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Oregon Health Authority

Climate Disaster Resilience and Health

Climate Disaster Resilience Projects 

As the climate continues to change, we can expect climate related disasters to be more frequent and more severe. The Climate & Health Program recognizes that those who contribute the least to climate change experience these disasters the most. Fostering climate resilience in community driven, culturally responsive ways is critical. The following OHA and partner resources outline promising new models and efforts to foster climate and disaster resilience in Oregon, particularly among communities of color. 

Disaster Resilience Learning Collaborative

In response to the ongoing and increasing threat of climate related disasters in Oregon, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), the United Way of the Columbia Willamette (UWCW) and Trauma Informed Oregon (TIO) partnered in piloting a Disaster Resilience Learning Collaborative. The purpose of this statewide collaborative was to increase disaster resilience by advancing equitable systems and strengthening relationships across Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and the public sector who work in communities affected by climate disasters. 

CBO Cohort

Public Sector Cohort

Tribal Mini Grants

In 2021, the Climate and Health program had the opportunity to provide mini-grants to two of our federally recognized tribes to complete disaster resilience projects. Below are brief overviews of funded projects. 

  • Confederated Tribe of Siletz Indians: Recruited a Youth Leadership Team (Ages 16-20) to plan and develop climate-related community events, including a Community Fish Camp. Training themes included: crisis response, preventative fire usage, traditional ecological knowledge, fish and river sustainability. 
  • Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians (CTCLUSI): Received training on climate change and built skills to facilitate future Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Planning efforts. Built partnerships and a climate change stakeholder network. Conducted a survey with tribal members to identify resilience priorities. Conducted outreach and education events and materials 

Partner Resources