Make sure the patient information you are entering is correct. You may wish to check the patients insurance card as pharmacies often will use the name and spelling on that card. Also try only using the patients last name, first name, and date of birth in a search.
If your patients last name is hypenated or generational suffix you may want to try the following.
Example name: John Brown-Jones IV
Hyphenated names can be tricky as different pharmacies have different policies how to enter in hyphenated or two word last names. Some omit the hypen using just a space, some use the hyphen character, and others omit the hypen and the sapce. First omit the generational suffix "IV", you may also want to try "Brown-Jones", "Brown Jones", "Brownjones", "Jones".
The PDMP only holds data for a period of 3 years. The PDMP defaults in the search screen to 1 year from the day you are conducting the search. You may choose to manually change the date to any period within the last 3 years of the day.
Patients recieving higher levels of care with skilled nursing and hospice facilities, in-patient settings, adult foster care, and correctional facilities may not have prescriptions within the PDMP. Pharmacies are exempt from reporting these prescriptions as as patients with higher levels of care and no access to at-home supplies of medication are considered less risk for accidental or abuse.