Preventing Environmental Exposures for Children's Health (PEECH)
PEECH is a community-based partnership to protect children's health.
PEECH’s goal is to prevent and/or reduce children’s exposures to
environmental health hazards. PEECH will build community-based strategies, partnerships, and
programming to reduce an array of harmful environmental exposures to children (prenatal to 18 years)
in communities disproportionately impacted by environmental and climate hazards. Examples of
children’s environmental health hazards include industrial pollution, poor air and water quality, unsafe
housing or recreation environments, consumer products, food or nutrition sources, pesticides, exposures
from extreme weather conditions, or other environmental harms.
Starting in 2024, OHA will fund one community-based organization in an environment or climate justice community to develop exposure prevention programming.

Supporting safe and healthy spaces where kids play, live, and learn