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Oregon Health Authority

Wellness Champions

  • Find wellness resources that may be of interest to your members.
  • Tailor materials as needed for your entity.
  • Promote resources in a timely and thoughtful way throughout the year.
  • Include wellness messages in other employee communications.

You know your colleagues best, so we need your help getting them excited about wellness. That means finding topics that will resonate and finding new ways to drive awareness.​​ 

Download the Wellness Champion "How It Works" PDF​ to learn more.

  • ​Attend Wellness Champion meetings (see the events calendar on this page for more details)
  • Bookmark this page and check back monthly to stay in the know with what's new
  • Encourage members to watch for monthly emails and e-newsletters you find helpful
  • Become familiar with the wide var​​iety of programs offered to OEBB members
  • Share upcoming events and encourage members to attend
Questions? Contact OEBB Wellness Manager, Theresa Cross, at there​​ or (503) 545-9298.

Kaiser Permanente Toolkit

Get involved today

Here's what you can do right now to engage your members:
  • Schedule an informal 30-minute coffee chat video meeting with your members to cover topics from the monthly email. 
Here are some talking points to get the conversation started:
  • Is there an upcoming webinar or event we can join together?
  • Has anyone used the wellness programs highlighted? Share your story!
  • What wellness topic in the email has impacted you most?

Subscribe to Partner E-News 

Stay in-the-know about what our partners are sending out to OEBB members. 

If something sticks out that could be beneficial to your members, pull the content out and pass it on.

Promotional Materials

Use the materials linked below to help promote OEBB wellness programs and events to your co-workers, however you like. 

Choose those you find helpful, skip those you don't. You can post them to your own website, include in an email, self-print and hang in common areas or place in employee mailboxes. Whatever you feel works best!

Champion Resources

Program Flyers
  1. Canopy EAP flyer 
  2. WeightWatchers flyer
  3. Moda's Meru Health flyer
    12-week therapy on your smartphone
  4. MS and Your Eyes (from VSP)

  5. Meal Planning & Nutrition Tips (from Kaiser Permanente)

Bookmark as your first stop to stay current on upcoming webinars, programs, challenges, and more.

Be a Wellness Champion!
If you're exploring this page but haven't signed up yet, go ahead! We welcome anyone interested in sharing wellness with OEBB members.

Wellness Champion Tools & Quick Links

Wellness Champion Upcoming Events

OEBB Wellness Champions meet via the Teams platform monthly on the 3rd Wednesday during the school year, October through June. Meetings are 3:30-4:00 p.m.
  • October 18
  • November 15
  • January 17
  • February 21
  • March 20
  • April 17
  • May 15
Contact OEBB's Wellness Manager for more information.

Wellness Champion Recorded Events

Thank you for sharing OEBB's Wellness Programs!