Scheduling for Academy Training 
When a public safety professional is hired they must become certified in their discipline. The first step to Certification is attending basic training and completing the appropriate field training manual. Class Schedules are detailed below followed by required forms and the Attending the Academy requirements.
Officers promoted into a supervisory or management role are required to attend the Supervisory Leadership Academy (SLA) or Organized Management Leadership Academy (OLMA) within 1 year of promotion. There is an equivalency option detailed in the Leadership Equivalency forms (F21 and F22)
Academy Classes
It may appear seats are available in classes; however this is not a guarantee. The number of available seats are provided to assist you in planning.
***Weeks students will not be on campus due to holidays and/or in-service weeks are below (subject to change)***
Please plan accordingly, as the student will be back at your Agency during these times
2024: (July 1, 2024 - July 5, 2024) (August 26, 2024- August 30, 2024) - (September 2, 2024- September 6, 2024) (November 25, 2024 - November 29, 2024) (December 23, 2024 - December 27, 2024) - (December 30, 2024 -January 3, 2025)
2025: (February 17, 2025 - February 21, 2025) - exceptions: BT147 and BCL064 (June 30, 2025- July 4, 2025) (September 1, 2025 - September 5, 2025) (November 24, 2025 - November 28, 2025) (December 22, 2025 - January 2, 2026)
Click on the plus(+) next to a class to see additional details.
All courses have testing components. DPSST is committed to serving test takers with disabilities and health-related needs by providing service and reasonable accommodations that are appropriate given the purpose of the test. Any exam candidate with a documented disability may be eligible for nonstandard testing accommodations. If you believe you may need any adjustments, modifications or accommodations, you should contact the Academy Training Coordinator listed in the email that you will receive from DPSST or DPSST main reception at (503) 378-2100 one week prior to the start of the class date to request suitable arrangements.
Information for Veterans
- By attending this basic academy, you may qualify for Veterans benefits through the GI Bill. Click here to learn more.
Prior to Arrival
- Students will be given a USB drive containing all course materials at check-in. Students will need a laptop loaded with Microsoft Word and a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat for use in training.
- Review Student Rules and Regulations.
- Print out and utilize the ChecklistBasicPolice.pdf to help make the transition to academy life easier.
Upon Arrival at the Academy
- Report to the academy dorms (Building E) between 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. on the Monday that class starts.
- Check-in and orientation will last approximately 4 hours. Meal service will be provided on this date. If an emergency or unforeseen situation arises and the student is not going to be able to arrive by 7:00 a.m, they must contact the coordinator listed in your confirmation email as soon as possible.
- When you arrive have only the following with you:
- Black t-shirt (no logos or pockets)
- Black duty boots or shoes
- Duty belt
- Ballistic vest
- Pen
- Identification
- Any DPSST related paperwork, including completed Emergency Data Sheet
- Any weapons
Information for Veterans- By attending this basic academy, you may qualify for Veterans benefits through the GI Bill. Click here to learn more.
Prior to Arrival
Upon Arrival at the Academy
- Be ready at the academy dorms (Building E) at 7:00 a.m. on the Monday that class starts.
- Check-in and orientation will last approximately 4 hours. Meal service will be provided on this date. If an emergency or unforeseen situation arises and the student is not going to be able to arrive by 7:00 a.m., they must contact the coordinator listed in your confirmation email as soon as possible.
- When you arrive have only the following with you:
- Black t-shirt (no logos or pockets)
- Black duty boots or shoes
- Duty belt
- Ballistic vest
- Pen
- Identification
- Any DPSST related paperwork, including completed Emergency Data Sheet
- Any weapons
Information for Veterans
- By attending this basic academy, you may qualify for Veterans benefits through the GI Bill. Click here to learn more.
Prior to Arrival
Upon Arrival at the Academy
- Report to the Academy at 7:00 AM on the first morning of class
- Wear business attire or your agency uniform during all academic classes; NO JEANS
Information for Veterans
- By attending this basic academy, you may qualify for Veterans benefits through the GI Bill. Click here to learn more.
Prior to Arrival
- Students will be given a USB drive containing all course materials at check-in. Students will need a laptop loaded with Microsoft Word and a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat for use in training.
- Review and bring Student Rules and Regulations.
- Complete the Emergency Data Sheet.pdf and bring with you.
- Print out and utilize the ChecklistBPP.pdf to help make the transition to academy life easier.
Upon Arrival at the Academy
- Be ready at the Academy dorms (Building E) at 7:30 a.m. on the Monday of your class start date.
- Check-in and orientation will last approximately four hours. Meal service will be provided on this date. If an emergency or unforeseen situation arises and the student is not going to be able to arrive by 0730 hours, they must contact the coordinator listed in your confirmation email as soon as possible.
- When you arrive have only the following with you:
- Black t-shirt (no logos or pockets)
- Black duty boots or shoes
- Duty belt
- Ballistic vest
- Pen
- Identification
- Any DPSST related paperwork, including completed Emergency Data Sheet
- Any weapons
Information for Veterans
- By attending this basic academy, you may qualify for Veterans benefits through the GI Bill. Click here to learn more.
Prior to Arrival
- Students will be given a USB drive containing all course materials at check-in. Students will need a laptop loaded with Microsoft Word and a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat for use in training.
- Review and bring Student Rules and Regulations.
- Complete the Emergency Data Sheet.pdf and bring with you .
- Print out and utilize the ChecklistOLCC.pdf to help make the transition to academy life easier.
Upon Arrival at the Academy
- Be ready at the academy dorms (Building E) at 8:00 a.m. on the Monday of your class start date.
Check-in and orientation will last approximately four hours. Meal service will be provided on this date. If an emergency or unforeseen situation arises and the student is not going to be able to arrive by 0800 hours, they must contact the coordinator listed in your confirmation email as soon as possible.
- When you arrive have only the following with you:
- Black t-shirt (no logos or pockets)
- Black duty boots or shoes
- Duty belt
- Ballistic vest
- Pen
- Identification
- Any DPSST related paperwork, including completed Emergency Data Sheet
- Any weapons
Information for Veterans
- By attending this basic academy, you may qualify for Veterans benefits through the GI Bill. Click here to learn more.
Prior to Arrival
- Students will be given a USB drive containing all course materials at check-in. Students will need a laptop loaded with Microsoft Word and a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat for use in training.
- Review and bring Student Rules and Regulations.
- Complete the Emergency Data Sheet.pdf and bring with you.
- Print out and utilize the ChecklistBasicTelecom.pdf to help make the transition to academy life easier.
- If you will be lodging in the DPSST dorms, you may opt to arrive on Sunday for self check-in to your dorm room. Instructions on how to access the gate, domitory entrance and your assigned dorm room will be provided to you in advance.
Upon Arrival at the Academy
Information for Veterans
- By attending this basic academy, you may qualify for Veterans benefits through the GI Bill. Click here to learn more.
Prior to Arrival
- Students will be given a USB drive containing all course materials at check-in. Students will need a laptop loaded with Microsoft Word and a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat for use in training.
- Review and bring Student Rules and Regulations.
- Complete the Emergency Data Sheet.pdf and bring with you.
- Print out and utilize the Emergency Medical Dispatch Checklist 10-2022.pdf to help make the transition to academy life easier.
- Bring personal items such as soap, towels, etc. Refer to the Student Rules and Regulations document.
Upon Arrival at the Academy
- Report to the Academy no later than 8:00 a.m. on the first morning of class.
- Wear business attire or your agency uniform durring all academic classes; NO JEANS
Information for Veterans
- By attending this basic academy, you may qualify for Veterans benefits through the GI Bill. Click here to learn more.
Prior to Arrival
- Students will receive a separate email from training staff regarding class assignments to be completed prior to attendance. This email will be sent to the work email provided on the application for training.
- Review the Student Rules and Regulations.
- LODGING RESERVATIONS ARE NOT FINAL UNTIL YOU HAVE CONFIRMED YOUR RESERVATION WITH DORM RECEPTION! If you need a room, you must email no later than 1:00 PM the Friday before class begins and include your name, gender, class number, and the dates you will be staying. Once received, dorm reception will send you a confirmation with check-in instructions and a code for entrance. Please note that due to an increased number of students on campus you may be assigned a roommate.
- Bring personal items such as soap, towels, etc. Refer to the Student Rules and Regulations document.
Upon Arrival at the Academy
- Report to the Academy at 8:00 a.m. on the first morning of class
- Wear business attire or your agency uniform durring all academic classes; NO JEANS.
Information for Veterans
- By attending this basic academy, you may qualify for Veterans benefits through the GI Bill. Click here to learn more.
Prior to Arrival
Upon Arrival at the Academy
- Report to the Academy at 7:30 a.m. on the first morning of class
- Wear business attire or your agency uniform durring all academic classes; NO JEANS
Information for Veterans
- By attending this basic academy, you may qualify for Veterans benefits through the GI Bill. Click here to learn more.
Prior to Arrival
Upon Arrival at the Academy
- Report to the Academy at 8:00 a.m. on the first morning of class
- When you arrive have only the following with you:
- Black t-shirt (no logos or pockets)
- Black duty boots or shoes
- Duty belt
- Ballistic vest
- Pen
- Identification
- Any DPSST related paperwork, including completed Emergency Data Sheet
- Any weapons
First Day of Class
Students will receive a separate email from training staff with course materials and information regarding test procedures and preparation. This email will be sent to the student's work email provided on the F5 Application for Training.