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Emergency Management Resources


The Oregon Department of Emergency Management (OEM) works in the five mission areas of emergency management: Prevention, Preparedness, Mitigation, Response and Recovery.

Mutual Aid Resources

Emergencies often overwhelm the capability of local governments and cross jurisdictional boundaries. Intergovernmental coordination is essential for the protection of lives, property, the environment, and incident stabilization. This cooperation is essential for the maximum use of available resources. This cooperation occurs through Mutual Aid Agreements. 

State Training Program

Oregon Department of Emergency Management (OEM) coordinates national training programs and provides training services throughout the state. These instruction programs enhance capabilities of the response communities for all hazards.

Oregon State Qualification System

The State Qualifications System (SQS) Guidance provides the policies and procedures to ensure the state builds and maintains a workforce of qualified, certified, and credentialed personnel to serve in NIMS ICS positions or Emergency Operations Center (EOC) roles.

Integrated Preparedness Planning (IPP)

The Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP) documents the planning, organizational, equipment, training and exercise (POETE) priorities for a multi-year period

Oregon Prepared Conference 

Oregon Prepared Conference The Oregon Prepared Conference provides the opportunity for partners in emergency management, public safety, and health preparedness to network, learn new lessons and best practices, and information on programs and current issues related to all phases of emergency management.

State Preparedness Calendar

The Oregon Department of Emergency Management State Preparedness Calendar is intended for members of state, local, tribal, and territorial homeland security or emergency services programs.

State Exercise Program

Exercises play a vital role in national preparedness by enabling whole community stakeholders to test and validate plans and capabilities, and identify both capability gaps and areas for improvement.

Regional Coordinators Program

The Regional Coordinators Program at the Oregon Department of Emergency Management employs specialized field staff members to support local and Tribal emergency management partners through all areas of emergencies and disasters.

Toolkits for Emergency Managers

OEM has created several toolkits to help local and tribal emergency managers with developing continuity of operations plans and communicating hazard-specific disaster event information.