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New User Accounts

Sign up for ALERT IIS Access

To access and use the ALERT IIS system, you must be associated with an organization that has an established ALERT IIS profile and take the appropriate training below.

    • If your organization is new to ALERT IIS, please see the New Clinic Enrollment page. 
    • If you are already an ALERT IIS user, please see the training page for training opportunities.

Trainings are located in the OIP Training Portal where you will need to create an account. Here is a Training Portal Quick Start Guide and a How to Find Your Certificate Guide to help you along the way. 

There are four kinds of users: school/childcare, query only, standard and super users.

​​For use by school staff and staff that work in childcare centers, preschools and head start programs.

What can this role do?

  • Find student vaccine dose records
  • See if the student is complete or due for shots
  • Print student records including Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS)
  • Create lists of students

How to sign up? 

  1. Create an account for the OIP Training Portal​, if you don't have one. 
  2. Take one of the following trainings:
  3. Read and sign the Authorized User Agreement (Individual School/Child Care Facility User) form.
  4. For sites new to ALERT IIS or with new administrators, complete the Authorized Site Agreement (Colleges, Schools, Preschools, Head Starts and Child Care Facilities)​​ form​​.​
  5. Submit the following to the ALERT IIS Help Desk at​​

    • Required: Training completion certificate​​
    • Required: Authorized User Agreement (Individual School/Child Care Facility User)
    • If Needed: Authorized Site Agreement (Colleges, Schools, Preschools, Head Starts and Child Care Facilities)​

Para uso del personal de la escuela y el personal que trabaja en unas guardieras, preescolares y programas de Head Start.

El propósito de esto

  • Buscar registros de vacunas de estudiantes
  • Vea si el estudiante está completo o debe recibir vacunas
  • Imprima los registros de los estudiantes, incluyendo el Certificado de Estado de Inmunización (CIS)
  • Crear y ahorrar listas de estudiantes

¿Cómo inscribirse? 

  1. Cree una cuenta para el Portal de capacitación de OIP​, si no tiene una.​
  2. ​Realice una de las siguientes capacitaciones :​​
  3. Lea y firme el Acuerdo de usuario autorizado – Acceso al usuario individual de la escuela / Guarderia
  4. Para sitios nuevos en ALERT IIS o con administradores nuevos, complete el formulario
  5. Envíe la información al servicio de asistencia de ALERT IIS al 
    • Requierido: ​​​​​Certificado de finalización recibido al completar el curso.
    • Requierido: ​​Acuerdo de usuario autorizado – Acceso al usuario individual de la escuela / Guarderia ​​
    • ​​Opcional: Acuerdo de sitio autorizado
      (Universidades, escuelas, preescolares, Head Starts y Guarderia)​

For use in a clinical setting typically pharmacists and front desk staff, the Query Only User role allows view-only access to patient immunization history and immunization forecasting and access to print immunization records.

What can this role do?

  • Find and view patient records
  • Print patient records

How to sign up?

  1. Create an account for our Training Portal.
  2. Complete the training objects in the Query Only User Course
  3. Read and sign the Individual User Agreement.
  4. Submit the Completion Certificate and Individual User Agreement to either
    1. The Super User in your organization
    2. The ALERT IIS Help Desk at ​ ​or by fax to (971) 673-0278.

This is the most commonly used role in the​ medical clinic setting.

What can this role do?

  • Add/edit access to patient immunization history and immunization forecasting
  • Access to print immunization records
  • Access to manage vaccine inventory, ordering state-supplied vaccine
  • Access to run most reports

How to sign up?

  1. Create an account for our Training Portal
  2. Complete the training objects in the Standard User Course 
  3. Read and sign the Individual User Agreement.
  4. Submit the Completion Certificate and Individual User Agreement to either
    1. The Super User in your organization
    2. The ALERT IIS Help Desk at​ or by fax to (971) 673-0278.

This role is intended for clinical and pharmacy staff. Users must have completed Standard User training.

What can this role do?

  • Same functionality as the Standard User role, plus….
  • Manage user access for standard and query-only users for their organization
    • Collecting and storing individual user agreements and proof of training
    • Guide new users to training materials, reset passwords, answer basic questions
  • Manage and update their organization’s profile details and contact information as needed.
  • Access to two reports used by clinics participating in the Vaccines for Children program. 

How to sign up?

Prerequisite: Standard User access or proof of completed Standard User training.

  1. If you haven't already, create an account for our Training Portal.
  2. Attend a Super User live webinar session.
  3. One of our trainers will upgrade your account after attendance.

Have Questions?

Please contact the ALERT IIS Helpdesk at: