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Lostine River

looking at the confluence of the Lostine and Wallowa Rivers as they flow toward the viewer. Large cobble rocks are on the right. 


Trout Unlimited


Threatened Chinook salmon that navigated over 600 miles and 8 mainstem Columbia/Snake River hydroelectric dams were met with an impassible barrier just before they were able to reach their near-pristine spawning grounds on the Lostine River. This last barrier included 14 minor irrigation diversions and stretches of the river that dwindled to a trickle when competing with irrigation needs. When Federal agents threatened to lock the head gates of irrigators in order to save salmon, the Nez Perce stood firm against it and proposed a plan to restore the nearly extinct fisheries and keep farms in business.

Project Overview

In 2004, the Nez Perce Tribe and an environmental non-profit began working with upper Lostine irrigators to come up with a solution to extreme low flow conditions caused by irrigation diversions during a critical time of the year for Chinook migration and spawning. The result of this collaboration, the Upper Lostine Minimum Flow Agreement, was born in 2005. The program compensates more than 60 farmers and ranchers for working together to maintain a minimum flow of 15 cubic feet per second during August and September. Trout Unlimited continues to restore instream flows in the Lostine through upgraded irrigation infrastructure and water leasing and transfers that compensate irrigators while improving water flow in the Lostine River.

To learn more please visit:

Final Technical Report
Story Map with video

For more information, please search OWEB's Grant Management System (OGMS) for Project Number 222-7000-20115.