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Oregon Health Authority

Submit a Transaction Notice

Health Care Market Oversight Submissions

All proposed transactions involving health care entities that meet the criteria in OARs 409-070-0000 through 409-070-0085 must submit a notice of material change transaction for review. Applicants must complete and submit all required forms to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). 

OHA can provide technical assistance related to the filing process and forms. To submit questions or request technical assistance, email

Contact Us

Please email:

Media inquiries:

Amy Bacher, Communications -OHSU-Legacy transaction
(503) 405-5403

Franny White, Communications -All other HCMO transactions

(971) 349-9539

HCMO Homepage

Pre-filing Conference

OHA encourages all entities to request a conference prior to filing a notice of proposed transaction. During a pre-filing conference, OHA and entities can discuss the filing process, whether the proposed transaction requires entities to file a notice, what forms will need to be completed, what information may be requested from entities, handling of confidential information, and submission timing. To request a pre-filing conference, please email

Submission Forms

Use the forms below for HCMO submissions. Direct any questions related to forms or submission to
Who submits?
HCMO-1: Notice of Material Change Transaction
Submitted by all applicants seeking to notify OHA of a proposed materials change transaction, except those applying for emergency exemption. This form will be published.
All applicants submitting HCMO-1: Notice of Material Change Transaction where any of the entities have National Provider Identifiers (NPIs). 
HCMO-1b: Business Entities
All applicants submitting HCMO-1: Notice of Material Change Transaction where any of the entities have multiple business entities operating in Oregon. 
HCMO-1c: Facilities & Locations
All applicants submitting HCMO-1: Notice of Material Change Transaction that operate facilities or locations in Oregon.

HCMO-2: Emergency Exemption
Applicants requesting an emergency exemption from HCMO review due to a situation that immediately threatens health care services and is urgently needed to protect consumers and preserve the solvency of an entity. 
HCMO-3: Rebutting Presumption of Control
Applicants wishing to rebut the presumption of control.  
HCMO-4: Determination of Covered Transaction Status
Applicants requesting that OHA determine whether a notice of material change transaction is required. 

Other Submission Requirements

Some health care entities may also be required to submit information to other state or federal authorities. If you are planning a transaction, you should contact all relevant authorities to understand requirements related to your transaction. The list below includes some of the other Oregon state authorities that have requirements related to certain health care transactions: