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Oregon Health Authority


2006 Oregon Healthy Teens Survey


Participating students were asked about their race and ethnicity in question #4: "How do you describe yourself? (Select one or more responses.)"

The first six groups in the list below reflect the race and ethnicity choices students were given and students were counted in each category they chose. For example, of the 197 8th grade students who marked 'American Indian' (and are reported as such below), 39.6% chose only that race/ethnicity, 44.9% marked one additional race/ethnicity and 15.6% marked two or more other racial or ethnic groups.The one exception to this pattern is the seventh group below which contains only non-Hispanic Whites.


  • The data is generally reported in the order that the questions appeared in the survey.
  • Download the survey instrument.
  • Caution should be used in interpreting any numbers or making statistical comparisons where less than 200 teens answered a question.

   8th Grade 11th Grade
American Indian or Alaska Native PDF PDF
Black or African American PDF PDF
Hispanic or Latino PDF PDF
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander PDF PDF
Non-Hispanic White Only PDF PDF