Oregon's Continuous Quality Improvement
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is a strength-based process that relies on teamwork to improve processes, services and outcomes. It is an ongoing cycle of collecting data and then testing, implementing, learning from, and revising solutions.
Continuous Quality Improvement is a required component of the MIECHV grant. Local Implementing Agencies conduct CQI activities as part of working to improve the quality of home visiting services in Oregon.
2020 State CQI Learning Collaborative: Joy in Work
For FY2020 the Oregon MIECHV Program is engaging in a statewide CQI learning collaborative to increase home visiting staff wellbeing, or “joy in work.” Through employing CQI principles, skills and methods, including Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles, LIA leadership and home visiting staff will identify and test strength-based approaches to support home visiting staff wellbeing and their ability to be present and centered with their families. Teams are focusing their tests of change on 5 critical areas (primary drivers) related to joy in work: 1) Meaning, Purpose and Recognition; 2) Physical and Psychological Safety; 3) Camaraderie and Teamwork; 4) Wellness and Resiliency; and 5) Choice and Autonomy. We believe that increasing joy in work among home visiting staff will support improved engagement in self and collective care, reduced burnout and turnover among staff and ultimately, strengthened home visitor-client relationships and family outcomes.
2020 Joy in Work CQI Learning Collaborative Kick-off Webinar (video)
Joy in Work Kick-off webinar slides 
Joy in Work Key Driver Diagram 
Joy in Work Collaborative Charter 
2018 State CQI Project: Safe Sleep
For 2018, Oregon’s MIECHV Program is conducting a statewide Continuous Quality Improvement project focused on reducing rates of sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) through safe infant sleep practices. The goal is to increase the number of enrolled infants who never bed-share, always sleep on their backs, and always sleep without soft bedding from 18.3% to 25% by September 2018.
For more information about this statewide project and to read a snapshot of safe sleep CQI projects being implemented, see
this article from The Northwest Bulletin, produced by the Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health at the University of Washington. For more information and resources on safe sleep and SUIDS, please see
Safe Sleep for Babies.
2017 State CQI Project: Developmental Referrals
In 2017, MIECHV focused on connecting children who screen at-risk for development delays to Early Intervention and other community resources in a timely manner. Early detection of developmental delays through
developmental screening and follow-up can promote a child's healthy development.
Continuous Quality Improvement Webinar
- This Webinar and PowerPoint presentation introduces the concept of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), provides an overview of the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle that is used to guide quality improvement projects, and describes the process for conducting CQI activities for MIECHV Local Implementing Agencies in Oregon.
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) for MIECHV (video)