January 2025 update
The Environmental Quality Commission has approved a new OR-GREET 4.0 model. Please note the updated Annual Fuel Pathway Report document and the newly posted OR-GREET 4.0 models.
Program Background
The Oregon Clean Fuels Program is a low carbon fuel standard designed to reduce the carbon intensity of Oregon's transportation fuel pool and encourage the production of those fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing the dependence on petroleum in the transportation sector. The CFP uses an localized version of the Argonne National Laboratory's Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies model, called OR-GREET, to calculate CI values. Those values are reported in grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per megajoule (CO2e/MJ).
The program is based on the principle that each fuel has "life cycle" greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2, CH4, N2O, and other GHG contributors. This life cycle assessment examines the GHG emissions associated with a given fuel's production, transportation, and use. The life cycle assessment includes direct emissions associated with producing, transporting, and using the fuels and significant indirect effects on GHG emissions, such as changes in land use for some biofuels.
Published Carbon Intensity Values
The below lists publish the carbon intensity values currently certified for use in the Clean Fuels Program, along with a list of physical pathways that fuels use to get to Oregon from where they are produced.
A fuel producer can register and obtain a certified carbon intensity under the CFP in four ways as outlined in
OAR 340-253-0450:
- Apply to the Oregon CFP using an already certified California Air Resources Board fuel pathway and CI as outlined in OAR 340-253-0450(2).
- Apply for a CI using the Tier 1 or Tier 2 fuel pathway application process outlined in OAR 340-253-0450(3).
- If your fuel production facility has been operating commercially for at least 90 days but less than 24 months, you can request a provisional CI as outlined in OAR 340-253-0450(6).
- Fuels that do not have a certified CI can be assigned a Temporary Fuel Pathway Code, which can be found in Table 9 under OAR 340-253-8010 or provided by the DEQ as outlined in OAR 340-253-0450(11).
New Tier 2 pathways
New Tier 2 fuel pathways are modeled using the
OR-GREET 3.0 model. Fuel producers and reporting parties use Tier 2 fuel
pathway applications when the OR-GREET model is used to calculate the proposed
CI value(s). Any registered fuel producer can request a new Tier 2 fuel pathway. Original Tier 2 pathway applications must be posted for public comment starting in 2025, and DEQ will post additional applications and summaries here for public comment on the technical and policy issues associated with the pathway. The agency plans to notify interested parties of these public comment opportunities via our listserv.
New temporary pathways
Temporary pathways are used by fuel producers and reporting parties when an approved provisional or full fuel pathway certified by DEQ does not exist. These pathways are used for a maximum of two quarters. There is a list of approved temporary fuel pathways in Table 9 of OAR 340-253-8010. Any registered party, including reporting entities, can request that we develop a new temporary pathway and the table below summarizes those requests and approvals.
Energy Economy Ratio and EER-adjusted carbon intensity applications
Energy Economy Ratio and EER-Adjusted carbon intensity applications. EERs are used to account for the difference in efficiencies
between vehicle technologies. There is a list of approved EERs in Table 7 of OAR 340-253-8010. Vehicle owners or operators of
electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles that are not covered by an approved EER in Table 7 may apply for one through a Tier 2
application under OAR 340-253-0460. The table below summarizes those applications and approvals.