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Oregon Health Authority

Contact Us

Health Licensing Office
The Health Licensing Office is located at
1430 Tandem Ave. NE, Suite 180, Salem, OR 97301
Customer Service Information Line (503) 378-8667

The Health Licensing Office is closed Friday, February 14, 2025, due to inclement weather.

Business Hours

Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Testing Hours

Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Customer Service

(503) 378-8667

Email Inquiries

Violations of Oregon Public Meetings Law

There are mandatory prerequisites for submitting Public Meetings Law complaints to the Oregon Government Ethics Commission (OGEC). These prerequisites also apply to executive session complaints. If you fail to satisfy the mandatory prerequisites before filing your complaint with OGEC, the OGEC has stated that it will dismiss your complaint. 

If you are comfortable addressing your public meetings law concern directly with the Health Licensing Office (HLO) instead of filing a formal complaint, then the HLO invites you to do so. However, if this is not possible or if your concerns remain unresolved, the OGEC has the authority to enforce public meetings laws.

The OGEC offers a complaint process to submit alleged violations of Oregon public meetings law. Information about the process and frequently asked questions can be found at: 

In accordance with the mandatory prerequisite of filing a written grievance with the public body before filing your complaint with OGEC, you can submit the “Oregon Public Meetings Law – Complaint Form" to Josh Page through one of the following methods: 

  1. By email to
  2. In person, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on any open business day, Monday through Friday, at the following location:
    Health Licensing Office
    1430 Tandem Ave. NE, Suite 180
    Salem, OR 97301-2192
  3. Via mail, addressed to the attention of Josh Page at the above HLO address.

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 Driving Directions

Best Time to Call Customer Service

Licensing and General Information: 503-378-8667 or email
Inspections/Consumer Complaint Hotline: 503-373-2024

Our busiest telephone volume days are Mondays and the first few and last few business days of each month. Calls are placed in queue and answered in the order received. If you place a call to us during these high volume periods, please be patient.

Staff Directory

Director's Office and Administrative Services Division

HLO DirectorBob Bothwell503-373-2097
Executive AssistantKrissy Pickett503-378-2093
Business Process AnalystNathan Goldberg503-509-4784
Continuing Education and Improvement AnalystCallie Zink503-373-2088
Policy AnalystSamie Patnode503-373-1917
Policy AnalystAnne Thompson503-509-4775
Qualification AnalystDerek Fultz503-373-1915
Qualification SpecialistTrisha Moul503-373-0352
Qualification SpecialistHaley RevierePending
Board SpecialistJosh Page503-934-0720

Fiscal Division

HLO DirectorBob Bothwell503-373-2097
Fiscal AnalystKenny Turk503-373-1933
Accounting SpecialistJoy Helbing503-373-1939

Licensing Division

Licensing Manager
Tina Russell503-373-1937
Licensing Qualification Specialist

​​ ​​

​•Athletic Trainers
​•Behavior Analysts
​•Certified Advanced Estheticians
•Denture Technologists​
•Hearing Aid Specialists
•Music Therapists​​

Adriane Perkins503-373-1989
Licensing Qualification Specialist

​​ ​

​​•Art Therapists​
•Direct Entry Midwives
•Environmental Health Specialists
•Genetic Counselors​
•Lactation Consultants
•Temporary Staffing Ag​ency Program​​
•Waste Water Specialists​​​​​

Austyn Hemelstrand503-373-1039
Licensing Qualification Specialist

•Nursing Home Administrators
​•Polysomnographic Technologists
•Residential Care Facility Administrators
•Respiratory Therapists​​
•Sexual Offense Therapists and Interns​
​​•Sign Language Interpreters

Michael Brennan503-934-5009
Licensing Qualification Specialist

​​ ​​

​•Body Piercers (earlobe only)
​•Body Piercers (standard)
​•Body Piercers (specialty)​
•Licensed Dietitians
•Tattoo Artists
•Tattoo Conventions

Amy Gutierrez503-373-1740
Customer Service Representative
Jolene VanCleave503-934-5194
Customer Service Representative
Sara Galloway503-373-1986
Customer Service Representative
Jeanet Busey503-373-1938
Customer Service Representative
Peggy Beavis503-373-2049
Customer Service Representative
Cristin Locascio503-373-1976
Katey Pyritz503-373-1934
Imaging and Records Specialist
Connie Duncan503-378-6539

Regulatory Operations Division

Interim Regulatory Operations ManagerTrampus Schuck503-373-1950
Administrative Specialist / Public RecordsRegulatory Operations Email503-373-2024
Administrative Specialist Gina Fernandez503-373-1906
InvestigatorMichael Bui503-559-0046
InvestigatorSarah Hern971-283-0108
InvestigatorKelly Wahl503-586-9378
InvestigatorScott Edwards503-586-9792
InvestigatorDoreen Davis503-586-9302
InspectorEugene Ortiz503-385-5945
InspectorCristina Coen503-930-8044
InspectorJesse Read971-701-0086
InspectorTho Ninh503-508-6021
InspectorKayla Peterson971-600-6755