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Oregon Health Authority

Oregon Program Review Panel

Guidelines on how to review AIDS-related written materials, pictorial, audiovisuals, questionnaires, survey instruments and educational sessions in Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Assistance Programs:


Since the CDC began providing funds for HIV prevention programs in 1985, it has required that all HIV educational and related materials be reviewed by a Program Review Panel (PRP) designated by the grantee (in this case, the Oregon Health Authority HIV Prevention Program).

On June 15, 1992, CDC published a guidance document for this review entitled, "Content of AIDS-Related Written Materials, Pictorial, Audiovisuals, Questionnaires, Survey Instruments, and Educational Sessions in Centers For Disease Control and Prevention Assistance Programs."

These guidelines are currently in effect, and in Oregon, have previously been implemented as part of the Oregon HIV Prevention Community Review process.  This process is now being formalized in the convening of the Oregon Program Review Panel (OPRP).


Specifically, HIV prevention programs and related materials must meet the following criteria:

  • Programs and materials must contain information that promotes abstinence from sexual intercourse except in a mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner and from illegal drug use;
  • Materials must use terms, descriptors, or displays necessary for the intended audience to understand dangerous behaviors and explain less risky practices concerning HIV transmission;
  • Programs and materials must not directly promote or encourage heterosexual or homosexual behavior or injection drug use; and
  • Educational sessions must not include activities in which attendees participate in sexually suggestive physical contact or actual sexual practices.


Until instructed otherwise, please continue to submit HIV prevention educational materials to the Oregon HIV Prevention Program's OPRP for review as outlined in the Oregon Program Review Panel Protocol and the Oregon Program Review Panel Submittal Form and Instructions.

 Additionally, Local Health Departments that convene their own Program Review Panel for the purposes of reviewing HIV Prevention educational materials should follow the instructions outlined in the Oregon Program Review Panel (OPRP) Protocol for Local Program Review Panels (PRP's).


This site contains HIV, STD, and Viral Hepatitis prevention messages that may not be appropriate for all audiences. Since HIV, STD's, and Viral Hepatitis are spread primarily through sexual practices or by sharing needles, prevention messages and programs may address these topics. If you are not seeking such information or may be offended by such material, please exit this website.

Inclusion of links to external websites does not constitute Oregon Health Authority endorsement.