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Oregon Health Authority

Drug Lab Decontamination Costs

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Costs for drug lab decontamination will vary depending on the nature and extent of the cleanup needed. The primary areas of cost are:

  1. Contractor charges for site assessment, sampling and cleanup; and
  2. State fees for review of the contractor's site assessment and work plan, and for issuing the Certificate of Fitness.

State Fees

The fees listed below do not include the fees associated with the property testing and cleanup by a drug lab decontamination contractor.

Owners may want to contact several contractors and solicit bids for the purpose of property assessment and cleanup. The following are State fees only and do not include the contractor's fees for property assessment and decontamination.

Property assessment and sampling review
Contractor's cleanup work plan review
  ($100.00 for vehicles, trailers & boats)
Project completion review and issuance of the Certificate of Fitness $200.00
Total Fees $1400.00

If, after the initial review of the property assessment and sampling report, it is determined that no cleanup is necessary, OHA fee is $500 ($300 for assessment and sampling review and $200 for project completion review and issuing the Certificate of Fitness.)