DEQ is committed to preventing pollution through voluntary, statewide programs. We administer and manage the Safer Choice Certification Assistance Program project with our partner the Pollution Prevention Resource Center. This project is made possible through the EPA's competitive pollution prevention grant program that focuses on measurable environmental benefits.
The Safer Choice Certification Assistance Program provides businesses free training, technical assistance and financial incentives to get the Safer Choice label for their products. This program is funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's pollution prevention grant program and is administered by the Pollution Prevention Resource Center.
Safer Choice certified products can only use chemical ingredients that are vetted and approved by the EPA and use packaging guidelines that prevent waste. There are thousands of certified products available now.
What is Safer Choice?
Safer Choice program offers consumers and businesses an easy way to find products that use safer chemicals. It also helps manufacturers certify their products under the Safer Choice label, and find safer ingredients:
Make you own cleaning products!
Instead of buying cleaning products, you can make your own using non-toxic ingredients. Check out these DIY recipes.