Review for Completeness
We will review the application for completeness after the 30-day period has lapsed. If the program does not receive all required documentation and the necessary criminal background check fees within the time frames specified above, the application will be considered incomplete.
If an application is considered incomplete due to lack of submitting all required documents, or if the documentation is insufficient, we will notify the Primary PRD in writing of the specific deficiencies. The written notice will state that you will have 10 calendar days from the date of mailing of the notice to provide the additional documentation.
If you fail to provide the additional documents within the 10 calendar days, or if any of the documents are incomplete, insufficient or otherwise do not demonstrate compliance with ORS 475B.858, OAR 333-008-1020 to 333-008-1060 and OAR 333-008-2020, the application will be declared incomplete.
The program treats an application that is declared incomplete as if it was never received. The Primary PRD is notified in writing of the determination. A new application would be required if the applicant desired to pursue registration.
Application Review
We will review the application, documents and the results of all criminal background checks to determine compliance with ORS 475B.858 and Oregon Administrative Rules. During the review process, if the Authority determines that the application or supporting documents contain intentionally false or misleading information, the Authority may return the application to the Primary PRD as incomplete, or issue a notice of denial.
Prior to making a decision on whether to approve or deny an application we must:
Review the criminal background check results for each individual named on the application;
Determine whether the proposed location of the dispensary is the same location as a registered grow site under OAR 333-008-0025;
Review documentation submitted by the applicant to determine, based on the information provided by the applicant, whether the proposed location of the dispensary is located within 1,000 feet of:
The real property comprising a public or private elementary or secondary school, except as provided in ORS475B.864; or
Another registered dispensary.
Verify that the applicant is registered as a business with the Office of the Secretary of State; and
Verify that the proposed location of the dispensary is not:
Located in an area that is “zoned for residential use”; or
In a city or county that has adopted an ordinance under ORS 475B.968, prohibiting dispensaries.
You will be notified in writing if the results of the application review confirm a basis for a denial.
Application Not Approved
If your application is not approved, and it is eligible for a refund*, the $3,500 registration fee will be refunded to the credit card or debt card account used for payment upon initial application and you will receive a letter explaining the reason(s) why your application was not approved.
Readiness Notification
If the review of the application confirms there is no basis for denial, we will notify the Primary PRD that you have 60 calendar days to submit a
Notification of Dispensary Readiness Form. The readiness form confirms that the dispensary is prepared, complies with all rules, and that you are ready for a pre-registration inspection.
- You may request one extension of up to an additional 60 calendar days to the submit the Readiness Request Form.
- A request for an extension must be submitted using an
Extension Request for Dispensary Readiness Form, and be received by the program within the 60 calendar days specified for submitting the
Notification of Dispensary Readiness Form and - Must explain and provide documentation that shows why you cannot, for reasons beyond your control, meet the 60-day deadline; and
- Must specify when you believe you can submit the Notification of Dispensary Readiness Form.
- If an extension request is approved, you will be notified in writing of the new deadline for submitting the Notification of Dispensary Readiness Form.
- If you fail to submit the Notification of Dispensary Readiness Form or an Extension Request for Dispensary Readiness Form within the 60-day deadline, then the application will be declared incomplete. The program treats an application that is declared incomplete as if it was never received. The Primary PRD is notified in writing of the determination. A new application would be required if the applicant desired to pursue registration.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We receive an automatic email notification every time that you upload a document to your MMD account. Please
do not duplicate the online submittal by emailing or mailing us a copy of what you have uploaded. That only slows down our case processing. Please do not call or email to confirm that you successfully uploaded documents; if you see them in your MMD account, then we will, too.
Readiness Inspection
A readiness inspection should only be requested when the proposed dispensary complies with all of OAR 333-008-1110 through 333-008-1248 and OAR 333-008-2000 through 333-008-2200.
The Program must perform a pre-registration, readiness inspection within
30 days of receiving a timely
Notification of Dispensary Readiness Form. Your readiness inspection will be assigned to a Compliance Specialist who will contact you to confirm an inspection date. That Compliance Specialist will also provide you a full overview of the scope of the inspection and will forward you some example materials to be used during the inspection.
If the readiness inspection reveals non-compliance with any of the above specified rules the Program will provide the result of the inspection and may:
Require an applicant to perform corrective action to come into compliance within 10 business days (notice of corrective action is provided in writing); or
Propose to deny the application in accordance with OAR 333-008-1060; or
Declare the application incomplete.
Approval to Operate
If, after the readiness inspection, your Compliance Specialist determines that the applicants and premises are in compliance, the Program will provide the results of the inspection and will:
- Notify the Primary PRD in writing that the dispensary may operate; and
- Provide the Primary PRD with a certificate as proof of registration that includes a unique registration number. The certificate will be mailed to the Primary PRD at the mailing address provided in the initial application.
A registered dispensary must at all times display proof of registration in a prominent place inside the dispensary. It must be easily visible to individuals authorized to transfer marijuana items to the dispensary, and to individuals who are authorized to receive a transfer of marijuana items from the dispensary.
Once you have passed your readiness inspection you will be required to pay the Cannabis Tracking System (CTS) fee of $480. This fee is to be paid annually.
The best way for you to check the status of your application, or to confirm documents were uploaded, is to sign in to your online MMD account at