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Oregon Health Authority

Small System Equipment Assistance

The purpose of the Small System Equipment Assistance (SSEA) program is to fund small scale additions or replacement of equipment and instrumentation needed by small water systems serving ≤ 300 connections to ensure continued operation and protection of public health.

Please note updated deadlines for SSEA applications. 

  • For 2025, application submission deadline: August 15, 2025

  • Beginning in 2026, application submission deadlines: February 15 and August 15 of each year

Eligible Activities

Additions or replacements of equipment and instrumentation installed at existing facilities on previously disturbed land owned by the water system (or with a formalized legal easement or right-of-way), where installation/construction labor costs do not exceed $2,000.

Project activities must include fixed installation of one or more of the following eligible items: 

  • Treatment Equipment, including: Chemical dosing pumps and feed equipment, pump calibration equipment, chemical day tanks, storage/contact time tanks (500 gallons or less), and chemical static mixers.
  • Process Control, including: Flow meters, level controllers, streaming current monitors, dose control modules, flow control valves and flow switch controllers.
  • Pressure Management, including: Pressure tanks (surge, expansion, hydropneumatic) and booster pumps.
  • Monitoring and Instrumentation, including: Chlorine analyzers, sensor controllers, on-line turbidimeters, chart recorders, pressure transmitters and level transmitters.
  • Portable Lab Equipment, including: Turbidimeters, colorimeters, pH meters, alkalinity test kits and jar test equipment. Portable lab equipment does not require fixed installation.
  • Security and Emergency Preparedness, including: Uninterruptable power supply (UPS), fixed installation generators, plant auto-dialers, intrusion alarms and/or remote monitoring.
  • Other Necessary Equipment, including: Pumps, motors, valves, couplings, and yard piping.
Equipment and instrumentation not listed above may be considered but requires prior authorization by OHA.

Ineligible Activities:

  • Equipment or instrumentation NOT installed at existing facilities on previously disturbed land.
  • Purchase of equipment or instrumentation that is part of a larger loan project funded by the DWSRF.
  • Projects which trigger Davis-Bacon labor standards compliance (i.e., projects with installation/construction labor costs in excess of $2,000). The $2,000 limit applies to the full project, not just the SSEA funding portion. While not eligible for reimbursement, labor provided by water system staff is not subject to this $2,000 limit.
  • Projects related to the addition of new water sources, new storage reservoirs, and associated transmission lines.
  • Projects related to the purchase of new land or acquisition of new easements.
  • Purchase or installation of distribution piping (with the exception of yard piping), residential water meters and fire hydrants.
  • Purchase of a portable item utilized for project construction/installation that is not an integral permanent part of the implemented project.
  • Maintenance equipment, vehicles, computers, printers and other types of equipment not part of the water treatment or conveyance process.

Program Overview

Available funding and future application solicitation cycles to be determined.

$20,000 max forgivable loan per project. Minimum award of $2,000. One award per system per 5-year period. Priority will be given to systems with lowest Medium Household Income, systems with Safe Drinking Water Act compliance needs and systems treating surface water sources. Projects which address loss of equipment or instrumentation due to wildfire or other destructive events will be placed at the top of the project list and prioritized for funding. 

Receipt and photo documentation will be required following equipment installation.

Eligible Systems:

Must meet each of the following criteria:
  • Classified as a Community or Non-Profit Non-Community water system
  • Community water systems must serve at least 15 or more service connections or 25 or more year-round residents. Non-Profit Non-Community water systems must serve at least 25 people and be recognized under Oregon law as a nonprofit organization or is government owned.
  • Serve ≤ 300 Connections
  • Systems in significant noncompliance are not eligible for funding, unless project resolves noncompliance.

SSEA Application

Submission Deadlines:
  • For 2025, application submission deadline: August 15, 2025
  • Beginning in 2026, application submission deadlines: February 15 and August 15 of each year

The Business Oregon Regional Development Officer for your area is available to answer questions about the SSEA program. Complete applications using the most current version of the form linked below and submit to After eligible projects have been reviewed, rated (i.e., scored), and ranked by Oregon Health Authority and projects have been placed on the Project Priority List, Business Oregon will follow up with those systems selected for funding to complete the funding process.  Additionally, applications must include as an attachment cost/bid documentation from equipment supplier(s).

SSEA application coming soon!
