client received the same service from more than one BHRN partner in the county.

When clients receive more than one service from a BHRN partner (e.g., an assessment and then treatment), they will appear in both designated service counts. ​

Oversight and Accountability Council

This statewide, 22-member council:
  • Represents diverse communities and backgrounds.  
  • Oversees BHRN implementation and funding. 
  • Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday  of each month from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 

Meeting dates, recordings and material

Council rules and rulemaking notices

Senate Bill 5525 Dashboard

View the dashboard

About Measure 110

OHA response to Secretary of State audit of Measure 110 implementation (2023)

Fact sheets for individuals:

Fact sheets for providers:

Questions or Comments?

OHA welcomes your questions and comments about Measure 110 implementation.

Email us

Comment Form (English)

Comment Form (Spanish)