RH Community Outreach Projects

The RH Community Outreach Projects create opportunities for Community-based Organizations (CBOs) serving immigrant communities, communities of color, and populations experiencing inequities in health outcomes, to promote access to healthcare, to increase community engagement, and to create systems that are responsive to and reflective of their community's identified needs.
Participating CBOs provide reproductive health education, community outreach, and related services to support communities in accessing reproductive health at clinics certified by the RH Program. These projects support the creation of a model of partnership and collaboration that serve to improve reproductive health outcomes across the state.
Examples of activities undertaken by the CBOs include:
- Working with youth to increase awareness and access to care
- Creating outreach and education materials using Tik Tok, Facebook, and other social media platforms
- Assisting individuals in enrollment, making appointments, and troubleshooting issues related to accessing RHCare
- Developing culturally-specific education trainings
- Parent engagement
- Virtual outreach
- In-person outreach - farmworking camps, health fairs, COVID testing events, etc.
Who are the funded organizations?
- Coos Health & Wellness
- Asian Health & Service Center
- Interface Network
- Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center
- Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette
- Unite Oregon
- Latino Network
- Outside In
- Healthy Birth Initiatives
- Papalaxsimisha
Every month, the RH Program hosts a webinar to provide opportunities for skill building and skill sharing to support improving reproductive health outcomes. (links have been temporarily deactivated)
RH Outreach Projects Kickoff (10/8/2020): An introduction and overview of the Reproductive Health (RH) Community Outreach Projects, a brief description of the agencies involved, and the work they plan to do to increase access to RH services.
RH101 and RH Program 101 (10/12/20): An overview of reproductive and sexual health, and an introduction to the RH Program.
Working with Clinical Partners (10/28/20): This webinar provides an overview of the types of RH Program clinics, health coverage available to clients, examples of what a clinic visit looks like for clients, and ideas for connecting clients and communities to RH care.
Evaluation (11/25/20): This webinar explores different types of evaluations and ideas for integrating evaluation into outreach and education activities.
RH Enrollment Form (12/14/20): This webinar provides an in-depth overview of the Reproductive Health Program's enrollment form into coverage. This webinar is intended to help outreach partners understand funding sources, the rationale behind questions, and respond to questions community members might have.
Working with Youth (1/27/21): Presenters from Outreach Project Partners Unite Oregon of the Rogue Valley, Coos Health and Wellness, Interface Network, and the OHA Adolescent and School Health Program share resources and best practices for conducting sexual and reproductive health outreach and education to the youth and young adult populations they serve.
Working with Community: Sharing Best Practices and Resources (2/24/21): Presenters from Asian Health and Service Center and Euvalcree discussed providing culturally-based services that respond to and reflect the linguistic and cultural needs of our communities, ideas for working with faith communities, and integrating RH outreach and education into the wraparound services each agencies provide.
Sexuality Education Programs at Latino Network & Catolicadas (3/24/21): Presenters from Latino Health Network share their ongoing work to imbed reproductive and sexual health education into their educational and outreach services. Veronica Leonard also shares her experience working for Católicas por el Derecho de Decidir in Mexico City to promote the human rights of women and youth throughout Mexico, including an online cartoon series, “Catolicadas” which speaks directly to gender and sexual and reproductive rights in a culturally Catholic society.
LGBTQ+ Inclusive Language and Outreach with PPCW (4/28/21): Presenters from PPCW share ways to use inclusive language, and create spaces in which people of all genders and sexualities feel included and empowered to access sexual and reproductive health.
Farmworker Outreach with Virginia Garcia, Public Charge and Immigration Communication (5/26/21): Laura Contreras from Virginia Garcia (VG) shared how VG started and provided best practices for RH outreach and education to the migrant farmworker population. We also discussed Public Charge and how to support communities in accessing services, including sexual and reproductive health services.
Evaluation, Challenges, Successes, NOW WHAT? (6/23/21): RH Program and the Outreach Projects partners shared their evaluations of the work done so far. Each agency presented their successes and challenges in their sexual and reproductive health outreach and education activities as well as their plans to continue to integrate RH into their work moving forward.
Social Media Share (9/22/21): In this webinar each of the Outreach Partners presented their agency’s use of social media, virtual and in-person outreach activities, and other media tools to provide RH outreach and education to the communities they serve. Agencies shared their social media information and identified opportunities for collaboration and resource sharing for RH Outreach Project Partners and their communities.
Brainstorming Future Webinars (10/27/21): In this webinar Outreach Projects partners engaged in a brainstorming session that will drive the direction and scope of future collective webinars.
RH Outreach Projects Collaborative Webinar (2/16/2022): In this webinar, the RH Program and each of the Outreach Project agencies share updates, and new activities and tools for the 2022-2023 Outreach Project are introduced and discussed.
Responding to Domestic and Sexual Violence (3/23/2022): In this webinar with presenter Shannon Rose, the Rape Prevention & Education Coordinator from OHA's Maternal and Child Health Program, we are provided descriptions and definitions of sexual and domestic violence. Explains trauma and trauma responses and provides the foundation for outreach and education workers to respond in effective and supportive ways when community members share their experiences with sexual and domestic violence.
Responding to Domestic and Sexual Violence, Part 2 (4/27/2022): In this webinar, presenter Shannon Rose answers questions, provides follow up, and gives resources that Outreach Project partners can access to support individuals, families, and communities who have experienced sexual and/or domestic violence.