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The mission of the Oregon Medical Board is to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of Oregon citizens by regulating the practice of medicine, podiatry, and acupuncture in a manner that promotes access to quality care. It fulfills its mission by, among other activities, investigating and, if necessary, imposing disciplinary action upon licensees who do not uphold the standards of professionalism.

Professionalism comprises those attributes and behaviors that serve to maintain patients' interests above the licensee's self-interest.

Professionalism means the continuing pursuit of excellence (see definition below), and includes the following qualities:

Altruism is the essence of professionalism. Altruism refers to unselfish regard for and devotion to the welfare of others and is a key element of professionalism. Self-interest or the interests of other parties should not interfere with the care of one's patients and their families.

Accountability and Responsibility are required at many levels – individual patients, society, and the profession. First, there must be accountability to one's patients and to their families. There must also be accountability to society for addressing the health needs of the public and to ensure that the public's needs are addressed.

One must also be accountable to the profession to ensure that the ethical precepts of practice are upheld. Licensees are required to report prohibited and unprofessional conduct, medical incompetence, or physical incapacity of other licensed healthcare providers to the appropriate regulatory board.

Inherent in responsibility is reliability in completing assigned duties or fulfilling commitments. There must also be a willingness to accept responsibility for errors.

Duty is the acceptance of a commitment to service. This commitment entails being available and responsive when “on call," accepting personal inconvenience in order to meet the needs of one's patients, enduring unavoidable risks to oneself when a patient's welfare is at stake, and advocating the best possible care regardless of the patient's ability to pay.

Excellence entails a conscientious effort to exceed ordinary expectations and to make a commitment to life-long learning and education. Commitment to excellence is an acknowledged goal for all licensees. One must seek to learn from errors and aspire to excellence through self-evaluation and acceptance of the critiques of others.

Honesty and Integrity are the consistent regard for the highest standards of behavior and the refusal to violate one's personal and professional codes. Honesty and integrity imply being fair, being truthful, keeping one's word, meeting commitments, and being forthright in interactions with patients, peers, and in all professional work, whether through documentation, personal communication, presentations, research, or other aspects of interaction. Honesty and integrity require awareness of situations that may result in conflict of interest, bias, or  personal gain at the expense of the best interest of the patient.

Respect for Others is central to professionalism. This respect extends to all spheres of contact, including patients, families, other healthcare providers, and professional colleagues. One must treat all people with respect and regard for their individual worth and dignity. One must listen attentively and respond humanely to the concerns of patients and family members.

Appropriate empathy for and relief of pain, discomfort, and anxiety should be part of the daily practice of medicine, podiatry, and acupuncture. One must be fair and nondiscriminatory and be aware of emotional, personal, family, and cultural influences on patient well-being and patients' rights and choices of medical care. It is also a professional obligation to respect appropriate patient confidentiality.

Signs of Unprofessionalism
For a deeper understanding of professionalism, consider these signs of unprofessionalism:

Abuse of Power: Licensees are generally afforded great respect by their patients. When used well, this power can accomplish enormous good. When abused, it causes the opposite. Examples are:
  • Sexual misconduct or crossing intimate boundaries
  • Breaching confidentiality
  • Entering financial relationships or accepting loans or donations from patients
  • Imposing a point of view on a patient
Arrogance: An offensive display of superiority and self-importance, which prevents the establishment of empathetic relationships. Examples are:
  • Failing to listen to others
  • Abusing the social position of healthcare providers
  • Failing to make appropriate referrals
  • Conceded separation of licensee and patient social status
Greed: When money rather than patient care becomes the guiding force in a licensees practice. Examples are:
  • Doing procedures that have no medical indication
  • Billing fraud
  • Not providing medical documentation for services
Misrepresentation: Lying (consciously telling an untruth) and fraud (conscious misrepresentation of material facts with the intent to mislead) in the professional setting. Examples are:
  • Misrepresenting educational history
  • Not filling out licensing and other applications for renewal truthfully
  • Faking research
  • Inflating credentials
  • Altering charts
  • Giving expert testimony that is not truthful
Impairment: When a licensee is unable to practice with reasonable skill or safety. Examples are:
  • The use of alcohol and/or drugs while on duty
  • The use of alcohol and/or drugs while off duty that causes impairment when on duty, when taking call, or when supervising other healthcare professionals, regardless of practice setting
  • Having untreated current physical or mental health problems impacting a licensee's practice
  • Overworking, to the extent that diminishes concentration or decision making ability
Lack of Conscientiousness: When a licensee does not fulfill responsibilities to patients, colleagues, and society. Examples are:
  • Charting poorly
  • Abandoning patients
  • Not returning phone calls or pages
  • Not responding appropriately or refusing referrals without a good reason
  • Not providing patient records in a timely manner
  • Supervising trainees inadequately
  • Self-medicating without documentation
  • Not keeping up with the skills and knowledge advances in the scope of practice
Conflict of Interest: When the licensee puts their interests above that of the patient and society. Examples are:
  • Ordering diagnostic procedures or treatment from businesses where the licensee has a financial interest
  • Receiving expensive gifts, money, or loans from patients, pharmaceutical companies, or others connected with the licensee's practice
  • Not disclosing situations where the licensee's recommendations may result in financial gain for the licensee of the licensee's family/friends.

- Adopted May 2005; Amended July 2024

The Oregon Medical Board holds licensees to recognized standards of ethics of the medical profession, specifically for this philosophy: American Medical Association's Code of Medical Ethics: Opinion 11.2.12 Professionalism in Health Care Systems; American Association of Physician Assistants' Guidelines for Ethical Conduct for the PA Profession: The PA and Individual Professionalism; and Oregon Association of Acupuncturists' Code of Ethics: Commitment to the Profession
- ORS 677.190(1)(a) and ORS 677.188(4)(a)

See the Board's Statement of Philosophy on Mental Health and Wellness.