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This project focused on restarting the planning process to address fish passage at Kellogg Dam. North Clackamas Watersheds Council successfully convened all partners (state, local and federal agencies, as well as two tribes, regional government, and two national nonprofits American Rivers and Native Fish Society). The project accelerated quickly, building agency support, political and community support, and funding was secured for the subsequent two phases of the project (feasibility and design).
Grantee: North Clackamas Watersheds Council
Grant Type: Engagement Grant
Articles:$15 million federal grant will launch dam removal project in MilwaukieKellogg Creek Restoration and Community Enhancement ProjectLearn More about Kellogg Creek Restoration and Community Enhancement ProjectKellogg Dam removal project finally gets big boost in Milwaukie
For more information: Search OWEB's Grant Management System (OGMS) for Project Number 219-3033 (ID 16691).
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