Preliminary Death Data
Preliminary data are undergoing quality assurance and editing procedures that can result in frequent and significant changes. Data can be used for tracking recent health events, but are not appropriate for use in statistical analyses. Final death data is shown in the next section below.
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Preliminary mortality data (2024) - Number of deaths
- Preliminary death rate
- Manner of death
- Month of death
- Age of decedent
- County of residence
- Historical trends
- Medical Examiner cases
| Unhoused decedents (2024, preliminary data) - Number of deaths
- Manner of death
- Month of death
- Sex, age, race/ethnicity
- Place of death
- Continuum of care (geography)
- HSPR region (geography)
Final Death Data
These data represent final statistics on deaths in Oregon. Final data has undergone extensive quality assurance and editing procedures. New data are added each year in late fall.
Annual trends in mortality
 Leading causes of mortality
 County deaths
Statewide mortality trends since 2010: - Number of deaths
- Crude death rates
- Age-adjusted death rates
- Leading causes of death
- Sex
- Age
- Years 2010-2023
Detailed views of yearly mortality data:
- Number of deaths
- Crude death rates
- Median age
- Years of potential life lost
- Leading causes of death
- Demographics
- Month and place of death
- Years 2017-2023
County-level mortality data: - Number of deaths
- Crude death rates
- Median age
- Years of potential life lost
- Leading causes of death
- Demographics
- County
- Years 2017-2023
 Injury deaths
|  Domicile unknown
Fatal injuries, by state and county: - Number of deaths
- Crude death rates
- Years of potential life lost
- Manner of death
- Type of injury
- Demographics
- County
- Years 2017-2023
| Unhoused decedents:
- Number of deaths
- Cause of death
- Month of death
- Demographics
- Place of death
- Continuum of care
- Years 2022-2023
About Death Data
The Center for Health Statistics registers only those vital events occurring in Oregon. However, information on Oregon resident deaths occurring out-of-state to is also collected through an interstate exchange agreement. Data may be tabulated by residence (where the person lived) or by occurrence (where the event occurred).