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Oregon Health Authority

Natality, Induced Termination of Pregnancy and Teen Pregnancy Data

Annual Report Volume 1 Archive Index

Until 2017, the Vital Statistics Annual Report was issued in two volumes. Volume 1 presented data on births, abortions and teen pregnancy. See Volume 2 for data on deaths (all ages) and perinatal deaths from 1995-2017. See Birth Data Maps for county level maps.

All files are Adobe Reader (PDF) format.

Final data for 2018 and 2019 are now available as interactive data dashboards. Basic traditional tables of preliminary and final data by county and various social and medical factors are also available on our Birth Data page. A limited number of 2018 data tables were also produced.

  • Table 2-38. Planned attendant by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2018
  • Table 2-39. Maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2018
  • Table 2-40. Characteristics of labor & delivery, and maternal & infant health characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2018

All files are PDF format.

 Complete 2017 Volume 1 report

Section 1. Quick reference
Vital events summary tables (including births, marriages, divorces, population, and low birthweight)

Section 1 - Quick reference (All tables)
Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2017

  • Table 1-1. Live births, births to unmarried mothers, low birthweight infants, and births with no prenatal care, U.S., selected years 1945-1965, 1970-2016
  • Table 1-2. Population, live births, births to unmarried mothers, marriages, and divorces, Oregon, 1910-1940, 1945-2017
  • Table 1-3. Population, live births and births to unmarried mothers by county of residence, and marriages and divorces by county of occurrence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 1-4. Population and births by city of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 1-5. Oregon rates of low birthweight and measures of prenatal care, 1980-2017
  • Table 1-6. Domestic partnerships and dissolutions of domestic partnership by county of occurrence, Oregon, 2017

Section 2. Natality

Section 2 - Natality (All tables)

  • Table 2-1. Oregon resident births by age group of mother, selected years 1960-1990, 1995-2017
  • Table 2-2. Age-specific birth rates, fertility rates, and total fertility rates, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975-2017
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon resident births to unmarried mothers, by age of mother, 1975, 1980-2017
  • Table 2-4. Age of mother by live birth order, Oregon resident births, 2017
  • Table 2-5. Most frequently used baby names, Oregon occurrence, 2017
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by age and county of residence, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-7. Resident births by race of mother, Oregon, selected years, 1975-1995, 2000-2017
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, race and county of residence of mother, Oregon resident births, 2017
  • Table 2-9. Births to unmarried mothers, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-10. Age of mother and county of residence, Oregon residence births, 2017
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried mothers by age of mother and county of residence, Oregon births, 2017
  • Table 2-12. Region and selected country of mother's birth by continent of father's birth, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-13. Race, ethnicity, and place of birth of mother by selected demographic characteristics (percent), Oregon resident births, 2017
  • Table 2-14. Maternal characteristics by principal method of payment for delivery, Oregon resident births, 2017
  • Table 2-15. Reported use of tobacco by mother's age and county of residence, Oregon births, 2017
  • Table 2-16. Maternal risk factors by county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal care by mother's age, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal care by mother's race and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal care by mother's education, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal care by mother's county of residence, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal care by resident county for unmarried mothers, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal care by birthweight, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-23. Rates of selected medical risk factors by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-24. Selected medical or health characteristics by mother's age (percents), Oregon resident births, 2017
  • Table 2-25. Selected medical or health characteristics by mother's race (percents), Oregon resident births, 2017
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with selected medical risk factors by race of mother, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-27. Age of mother by birthweight, Oregon resident births, 2017
  • Table 2-28. Age of unmarried mothers by birthweight, Oregon resident births, 2017
  • Table 2-29. Race of mother and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-30. Low birthweight infants by county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 2-31. Weight gain of mother by period of gestation and race/ethnicity of mother, Oregon resident births, 2017
  • Table 2-32. Percent low birthweight by weight gain of mother, period of gestation, and race/ethnicity of mother, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-33. Live births with selected abnormal conditions of the newborn by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-34. Live births with selected abnormal conditions of the newborn by race of mother, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 2-35. Congenital anomalies by age of mother, Oregon resident births, 2017
  • Table 2-36. County of occurrence by type of institution and delivery attendant, Oregon occurrence births, 2017
  • Table 2-37. Delivery method by day of birth, mother's age, race/ethnicity and payment source (percents), Oregon resident births, 2017
  • Table 2-38. Planned attendant by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2017
  • Table 2-39. Maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2017
  • Table 2-40. Characteristics of labor & delivery, and maternal & infant health characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2017
  • Table 2-41. Live birth order by county of residence, Oregon resident births, 2017
  • Table 2-42. Payment of delivery by county of residence, Oregon resident births, 2017
  • Table 2-43. Selected maternal conditions, infant characteristics by county, Oregon occurrence, 2017

Section 3. Induced terminations of pregnancy 

Section 3 - Induced terminations of pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 3-1. Number, rate, and percent change for pregnancies, births, and abortions to 15- to 44-year-olds, Oregon, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995-2017
  • Table 3-2.  Live births and induced abortions occurring in Oregon, 1980-2017
  • Table 3-3.  Induced abortions by race/ethnicity, marital status and age, Oregon occurrence, 2017
  • Table 3-4.  Abortions in relation to length of gestation by method, complications, and age of patient, Oregon occurrence, 2017
  • Table 3-5.  Contraceptive use, number of previous abortions, and number of living children by age of patient, Oregon occurrence, 2017
  • Table 3-6.  Induced terminations of pregnancy occurring in Oregon by residence and age group of patient, 2017
  • Table 3-7.  Induced terminations of pregnancy by county of residence and county of occurrence, Oregon, 2017 (rev Jan 2019)

Section 4.  Teen pregnancy

Section 4 - Teen pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 4-1.  Oregon pregnancies for teens 15-19, 1975-2017
  • Table 4-2.  Oregon pregnancies for young teens (10-17 years), 1975-2017
  • Table 4-3.  Pregnancy rates of teens by county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 4-4.  Birth rates of teen mothers by county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 4-5.  Abortion rates of teens by county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 4-6.  Births to teens 15-19 by race/ethnicity, adequacy of prenatal care and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 4-7.  Births to teens 15-19 by marital status, race/ethnicity and age by adequacy of prenatal care and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 4-8.  Births to teens 15-19 by level of prenatal care, low birthweight rates, and county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 4-9.  Birth outcomes of infants by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 4-10.  Demographic characteristics of mother by age, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 4-11.  Demographic characteristics of abortion patients by age, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 4-12.  Age of father by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 4-13.  Age of father by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2012-2017


Complete Appendix A.  Oregon population tables by age and sex

Complete Appendix B.  Technical notes

Complete Appendix C.  List of figures and tables

Complete Appendix D.  Sample forms


All files are PDF format

Complete 2016 Volume 1 report

Section 1. Quick reference
Vital events summary tables (including births, marriages, divorces, population, and low birthweight)

Section 1 - Quick reference (All tables)
Quick reference guide

  • Table 1-1.  Live births, births to unmarried mothers, marriages, and divorces, U.S., 1945-2016
  • Table 1-2.  Population, live births, births to unmarried mothers, marriages, and divorces, Oregon, 1910-1940, 1945-2016
  • Table 1-3.  Population, live births and births to unmarried mothers by county of residence, and marriages and divorces by county of occurrence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 1-4.  Population and births by city of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 1-5.  Oregon rates of low birthweight and measures of prenatal care, 1980-2016
  • Table 1-6.  Domestic partnerships and dissolutions of domestic partnership by county of occurrence, Oregon, 2016


Section 2.  Natality 

Section 2 - Natality (All tables)

  • Table 2-1. Oregon resident births by age group of mother, selected years 1960-1990, 1995-2016
  • Table 2-2. Age-specific birth rates, fertility rates, and total fertility rates, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975-2016
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon resident births to unmarried mothers, by age of mother, 1975, 1980-2016
  • Table 2-4. Age of mother by live birth order, Oregon resident births, 2016
  • Table 2-5. Most frequently used baby names, Oregon occurrence, 2016
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by age and county of residence, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-7. Resident births by race of mother, Oregon, selected years, 1975-1995, 2000-2016
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, race and county of residence of mother, Oregon resident births, 2016
  • Table 2-9. Births to unmarried mothers, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-10. Age of mother and county of residence, Oregon residence births, 2016
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried mothers by age of mother and county of residence, Oregon births, 2016
  • Table 2-12. Region and selected country of mother's birth by continent of father's birth, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-13. Race, ethnicity, and place of birth of mother by selected demographic characteristics (percent), Oregon resident births, 2016
  • Table 2-14. Maternal characteristics by principal method of payment for delivery, Oregon resident births, 2016
  • Table 2-15. Reported use of tobacco by mother's age and county of residence, Oregon births, 2016
  • Table 2-16. Maternal risk factors by county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal care by mother's age, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal care by mother's race and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal care by mother's education, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal care by mother's county of residence, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal care by resident county for unmarried mothers, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal care by birthweight, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-23. Rates of selected medical risk factors by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-24. Selected medical or health characteristics by mother's age (percents), Oregon resident births, 2016
  • Table 2-25. Selected medical or health characteristics by mother's race (percents), Oregon resident births, 2016
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with selected medical risk factors by race of mother, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-27. Age of mother by birthweight, Oregon resident births, 2016
  • Table 2-28. Age of unmarried mothers by birthweight, Oregon resident births, 2016
  • Table 2-29. Race of mother and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-30. Low birthweight infants by county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 2-31. Weight gain of mother by period of gestation and race/ethnicity of mother, Oregon resident births, 2016
  • Table 2-32. Percent low birthweight by weight gain of mother, period of gestation, and race/ethnicity of mother, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-33. Live births with selected abnormal conditions of the newborn by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-34. Live births with selected abnormal conditions of the newborn by race of mother, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 2-35. Congenital anomalies by age of mother, Oregon resident births, 2016
  • Table 2-36. County of occurrence by type of institution and delivery attendant, Oregon occurrence births, 2016
  • Table 2-37. Delivery method by day of birth, mother's age, race/ethnicity and payment source (percents), Oregon resident births, 2016
  • Table 2-38. Planned attendant by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2016
  • Table 2-39. Maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2016
  • Table 2-40. Characteristics of labor & delivery, and maternal & infant health characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2016
  • Table 2-41. Live birth order by county of residence, Oregon resident births, 2016
  • Table 2-42. Payment of delivery by county of residence, Oregon resident births, 2016
  • Table 2-43. Selected maternal conditions, infant characteristics by county, Oregon occurrence, 2016

Section 3. Induced terminations of pregnancy 

Section 3 - Induced terminations of pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 3-1.  Number, rate, and percent change for pregnancies, births, and abortions to 15- to 44-year-olds, Oregon, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995-2016
  • Table 3-2.  Live births and induced abortions occurring in Oregon, 1980-2016
  • Table 3-3.  Induced abortions by race/ethnicity, marital status and age, Oregon occurrence, 2016
  • Table 3-4.  Abortions in relation to length of gestation by method, complications, and age of patient, Oregon occurrence, 2016
  • Table 3-5.  Contraceptive use, number of previous abortions, and number of living children by age of patient, Oregon occurrence, 2016
  • Table 3-6.  Induced terminations of pregnancy occurring in Oregon by residence and age group of patient, 2016
  • Table 3-7.  Induced terminations of pregnancy by county of residence and county of occurrence, Oregon, 2016

Section 4.  Teen pregnancy

Section 4 - Teen pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 4-1.  Oregon pregnancies for teens 15-19, 1975-2016
  • Table 4-2.  Oregon pregnancies for young teens (10-17 years), 1975-2016
  • Table 4-3.  Pregnancy rates of teens by county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 4-4.  Birth rates of teen mothers by county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 4-5.  Abortion rates of teens by county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 4-6.  Births to teens 15-19 by race/ethnicity, adequacy of prenatal care and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 4-7.  Births to teens 15-19 by marital status, race/ethnicity and age by adequacy of prenatal care and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 4-8.  Births to teens 15-19 by level of prenatal care, low birthweight rates, and county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 4-9.  Birth outcomes of infants by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 4-10.  Demographic characteristics of mother by age, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 4-11.  Demographic characteristics of abortion patients by age, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 4-12.  Age of father by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 4-13.  Age of father by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2012-2016



Complete Appendix B.  TECHNICAL NOTES


Complete Appendix D​.  SAMPLE FORMS

All files are PDF format

Complete 2015 Volume 1 report

Section 1. Quick reference
Vital events summary tables (including births, marriages, divorces, population, and low birthweight)

Section 1 - Quick reference (All tables)
Quick reference guide

  • Table 1-1.  Live births, births to unmarried mothers, marriages, and divorces, U.S., 1945-2015
  • Table 1-2.  Population, live births, births to unmarried mothers, marriages, and divorces, Oregon, 1910-2015
  • Table 1-3.  Population, live births and births to unmarried mothers by county of residence, and marriages and divorces by county of occurrence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 1-4.  Population and births by city of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 1-5.  Oregon rates of low birthweight and measures of prenatal care, 1980-2015
  • Table 1-6.  Domestic partnerships and dissolutions of domestic partnership by county of occurrence, Oregon, 2015


Section 2.  Natality 

Section 2 - Natality (All tables)

  • Table 2-1. Oregon resident births by age group of mother, selected years 1955-1990, 1995-2015
  • Table 2-2. Age-specific birth rates, fertility rates, and total fertility rates, Oregon, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975-2015
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon resident births to unmarried mothers, by age of mother, 1970, 1975, 1980-2015
  • Table 2-4. Age of mother by live birth order, Oregon resident births, 2015
  • Table 2-5. Most frequently used baby names, Oregon occurrence, 2015
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by age and county of residence, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-7.  Resident births by race of mother, Oregon, selected years, 1975-1995, 2000-2015
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, race and county of residence of mother, Oregon resident births, 2015
  • Table 2-9. Births to unmarried mothers, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-10. Age of mother and county of residence, Oregon residence births, 2015
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried mothers by age of mother and county of residence, Oregon births, 2015
  • Table 2-12. Region and selected country of mother's birth by continent of father's birth, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-13. Race, ethnicity, and place of birth of mother by selected demographic characteristics (percent), Oregon resident births, 2015
  • Table 2-14. Maternal characteristics by principal method of payment for delivery, Oregon resident births, 2015
  • Table 2-15. Reported use of tobacco by mother's age and county of residence, Oregon births, 2015
  • Table 2-16. Maternal risk factors by county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal care by mother's age, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal care by mother's race and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal care by mother's education, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal care by mother's county of residence, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal care by resident county for unmarried mothers, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal care by birthweight, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-23. Rates of selected medical risk factors by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-24. Selected medical or health characteristics by mother's age (percents), Oregon resident births, 2015
  • Table 2-25. Selected medical or health characteristics by mother's race (percents), Oregon resident births, 2015
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with selected medical risk factors by race of mother, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-27. Age of mother by birthweight, Oregon resident births, 2015
  • Table 2-28. Age of unmarried mothers by birthweight, Oregon resident births, 2015
  • Table 2-29. Race of mother and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2015

  • Table 2-30. Low birthweight infants by county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 2-31. Weight gain of mother by period of gestation and race/ethnicity of mother, Oregon resident births, 2015
  • Table 2-32. Percent low birthweight by weight gain of mother, period of gestation, and race/ethnicity of mother, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-33. Live births with selected abnormal conditions of the newborn by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-34. Live births with selected abnormal conditions of the newborn by race of mother, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 2-35. Congenital anomalies by age of mother, Oregon resident births, 2015
  • Table 2-36. County of occurrence by type of institution and delivery attendant, Oregon occurrence births, 2015 (rev. 11/2/16)
  • Table 2-37. Delivery method by day of birth, mother's age, race/ethnicity and payment source (percents), Oregon resident births, 2015
  • Table 2-38. Planned attendant by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2015
  • Table 2-39. Maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2015
  • Table 2-40. Characteristics of labor & delivery, and maternal & infant health characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2015
  • Table 2-41. Live birth order by county of residence, Oregon resident births, 2015
  • Table 2-42. Payment of delivery by county of residence, Oregon resident births, 2015

Section 3. Induced terminations of pregnancy 

Section 3 - Induced terminations of pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 3-1.  Number, rate, and percent change for pregnancies, births, and abortions to 15- to 44-year-olds, Oregon, 1980-1990, 1995-2015
  • Table 3-2.  Live births and induced abortions occurring in Oregon, 1970, 1975, 1980-2015
  • Table 3-3.  Induced abortions by race/ethnicity, marital status and age, Oregon occurrence, 2015
  • Table 3-4.  Abortions in relation to length of gestation by method, complications, and age of patient, Oregon occurrence, 2015
  • Table 3-5.  Contraceptive use, number of previous abortions, and number of living children by age of patient, Oregon occurrence, 2015
  • Table 3-6.  Induced terminations of pregnancy occurring in Oregon by residence and age group of patient, 2015
  • Table 3-7.  Induced terminations of pregnancy by county of residence and county of occurrence, Oregon, 2015

Section 4.  Teen pregnancy

Section 4 - Teen pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 4-1.  Oregon pregnancies for teens 15-19, 1975-2015
  • Table 4-2.  Oregon pregnancies for young teens (10-17 years), 1975-2015
  • Table 4-3.  Pregnancy rates of teens by county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 4-4.  Birth rates of teen mothers by county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 4-5.  Abortion rates of teens by county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 4-6.  Births to teens 15-19 by race/ethnicity, adequacy of prenatal care and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 4-7.  Births to teens 15-19 by marital status, race/ethnicity and age by adequacy of prenatal care and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 4-8.  Births to teens 15-19 by level of prenatal care, low birthweight rates, and county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 4-9.  Birth outcomes of infants by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 4-10.  Demographic characteristics of mother by age, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 4-11.  Demographic characteristics of abortion patients by age, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 4-12.  Age of father by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 4-13.  Age of father by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2007-2015



Complete Appendix B. TECHNICAL NOTES


Complete Appendix D.  SAMPLE FORMS


All files are PDF format

Complete 2014 Volume 1 Report

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Vital Events Summary Tables (including births, marriages, divorces, population, and low birthweight)

Section 1 Quick Reference (All tables)
Quick Reference Guide

  • Table 1-1. Live births, births to unmarried mothers, marriages, and divorces, U.S., 1945-2014
  • Table 1-2. Population, live births, births to unmarried mothers, marriages, and divorces, Oregon, 1910-2014
  • Table 1-3. Population, live births and births to unmarried mothers by county of residence, and marriages and divorces by county of occurrence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 1-4. Population and births by city of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 1-5. Oregon rates of low birthweight and measures of prenatal care, 1980-2014
  • Table 1-6. Domestic partnerships and dissolutions of domestic partnership by county of occurrence, Oregon, 2014


Section 2. Natality 

Section 2 - Natality (All tables)

  • Table 2-1. Oregon resident births by age group of mother, selected years 1955-1990, 1995-2014 (revised 8/17/2016)
  • Table 2-2. Age-specific birth rates, fertility rates, and total fertility rates, Oregon, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975-2014
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon resident births to unmarried mothers, by age of mother, 1970, 1975, 1980-2014
  • Table 2-4. Age of mother by live birth order, Oregon resident births, 2014
  • Table 2-5. Most frequently used baby names, Oregon occurrence, 2014
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by age and county of residence, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-7. Resident births by race of mother, Oregon, selected years, 1975-1995, 2000-2014
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, race and county of residence of mother, Oregon resident births, 2014
  • Table 2-9. Births to unmarried mothers, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-10. Age of mother and county of residence, Oregon residence births, 2014
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried mothers by age of mother and county of residence, Oregon births, 2014
  • Table 2-12. Region and selected country of mother's birth by continent of father's birth, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-13. Race, ethnicity, and place of birth of mother by selected demographic characteristics (percent), Oregon resident births, 2014
  • Table 2-14. Maternal characteristics by principal method of payment for delivery, Oregon resident births, 2014
  • Table 2-15. Reported use of tobacco by mother's age and county of residence, Oregon births, 2014
  • Table 2-16. Maternal risk factors by county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal care by mother's age, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal care by mother's race and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal care by mother's education, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal care by mother's county of residence, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal care by resident county for unmarried mothers, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal care by birthweight, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-23. Rates of selected medical risk factors by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-24. Selected medical or health characteristics by mother's age (percents), Oregon resident births, 2014
  • Table 2-25. Selected medical or health characteristics by mother's race (percents), Oregon resident births, 2014
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with selected medical risk factors by race of mother, Oregon residents, 2014

  • Table 2-27. Age of mother by birthweight, Oregon resident births, 2014

  • Table 2-28. Age of unmarried mothers by birthweight, Oregon resident births, 2014
  • Table 2-29. Race of mother and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-30. Low birthweight infants by county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 2-31. Weight gain of mother by period of gestation and race/ethnicity of mother, Oregon resident births, 2014
  • Table 2-32. Percent low birthweight by weight gain of mother, period of gestation, and race/ethnicity of mother, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-33. Live births with selected abnormal conditions of the newborn by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-34. Live births with selected abnormal conditions of the newborn by race of mother, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 2-35. Congenital anomalies by age of mother, Oregon resident births, 2014
  • Table 2-36. County of occurrence by type of institution and delivery attendant, Oregon occurrence births, 2014
  • Table 2-37. Delivery method by day of birth, mother's age, race/ethnicity and payment source (percents), Oregon resident births, 2014 (revised 8/17/2016)
  • Table 2-38. Planned attendant by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2014
  • Table 2-39. Maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2014
  • Table 2-40. Characteristics of labor & delivery, and maternal & infant health characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2014

Section 3. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 3-1. Number, rate, and percent change for pregnancies, births, and abortions to 15- to 44-year-olds, Oregon, 1980-1990, 1995-2014
  • Table 3-2. Live births and induced abortions occurring in Oregon, 1970, 1975, 1980-2014
  • Table 3-3. Induced abortions by race/ethnicity, marital status and age, Oregon occurrence, 2014
  • Table 3-4. Abortions in relation to length of gestation by method, complications, and age of patient, Oregon occurrence, 2014
  • Table 3-5. Contraceptive use, number of previous abortions, and number of living children by age of patient, Oregon occurrence, 2014
  • Table 3-6. Induced terminations of pregnancy occurring in Oregon by residence and age group of patient, 2014
  • Table 3-7. Induced terminations of pregnancy by county of residence and county of occurrence, Oregon, 2014

Section 4. Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 - Teen Pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 4-1. Oregon pregnancies for teens 15-19, 1975-2014
  • Table 4-2. Oregon pregnancies for young teens (10-17 years), 1975-2014
  • Table 4-3. Pregnancy rates of teens by county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 4-4. Birth rates of teen mothers by county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 4-5. Abortion rates of teens by county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 4-6. Births to teens 15-19 by race/ethnicity, adequacy of prenatal care and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 4-7. Births to teens 15-19 by marital status, race/ethnicity and age by adequacy of prenatal care and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 4-8. Births to teens 15-19 by level of prenatal care, low birthweight rates, and county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 4-9. Birth outcomes of infants by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 4-10. Demographic characteristics of mother by age, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 4-11. Demographic characteristics of abortion patients by age, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 4-12. Age of father by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 4-13. Age of father by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2007-2014



Complete Appendix B. TECHNICAL NOTES


Complete Appendix D. SAMPLE FORMS


All files are PDF format

Complete 2013 Volume 1 Report

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Vital Events Summary Tables (including births, marriages, divorces, population, and low birthweight)

Section 1 Quick Reference (All tables)
Quick Reference Guide

  • Table 1-1. Live births, births to unmarried mothers, marriages, and divorces, U.S., 1945-2013
  • Table 1-2. Population, live births, births to unmarried mothers, marriages, and divorces, Oregon, 1910-2013
  • Table 1-3. Marriages, domestic partnerships, divorces, and dissolutions of domestic partnerships by county of occurrence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 1-4. Population and births by city of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 1-5. Oregon rates of low birthweight and measures of prenatal care, 1980-2013
  • Table 1-6. Domestic partnerships by county of occurrence and sex, 2013


Section 2. Natality 

Section 2 - Natality (All tables)

  • Table 2-1. Oregon resident births by age group of mother, selected years 1955-1990, 1995-2013
  • Table 2-2. Age-specific birth rates, fertility rates, and total fertility rates, Oregon, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975-2013
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon resident births to unmarried mothers, by age of mother, 1970, 1975, 1980-2013
  • Table 2-4. Age of mother by live birth order, Oregon resident births, 2013
  • Table 2-5. Most frequently used baby names, Oregon occurrence, 2013
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by age and county of residence, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-7. Resident births by race of mother, Oregon, selected years, 1975-1995, 2000-2013
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, race and county of residence of mother, Oregon resident births, 2013
  • Table 2-9. Births to unmarried mothers, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-10. Age of mother and county of residence, Oregon residence births, 2013
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried mothers by age of mother and county of residence, Oregon births, 2013
  • Table 2-12. Region and selected country of mother's birth by continent of father's birth, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-13. Race, ethnicity, and place of birth of mother by selected demographic characteristics (percent), Oregon resident births, 2013
  • Table 2-14. Maternal characteristics by principal method of payment for delivery, Oregon resident births, 2013
  • Table 2-15. Reported use of tobacco by mother's age and county of residence, Oregon births, 2013
  • Table 2-16. Maternal risk factors by county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal care by mother's age, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal care by mother's race and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal care by mother's education, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal care by mother's county of residence, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal care by resident county for unmarried mothers, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal care by birthweight, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-23. Rates of selected medical risk factors by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-24. Selected medical or health characteristics by mother's age (percents), Oregon resident births, 2013
  • Table 2-25. Selected medical or health characteristics by mother's race (percents), Oregon resident births, 2013
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with selected medical risk factors by race of mother, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-27. Age of mother by birthweight, Oregon resident births, 2013
  • Table 2-28. Age of unmarried mothers by birthweight, Oregon resident births, 2013
  • Table 2-29. Race of mother and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2013

  • Table 2-30. Low birthweight infants by county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 2-31. Weight gain of mother by period of gestation and race/ethnicity of mother, Oregon resident births, 2013
  • Table 2-32. Percent low birthweight by weight gain of mother, period of gestation, and race/ethnicity of mother, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-33. Live births with selected abnormal conditions of the newborn by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-34. Live births with selected abnormal conditions of the newborn by race of mother, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 2-35. Congenital anomalies by age of mother, Oregon resident births, 2013
  • Table 2-36. County of occurrence by type of institution and delivery attendant, Oregon occurrence births, 2013
  • Table 2-37. Delivery method by day of birth, mother's age, race/ethnicity and payment source (percents), Oregon resident births, 2013
  • Table 2-38. Planned attendant by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2013
  • Table 2-39. Maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2013
  • Table 2-40. Characteristics of labor & delivery, and maternal & infant health characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2013

Section 3. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 3-1. Number, rate, and percent change for pregnancies, births, and abortions to 15- to 44-year-olds, Oregon, 1980-2013
  • Table 3-2. Live births and induced abortions occurring in Oregon, 1970-2013
  • Table 3-3. Induced abortions by race/ethnicity, marital status and age, Oregon occurrence, 2013
  • Table 3-4. Abortions in relation to length of gestation by method, complications, and age of patient, Oregon occurrence, 2013
  • Table 3-5. Contraceptive use, number of previous abortions, and number of living children by age of patient, Oregon occurrence, 2013
  • Table 3-6. Induced terminations of pregnancy occurring in Oregon by residence and age group of patient, 2013
  • Table 3-7. Induced terminations of pregnancy by county of residence and county of occurrence, Oregon, 2013

Section 4. Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 - Teen Pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 4-1. Oregon pregnancies for teens 15-19, 1975-2013
  • Table 4-2. Oregon pregnancies for young teens (10-17 years), 1975-2013
  • Table 4-3. Pregnancy rates of teens by county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 4-4. Birth rates of teen mothers by county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 4-5. Abortion rates of teens by county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 4-6. Births to teens 15-19 by race/ethnicity, adequacy of prenatal care and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 4-7. Births to teens 15-19 by marital status, race/ethnicity and age by adequacy of prenatal care and birthweight, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 4-8. Births to teens 15-19 by level of prenatal care, low birthweight rates, and county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 4-9. Birth outcomes of infants by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 4-10. Demographic characteristics of mother by age, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 4-11. Demographic characteristics of abortion patients by age, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 4-12. Age of father by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 4-13. Age of father by age of mother, Oregon residents, 2007-2013



Complete Appendix B. TECHNICAL NOTES


Complete Appendix D. SAMPLE FORMS


All files are PDF format

Complete 2012 Volume 1 Report

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Section One - Quick Reference (All tables)
Quick Reference Guide

  • Table 1-1.  Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, U.S., 1945-2012
  • Table 1-2. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, Oregon, 1910-2012
  • Table 1-3. Marriages, Domestic Partnerships, Divorces, and Dissolutions of Domestic Partnerships by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 1-4. Population and Births by City of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 1-5. Oregon Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care, 1980-2012
  • Table 1-6. Domestic Partnerships by County of Occurrence and Sex, 2012

Section 2. - Natality

Section 2 - Natality (All tables)

  • Table 2-1. Resident Births by Age Group of Mother, Oregon, 1955-2012
  • Table 2-2. Age-Specific Birth Rates, Fertility Rates, and Total Fertility Rates, Oregon, 1940-2012
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon Resident Births to Unmarried Mothers by Age of Mother, 1970-2012
  • Table 2-4. Age of Mother by Live Birth Order, Oregon Resident Births, 2012
  • Table 2-5. Total Pregnancies by Type of Outcome and Age Group, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by Age and County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-7. Resident Births by Race of Mother, Oregon 1975-2012
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, Race, and County of Residence of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2012 
  • Table 2-9. Births to Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-10. Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Residence Births, 2012
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried Mother by Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2012
  • Table 2-12. Region and Selected Country of Mother's Birth by Continent of Father's Birth, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-13. Race, Ethnicity, and Place of Birth of Mother by Selected Demographic Characteristics, 2012
  • Table 2-14. Maternal Characteristics by Method of Payment for Delivery, Oregon Resident Births, 2012
  • Table 2-15. Reported Use of Tobacco, by Mother's Age and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2012
  • Table 2-16. Maternal Risk Factors by County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal Care by Mother's Age, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal Care by Mother's Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal Care by Mother's Education, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal Care by Mother's County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal Care by Resident County for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-22.  Prenatal Care by Birthweight, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-23. Rates of Selected Medical Risk Factors by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-24. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Age, 2012
  • Table 2-25. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Race, 2012
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with Selected Medical Risk Factors by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-27. Age of Mother by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2012 
  • Table 2-28. Age of Unmarried Mothers by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2012
  • Table 2-29. Race of Mother and Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2012
  • Table 2-30. Low Birthweight Infants by County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2012
  • Table 2-31. Weight Gain of Mother by Period of Gestation, and Race/Ethnicity of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2012
  • Table 2-32. Percent Low Birthweight by Weight Gain of Mother, Period of Gestation, and Race/Ethnicity of Mother, 2012 

  • Table 2-33. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-34. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 2-35. Congenital Anomalies by Age of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2012
  • Table 2-36. County of Occurrence by Type of Institution and Delivery Attendant, Oregon Occurrence Births, 2012
  • Table 2-37. Delivery Method by Day of Birth, Mother's Age, Race/Ethnicity and Payment Source (Percents), Oregon Resident Births, 2012
  • Table 2-38. Planned Attendant by Planned Place of Birth, Oregon Occurrence, 2012
  • Table 2-39. Maternal Characteristics by Planned Place of Birth, Oregon Occurrence, 2012
  • Table 2-40. Characteristics of Labor & Delivery, and Maternal & Infant Health Characteristics by Planned Place of Birth, Oregon Occurrence, 2012
  • Table 2-41. Most Frequently Used Baby Names, Oregon Occurrence, 2012

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 (All tables)

  • Table 3-1. Number, Rate, and Percent Change for Pregnancies, Births, and Abortions to 15- to 44-Year-Olds, Oregon, 1980-2012
  • Table 3-2. Live Births and Induced Abortions Occurring in Oregon, 1970-2012
  • Table 3-3.  Induced Abortions by Race/Ethnicity, Marital Status and Age, Oregon Occurrence, 2012
  • Table 3-4. Abortions in Relation to Length of Gestation by Method, Complications, and Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2012
  • Table 3-5. Contraceptive Use, Number of Previous Abortions, and Number of Living Children by Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2012
  • Table 3-6. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy Occurring in Oregon by Residence and Age Group of Patient, 2012
  • Table 3-7. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy by County of Residence and County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2012

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 - Teen Pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 4-1. Oregon Pregnancies for Teens 15-19, 1975-2012
  • Table 4-2. Oregon Pregnancies for Young Teens (10-17 Years), 1975-2012
  • Table 4-3. Pregnancy Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 4-4. Birth Rates of Teen Mothers by County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 4-5. Abortion Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 4-6. Births to 15- to 19-Year-Old Teens by Race/Ethnicity by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2012
  • Table 4-7. Births to Teens 15-19 by Marital Status, Race/Ethnicity and Age by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2012
  • Table 4-8. Teens 15-19: Births, Level of Prenatal Care and Low Birthweight Rates by County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 4-9. Birth Outcomes of Infants by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 4-10. Demographic Characteristics of Mother by Age, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 4-11. Demographic Characteristics of Abortion Patients by Age, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 4-12. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 4-13. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2007-2012



Complete Appendix B. - TECHNICAL NOTES


Complete Appendix D. - SAMPLE FORMS

All files are PDF format

Complete 2011 Volume 1 Report

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Section One - Quick Reference (All tables).
Quick Reference Guide.

  • Table 1-1. Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, U.S., 1945-2011
  • Table 1-2. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, Oregon, 1910-2011
  • Table 1-3. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 1-4. Population and Births by City of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 1-5. Oregon Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care, 1980-2011
  • Table 1-6. Domestic Partnerships by County of Occurrence and Sex, 2011

Section 2. - Natality

Section 2 - Natality (All tables).

  • Table 2-1. Resident Births by Age Group of Mother, Oregon, 1955-2011
  • Table 2-2. Age-Specific Birth Rates, Fertility Rates, and Total Fertility Rates, Oregon, 1940-2011
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon Resident Births to Unmarried Mothers by Age of Mother, 1970-2011
  • Table 2-4. Age of Mother by Live Birth Order, Oregon Resident Births, 2011
  • Table 2-5. Total Pregnancies by Type of Outcome and Age Group, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by Age and County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-7. Resident Births by Race of Mother, Oregon 1975-2011
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, Race, and County of Residence of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2011  
  • Table 2-9. Births to Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-10. Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Residence Births, 2011
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried Mother by Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2011
  • Table 2-12. Region and Selected Country of Mother's Birth by Continent of Father's Birth, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-13. Race, Ethnicity, and Place of Birth of Mother by Selected Demographic Characteristics, 2011
  • Table 2-14. Maternal Characteristics by Method of Payment for Delivery, Oregon Resident Births, 2011
  • Table 2-15. Reported Use of Tobacco, by Mother's Age and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2011
  • Table 2-16. Maternal Risk Factors by County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal Care by Mother's Age, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal Care by Mother's Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal Care by Mother's Education, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal Care by Mother's County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal Care by Resident County for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal Care by Birthweight, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-23. Rates of Selected Medical Risk Factors by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-24. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Age, 2011
  • Table 2-25. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Race, 2011
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with Selected Medical Risk Factors by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-27. County of Occurrence by Type of Institution and Delivery Attendant, Oregon Occurrence Births, 2011
  • Table 2-28. Delivery Methods by Day of Birth, Mother's Age and Race, Payment Source, and BMI, Oregon Resident Births, 2011
  • Table 2-29. Age of Mother by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2011
  • Table 2-30. Age of Unmarried Mothers by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2011
  • Table 2-31. Race of Mother and Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2011
  • Table 2-32. Low Birthweight Infants by County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2011
  • Table 2-33. Weight Gain of Mother by Period of Gestation, and Race/Ethnicity of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2011

  • Table 2-34. Percent Low Birthweight by Weight Gain of Mother, Period of Gestation, and Race/Ethnicity of Mother, 2011
  • Table 2-35. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-36. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 2-37. Congenital Anomalies by Age of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2011
  • Table 2-38. Most Frequently Used Baby Names, Oregon Occurrence, 2011

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (All tables).

  • Table 3-1. Number, Rate, and Percent Change for Pregnancies, Births, and Abortions to 15- to 44-Year-Olds, Oregon, 1980-2011
  • Table 3-2. Live Births and Induced Abortions Occurring in Oregon, 1970-2011
  • Table 3-3. Induced Abortions by Race/Ethnicity, Marital Status and Age, Oregon Occurrence, 2011
  • Table 3-4. Abortions in Relation to Length of Gestation by Method, Complications, and Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2011
  • Table 3-5. Contraceptive Use, Number of Previous Abortions, and Number of Living Children by Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2011
  • Table 3-6. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy Occurring in Oregon by Residence and Age Group of Patient, 2011
  • Table 3-7. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy by County of Residence and County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2011

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 - Teen Pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 4-1. Oregon Pregnancies for Teens 15-19, 1975-2011
  • Table 4-2. Oregon Pregnancies for Young Teens (10-17 Years), 1975-2011
  • Table 4-3. Pregnancy Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 4-4. Birth Rates of Teen Mothers by County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 4-5. Abortion Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 4-6. Births to 15- to 19-Year-Old Teens by Race/Ethnicity by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2011
  • Table 4-7. Births to Teens 15-19 by Marital Status, Race/Ethnicity and Age by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2011
  • Table 4-8. Teens 15-19: Births, Level of Prenatal Care and Low Birthweight Rates by County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 4-9. Birth Outcomes of Infants by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 4-10. Demographic Characteristics of Mother by Age, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 4-11. Demographic Characteristics of Abortion Patients by Age, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 4-12. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 4-13. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2007-2011



Complete Appendix B. - TECHNICAL NOTES


Complete Appendix D. SAMPLE FORMS

All files are PDF format

Complete 2010 Volume 1 Report

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Section 1 - Quick Reference (All tables)
Quick Reference Guide.

  • Table 1-1. Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, U.S., 1945-2010
  • Table 1-2. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, Oregon, 1910-2010
  • Table 1-3. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 1-4. Population and Births by City of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 1-5. Oregon Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care, 1980-2010<
  • Table 1-6. Domestic Partnerships by County of Occurrence and Sex, 2010

Section 2. - Natality

Section 2 - Natality (All tables)

  • Table 2-1. Resident Births by Age Group of Mother, Oregon, 1955-2010
  • Table 2-2. Age-Specific Birth Rates, Fertility Rates, and Total Fertility Rates, Oregon, 1940-2010
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon Resident Births to Unmarried Mothers by Age of Mother, 1970-2010
  • Table 2-4. Age of Mother by Live Birth Order, Oregon Resident Births, 2010
  • Table 2-5. Total Pregnancies by Type of Outcome and Age Group, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by Age and County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-7. Resident Births by Race of Mother, Oregon 1975-2010
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, Race, and County of Residence of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2010 
  • Table 2-9. Births to Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-10. Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Residence Births, 2010
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried Mother by Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2010
  • Table 2-12. Region and Selected Country of Mother's Birth by Continent of Father's Birth, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-13. Race, Ethnicity, and Place of Birth of Mother by Selected Demographic Characteristics, 2010
  • Table 2-14. Maternal Characteristics by Method of Payment for Delivery, Oregon Resident Births, 2010
  • Table 2-15. Reported Use of Tobacco, by Mother's Age and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2010
  • Table 2-16. Maternal Risk Factors by County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal Care by Mother's Age, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal Care by Mother's Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal Care by Mother's Education, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal Care by Mother's County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal Care by Resident County for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal Care by Birthweight, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-23. Rates of Selected Medical Risk Factors by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-24. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Age, 2010
  • Table 2-25. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Race, 2010
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with Selected Medical Risk Factors by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-27. County of Occurrence by Type of Institution and Delivery Attendant, Oregon Occurrence Births, 2010
  • Table 2-28. Delivery Methods by Day of Birth, Mother's Age and Race, Payment Source, and BMI, Oregon Resident Births, 2010
  • Table 2-29. Age of Mother by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2010
  • Table 2-30. Age of Unmarried Mothers by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2010
  • Table 2-31. Race of Mother and Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2010
  • Table 2-32. Low Birthweight Infants by County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2010
  • Table 2-33. Weight Gain of Mother by Period of Gestation, and Race/Ethnicity of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2010
  • Table 2-34. Percent Low Birthweight by Weight Gain of Mother, Period of Gestation, and Race/Ethnicity of Mother, 2010
  • Table 2-35. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-36. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 2-37. Congenital Anomalies by Age of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2010
  • Table 2-38. Most Frequently Used Baby Names, Oregon Occurrence, 2010

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 3-1. Number, Rate, and Percent Change for Pregnancies, Births, and Abortions to 15- to 44-Year-Olds, Oregon, 1980-2010
  • Table 3-2. Live Births and Induced Abortions Occurring in Oregon, 1970-2010
  • Table 3-3. Induced Abortions by Race/Ethnicity, Marital Status and Age, Oregon Occurrence, 2010
  • Table 3-4. Abortions in Relation to Length of Gestation by Method, Complications, and Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2010
  • Table 3-5. Contraceptive Use, Number of Previous Abortions, and Number of Living Children by Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2010
  • Table 3-6. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy Occurring in Oregon by Residence and Age Group of Patient, 2010
  • Table 3-7. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy by County of Residence and County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2010

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 - Teen Pregnancy (All tables)
PDF fileNarrative.

  • Table 4-1. Oregon Pregnancies for Teens 15-19, 1975-2010
  • Table 4-2. Oregon Pregnancies for Young Teens (10-17 Years), 1975-2010
  • Table 4-3. Pregnancy Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 4-4. Birth Rates of Teen Mothers by County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 4-5. Abortion Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 4-6. Births to 15- to 19-Year-Old Teens by Race/Ethnicity by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2010
  • Table 4-7. Births to Teens 15-19 by Marital Status, Race/Ethnicity and Age by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2010
  • Table 4-8. Teens 15-19: Births, Level of Prenatal Care and Low Birthweight Rates by County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 4-9. Birth Outcomes of Infants by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 4-10. Demographic Characteristics of Mother by Age, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 4-11. Demographic Characteristics of Abortion Patients by Age, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 4-12. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 4-13. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2006-2010


Complete Appendix B - TECHNICAL NOTES


Complete Appendix D. SAMPLE FORMS

All files are PDf format

Complete 2009 Volume 1 Report

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Section 1 - Quick Reference (All tables)
Quick Reference Guide

  • Table 1-1. Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, U.S., 1945-2009
  • Table 1-2. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, Oregon, 1910-2009
  • Table 1-3. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 1-4. Population and Births by City of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 1-5. Oregon Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care, 1980-2009
  • Table 1-6. Domestic Partnerships by County of Occurrence and Sex, 2009 

Section 2. - Natality

Section 2 - Natality (All tables)

  • Table 2-1. Resident Births by Age Group of Mother, Oregon, 1955-2009 
  • Table 2-2. Age-Specific Birth Rates, Fertility Rates, and Total Fertility Rates, Oregon, 1940-2009 
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon Resident Births to Unmarried Mothers by Age of Mother, 1970-2009 
  • Table 2-4. Age of Mother by Live Birth Order, Oregon Resident Births, 2009 
  • Table 2-5. Total Pregnancies by Type of Outcome and Age Group, Oregon Residents, 2009 
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by Age and County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 2-7. Resident Births by Race of Mother, Oregon 1975-2009 
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, Race, and County of Residence of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2009  <
  • Table 2-9. Births to Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2009 
  • Table 2-10. Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Residence Births, 2009 
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried Mother by Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2009
  • Table 2-12. Region and Selected Country of Mother's Birth by Continent of Father's Birth, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 2-13. Race, Ethnicity, and Place of Birth of Mother by Selected Demographic Characteristics, 2009
  • Table 2-14. Maternal Characteristics by Method of Payment for Delivery, Oregon Resident Births, 2009 
  • Table 2-15. Reported Use of Tobacco, by Mother's Age and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2009
  • Table 2-16. Maternal Risk Factors by County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal Care by Mother's Age, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal Care by Mother's Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal Care by Mother's Education, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal Care by Mother's County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal Care by Resident County for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal Care by Birthweight, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 2-23. Rates of Selected Medical Risk Factors by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 2-24. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Age, 2009
  • Table 2-25. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Race, 2009<
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with Selected Medical Risk Factors by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 2-27. County of Occurrence by Type of Institution and Delivery Attendant, Oregon Occurrence Births, 2009
  • Table 2-28. Delivery Methods by Day of Birth, Mother's Age and Race, Payment Source, and BMI, Oregon Resident Births, 2009
  • Table 2-29. Age of Mother by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2009
  • Table 2-30. Age of Unmarried Mothers by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2009
  • Table 2-31. Race of Mother and Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2009
  • Table 2-32. Low Birthweight Infants by County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2009
  • Table 2-33. Weight Gain of Mother by Period of Gestation, and Race/Ethnicity of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2009
  • Table 2-34. Percent Low Birthweight by Weight Gain of Mother, Period of Gestation, and Race/Ethnicity of Mother, 2009
  • Table 2-35. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2009 
  • Table 2-36. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2009 
  • Table 2-37. Congenital Anomalies by Age of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2009
  • Table 2-38. Most Frequently Used Baby Names, Oregon Occurrence, 2009

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 3-1. Number, Rate, and Percent Change for Pregnancies, Births, and Abortions to 15- to 44-Year-Olds, Oregon, 1980-2009
  • Table 3-2. Live Births and Induced Abortions Occurring in Oregon, 1970-2009
  • Table 3-3. Induced Abortions by Race/Ethnicity, Marital Status and Age, Oregon Occurrence, 2009
  • Table 3-4. Abortions in Relation to Length of Gestation by Method, Complications, and Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2009
  • Table 3-5. Contraceptive Use, Number of Previous Abortions, and Number of Living Children by Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2009
  • Table 3-6. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy Occurring in Oregon by Residence and Age Group of Patient, 2009
  • Table 3-7. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy by County of Residence and County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2009

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 - Teen Pregnancy (All tables)

  • Table 4-1. Oregon Pregnancies for Teens 15-19, 1975-2009
  • Table 4-2. Oregon Pregnancies for Young Teens (10-17 Years), 1975-2009
  • Table 4-3. Pregnancy Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 4-4. Birth Rates of Teen Mothers by County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 4-5. Abortion Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 4-6. Births to 15- to 19-Year-Old Teens by Race/Ethnicity by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2009
  • Table 4-7. Births to Teens 15-19 by Marital Status, Race/Ethnicity and Age by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2009
  • Table 4-8. Teens 15-19: Births, Level of Prenatal Care and Low Birthweight Rates by County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 4-9. Birth Outcomes of Infants by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 4-10. Demographic Characteristics of Mother by Age, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 4-11. Demographic Characteristics of Abortion Patients by Age, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 4-12. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 4-13. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2005-2009



Complete Appendix B. TECHNICAL NOTES


Complete Appendix D. SAMPLE FORMS

All files are PDF format

Complete 2008 Volume 1 Report

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Section 1 (All tables).
Quick Reference Guide.

  • Table 1-1. Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, U.S., 1945-2008
  • Table 1-2. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, Oregon, 1910-2008
  • Table 1-3. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 1-4. Population and Births by City of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 1-5. Oregon Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care, 1980-2008
  • Table 1-6. Domestic Partnerships by County of Occurrence and Sex, 2008

Section 2. - Natality

Section 2 - Natality (All tables).

  • Table 2-1. Resident Births by Age Group of Mother, Oregon, 1955-2008
  • Table 2-2. Age-Specific Birth Rates, Fertility Rates, and Total Fertility Rates, Oregon, 1940-2008
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon Resident Births to Unmarried Mothers by Age of Mother, 1970-2008
  • Table 2-4. Age of Mother by Live Birth Order, Oregon Resident Births, 2008
  • Table 2-5. Total Pregnancies by Type of Outcome and Age Group, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by Age and County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 2-7. Resident Births by Race of Mother, Oregon 1975-2008
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, Race, and County of Residence of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2008 
  • Table 2-9. Births to Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 2-10. Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Residence Births, 2008
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried Mother by Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2008
  • Table 2-12. Region and Selected Country of Mother's Birth by Continent of Father's Birth, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 2-13. Race, Ethnicity, and Place of Birth of Mother by Selected Demographic Characteristics, 2008
  • Table 2-14. Maternal Characteristics by Method of Payment for Delivery, Oregon Resident Births, 2008
  • Table 2-15. Reported Use of Tobacco, by Mother's Age and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2008
  • Table 2-16. Maternal Risk Factors by County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal Care by Mother's Age, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal Care by Mother's Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal Care by Mother's Education, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal Care by Mother's County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal Care by Resident County for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal Care by Birthweight, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 2-23. Rates of Selected Medical Risk Factors by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 2-24. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Age, 2008
  • Table 2-25. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Race, 2008
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with Selected Medical Risk Factors by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2008<
  • Table 2-27. County of Occurrence by Type of Institution and Delivery Attendant, Oregon Occurrence Births, 2008
  • Table 2-28. Delivery Methods by Day of Birth, Mother's Age and Race, Payment Source, and BMI, Oregon Resident Births, 2008
  • Table 2-29. Age of Mother by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2008
  • Table 2-30. Age of Unmarried Mothers by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2008
  • Table 2-31. Race of Mother and Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2008
  • Table 2-32. Low Birthweight Infants by County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2008
  • Table 2-33. Weight Gain of Mother by Period of Gestation, and Race/Ethnicity of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2008
  • Table 2-34. Percent Low Birthweight by Weight Gain of Mother, Period of Gestation, and Race/Ethnicity of Mother, 2008
  • Table 2-35. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 2-36. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 2-37. Congenital Anomalies by Age of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2008
  • Table 2-38. Most Frequently Used Baby Names, Oregon Occurrence, 2008

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (All tables).

  • Table 3-1. Number, Rate, and Percent Change for Pregnancies, Births, and Abortions to 15- to 44-Year-Olds, Oregon, 1980-2008
  • Table 3-2. Live Births and Induced Abortions Occurring in Oregon, 1970-2008
  • Table 3-3. Induced Abortions by Race/Ethnicity, Marital Status and Age, Oregon Occurrence, 2008
  • Table 3-4. Abortions in Relation to Length of Gestation by Method, Complications, and Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2008
  • Table 3-5. Contraceptive Use, Number of Previous Abortions, and Number of Living Children by Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2008
  • Table 3-6. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy Occurring in Oregon by Residence and Age Group of Patient, 2008
  • Table 3-7. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy by County of Residence and County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2008

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 - Teen Pregnancy (All tables).

  • Table 4-1. Oregon Pregnancies for Teens 15-19, 1975-2008
  • Table 4-2. Oregon Pregnancies for Young Teens (10-17 Years), 1975-2008
  • Table 4-3. Pregnancy Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 4-4. Birth Rates of Teen Mothers by County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 4-5. Abortion Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 4-6. Births to 15- to 19-Year-Old Teens by Race/Ethnicity by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2008
  • Table 4-7. Births to Teens 15-19 by Marital Status, Race/Ethnicity and Age by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2008
  • Table 4-8. Teens 15-19: Births, Level of Prenatal Care and Low Birthweight Rates by County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 4-9. Birth Outcomes of Infants by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 4-10. Demographic Characteristics of Mother by Age, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 4-11. Demographic Characteristics of Abortion Patients by Age, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 4-12. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 4-13. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2004-2008



Complete Appendix B. TECHNICAL NOTES


Complete Appendix D. SAMPLE FORMS

All files are PDF format

Complete 2007 Volume 1 Report

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Section 1 (All tables)
Quick Reference Guide

  • Table 1-1. Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, U.S., 1945-2007
  • Table 1-2. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, Oregon 1908-2007
  • Table 1-3. Population, Live Births, and Births to Unmarried Mothers by County of Residence, and Marriages and Dissolutions of Marriage by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 1-4. Population and Births by City of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 1-5. Oregon Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care 1980-2007

Section 2. - Natality

Section 2 (All tables)

  • Table 2-1. Resident Births by Age Group of Mother, Oregon, 1955-2007
  • Table 2-2. Age-Specific Birth Rates, Fertility Rates, and Total Fertility Rates, Oregon, 1940, 1950-2007
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon Resident Births to Unmarried Mothers by Age of Mother, 1970-2007
  • Table 2-4. Age of Mother by Live Birth Order, Oregon Resident Births, 2007
  • Table 2-5. Total Pregnancies by Type of Outcome and Age Groups, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 2-6. Most Popular Baby Names, Oregon Occurrence, 2007
  • Table 2-7. Resident Births by Race of Mother, Oregon 1974-2007
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, Race, and County of Residence of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2007
  • Table 2-9. Births to Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 2-10. Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Residence Births, 2007
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried Mother by Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2007
  • Table 2-12. Race, Ethnicity and Place of Birth of Mother by Selected Demographic Characteristics, 2007
  • Table 2-13. Country of Mother's Birth by Continent of Father's Birth, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 2-14. Maternal Characteristics by Method of Payment for Delivery, Oregon Resident Births, 2007
  • Table 2-15. Reported Use of Tobacco, by Mother's Age and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2007
  • Table 2-16. Maternal Risk Factors by County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal Care by Mother's Age, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal Care by Mother's Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal Care by Mother's Education, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal Care by Mother's County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2007 (12k pdf)
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal Care by Resident County for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal Care by Birthweight, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 2-23. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Age, 2007
  • Table 2-24. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Race, 2007
  • Table 2-25. Rates of Selected Medical Risk Factors by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with Selected Medical Risk Factors by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 2-27. County of Occurrence by Type of Institution and Delivery Attendant, Oregon Occurrence Births, 2007
  • Table 2-28. Delivery Methods by Day of Birth, Mother's Age and Race, and Payment Source, Oregon Resident Births, 2007
  • Table 2-29. Age of Mother by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2007
  • Table 2-30. Age of Mother by Birthweight for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Resident Births, 2007
  • Table 2-31. Race of Mother and Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2007
  • Table 2-32. Low Birthweight Infants by County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2007
  • Table 2-33. Weight Gain of Mother by Period of Gestation, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Race of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2007
  • Table 2-34. Percent Low Birthweight by Weight Gain of Mother, Period of Gestation, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Race of Mother, 2007
  • Table 2-35. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 2-36. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 2-37. Congenital Malformations by Age of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2007

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 (All tables)

  • Table 3-1. Number, Rate, and Percent Change for Pregnancies, Births, and Abortions to 15- to 44-Year-Olds, Oregon, 1980-2007
  • Table 3-2. Live Births and Induced Abortions Occurring in Oregon, 1968-2007
  • Table 3-3. Induced Abortions by Race/Ethnicity, Marital Status and Age, Oregon Occurrence, 2007
  • Table 3-4. Abortions in Relation to Length of Gestation by Method, Complications, and Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2007
  • Table 3-5. Contraceptive Use, Number of Previous Abortions, and Number of Living Children by Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2007
  • Table 3-6. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy Occurring in Oregon by Residence and Age Group of Patient, 2007
  • Table 3-7. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy by County of Residence and County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2007

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 (All Tables).

  • Table 4-1. Oregon Pregnancies for Teens 15-19, 1974-2007
  • Table 4-2. Oregon Pregnancies for Young Teens (10-17 Years), 1974-2007
  • Table 4-3. Births to 15- to 19-Year-Old Teens by Race/Ethnicity by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2007
  • Table 4-4. Births to Teens 15-19 by Marital Status, Race/Ethnicity and Age by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2007
  • Table 4-5. Pregnancy Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 4-6. Birth Rates of Teen Mothers by County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 4-7. Abortion Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 4-8. Teens 15-19: Births, Level of Prenatal Care and Low Birthweight Rates by County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 4-9. Birth Outcomes of Infants by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 4-10. Demographic Characteristics of Mother by Age, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 4-11. Demographic Characteristics of Abortion Patients by Age, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 4-12. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 4-13. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 1998-2007



  • Table 1. Population Distribution by Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2007
  • Table 2. Population Estimates of Oregon and Its Counties by Age and Sex, July 1, 2007



Complete Appendix D. SAMPLE FORMS

All files are PDF format

Complete 2006 Volume 1 Report

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Section 1 (All tables).
Quick Reference Guide.

  • Table 1-1. Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, U.S., 1945-2006
  • Table 1-2. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, Oregon 1908-2006
  • Table 1-3. Population, Live Births, and Births to Unmarried Mothers by County of Residence, and Marriages and Dissolutions of Marriage by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 1-4. Population and Births by City of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 1-5. Oregon Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care 1980-2006

Section 2. - Natality

Section 2 - Natality (All tables).
Narrative .

  • Table 2-1. Resident Births by Age Group of Mother, Oregon, 1955-2006
  • Table 2-2. Age-Specific Birth Rates, Fertility Rates, and Total Fertility Rates, Oregon, 1940, 1950-2006
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon Resident Births to Unmarried Mothers by Age of Mother, 1970-2006
  • Table 2-4. Age of Mother by Live Birth Order, Oregon Resident Births, 2006
  • Table 2-5. Total Pregnancies by Type of Outcome and Age Groups, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by Age and County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 2-7. Resident Births by Race of Mother, Oregon 1974-2006
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, Race, and County of Residence of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2006 (12k pdf)
  • Table 2-9. Births to Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 2-10. Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Residence Births, 2006
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried Mother by Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2006
  • Table 2-12. Race, Ethnicity and Place of Birth of Mother by Selected Demographic Characteristics, 2006
  • Table 2-13. Country of Mother's Birth by Continent of Father's Birth, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 2-14. Maternal Characteristics by Method of Payment for Delivery, Oregon Resident Births, 2006
  • Table 2-15. Reported Use of Tobacco, by Mother's Age and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2006
  • Table 2-16. Maternal Risk Factors by County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal Care by Mother's Age, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal Care by Mother's Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal Care by Mother's Education, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal Care by Mother's County of Residents, Oregon Residents, 2006 (12k pdf)
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal Care by Resident County for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal Care by Birthweight, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 2-23. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Age, 2006
  • Table 2-24. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Race, 2006
  • Table 2-25. Rates of Selected Medical Risk Factors by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with Selected Medical Risk Factors by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 2-27. Delivery Methods by Day of Birth, Mother's Age and Race, and Payment Source, Oregon Resident Births, 2006
  • Table 2-28. County of Occurrence by Type of Institution and Delivery Attendant, Oregon Occurrence Births, 2006
  • Table 2-29. Age of Mother by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2006
  • Table 2-30. Age of Mother by Birthweight for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Resident Births, 2006
  • Table 2-31. Race of Mother and Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2006
  • Table 2-32. Low Birthweight Infants by County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2006
  • Table 2-33. Weight Gain of Mother by Period of Gestation, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Race of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2006
  • Table 2-34. Percent Low Birthweight by Weight Gain of Mother, Period of Gestation, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Race of Mother, 2006
  • Table 2-35. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 2-36. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 2-37. Congenital Malformations by Age of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2006
  • Table 2-38. Most Popular Baby Names, Oregon Occurrence, 2006

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (All Tables).
Narrative .

  • Table 3-1. Number, Rate, and Percent Change for Pregnancies, Births, and Abortions to 15- to 44-Year-Olds, Oregon, 1980-2006
  • Table 3-2. Live Births and Induced Abortions Occurring in Oregon, 1968-2006
  • Table 3-3. Induced Abortions by Race/Ethnicity, Marital Status and Age, Oregon Occurrence, 2006
  • Table 3-4. Abortions in Relation to Length of Gestation by Method, Complications, and Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2006
  • Table 3-5. Contraceptive Use, Number of Previous Abortions, and Number of Living Children by Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2006
  • Table 3-6. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy Occurring in Oregon by Residence and Age Group of Patient, 2006
  • Table 3-7. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy by County of Residence and County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2006

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 Teen Pregnancy (All Tables).
Narrative .

  • Table 4-1. Oregon Pregnancies for Teens 15-19, 1974-2006
  • Table 4-2. Oregon Pregnancies for Young Teens (10-17 Years), 1974-2006
  • Table 4-3. Births to 15- to 19-Year-Old Teens by Race/Ethnicity by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2006
  • Table 4-4. Births to Teens 15-19 by Marital Status, Race/Ethnicity and Age by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2006
  • Table 4-5. Pregnancy Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 4-6. Birth Rates of Teen Mothers by County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 4-7. Abortion Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 4-8. Teens 15-19: Births, Level of Prenatal Care and Low Birthweight Rates by County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 4-9. Birth Outcomes of Infants by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 4-10. Demographic Characteristics of Mother by Age, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 4-11. Demographic Characteristics of Abortion Patients by Age, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 4-12, Table 4-13. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2006 and 2002-2006



  • Table 1. Population Distribution by Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2006
  • Table 2. Population Estimates of Oregon and Its Counties by Age and Sex, July 1, 2006
  • Table 3. Forecasts of Oregon's County Populations and Components of Change, 2006 - 2040

Appendix B (complete). TECHNICAL NOTES

Appendix C.(complete). LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES

Appendix D. (complete). SAMPLE FORMS

All files are PDf format

Complete 2005 Volume 1 Report

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Section 1 (All tables).
Quick Reference Guide.

  • Table 1-1. Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, U.S., 1945-2005
  • Table 1-2. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, Oregon 1908-2005
  • Table 1-3. Population, Live Births, and Births to Unmarried Mothers by County of Residence, and Marriages and Dissolutions of Marriage by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 1-4. Population and Births by City of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 1-5. United States Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care 1980-2005
  • Table 1-6. Oregon Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care 1980-2005

Section 2. - Natality

Section 2 (all tables).
Narrative .

  • Table 2-1. Resident Births by Age Group of Mother, Oregon, 1955-2005

  • Table 2-2. Age-Specific Birth Rates, Fertility Rates, and Total Fertility Rates, Oregon, 1940, 1950-2005
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon Resident Births to Unmarried Mothers by Age of Mother, 1970-2005
  • Table 2-4. Age of Mother by Live Birth Order, Oregon Resident Births, 2005
  • Table 2-5. Total Pregnancies by Type of Outcome and Age Groups, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by Age and County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 2-7. Resident Births by Race of Mother, Oregon 1974-2005
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, Race, and County of Residence of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2005
  • Table 2-9. Births to Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 2-10. Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Residence Births, 2005
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried Mother by Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2005
  • Table 2-12. Race, Ethnicity and Place of Birth of Mother by Selected Demographic Characteristics
  • Table 2-13. Country of Mother's Birth by Continent of Father's Birth, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 2-14. Maternal Characteristics by Method of Payment for Delivery, Oregon Resident Births, 2005
  • Table 2-15. Reported Use of Tobacco, by Mother's Age and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2005
  • Table 2-16. Maternal Risk Factors by County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal Care by Mother's Age, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal Care by Mother's Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal Care by Mother's Education, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal Care by Mother's County of Residents, Oregon Residents, 2005 (12k pdf)
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal Care by Resident County for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal Care by Birthweight, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 2-23. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Age

  • Table 2-24. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Race
  • Table 2-25. Rates of Selected Medical Risk Factors by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with Selected Medical Risk Factors by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 2-27. Delivery Methods by Day of Birth, Mother's Age and Race, and Payment Source, Oregon Resident Births, 2005
  • Table 2-28. County of Occurrence by Type of Institution and Delivery Attendant, Oregon Occurrence Births, 2005
  • Table 2-29. Age of Mother by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2005
  • Table 2-30. Age of Mother by Birthweight for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Resident Births, 2005
  • Table 2-31. Race of Mother and Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2005
  • Table 2-32. Low Birthweight Infants by County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2005
  • Table 2-33. Weight Gain of Mother by Period of Gestation, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Race of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2005
  • Table 2-34. Percent Low Birthweight by Weight Gain of Mother, Period of Gestation, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Race of Mother
  • Table 2-35. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 2-36. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 2-37. Congenital Malformations by Age of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2005
  • Table 2-38. Most Popular Baby Names, Oregon Occurrence, 2005

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 (All tables).
Narrative .

  • Table 3-1. Number, Rate, and Percent Change for Pregnancies, Births, and Abortions to 15- to 44-Year-Olds, Oregon, 1980-2005
  • Table 3-2. Live Births and Induced Abortions Occurring in Oregon, 1968-2005
  • Table 3-3. Induced Abortions by Race/Ethnicity, Marital Status and Age, Oregon Occurrence, 2005
  • Table 3-4. Abortions in Relation to Length of Gestation by Method, Complications, and Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2005
  • Table 3-5. Contraceptive Use, Number of Previous Abortions, and Number of Living Children by Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2005
  • Table 3-6. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy Occurring in Oregon by Residence and Age Group of Patient, 2005
  • Table 3-7. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy by County of Residence and County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2005

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 (all tables).
Narrative .

  • Table 4-1. Oregon Pregnancies for Teens 15-19, 1975-2005
  • Table 4-2. Oregon Pregnancies for Young Teens (10-17 Years), 1975-2005
  • Table 4-3. Births to 15- to 19-Year-Old Teens by Race/Ethnicity by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2005
  • Table 4-4. Births to Teens 15-19 by Marital Status, Race/Ethnicity and Age by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2005
  • Table 4-5. Pregnancy Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 4-6. Birth Rates of Teen Mothers by County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 4-7. Abortion Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 4-8. Teens 15-19: Births, Level of Prenatal Care and Low Birthweight Rates by County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 4-9. Birth Outcomes of Infants by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 4-10. Demographic Characteristics of Mother by Age, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 4-11. Demographic Characteristics of Abortion Patients by Age, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 4-12. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 4-13. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2001-2005



  • Table 1. Population Distribution by Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2005
  • Table 2. Population Estimates of Oregon and Its Counties by Age and Sex, July 1, 2005
  • Table 3. Forecasts of Oregon's County Populations and Components of Change, 2005 - 2040



All files are PDf format

Complete 2004 Volume 1 Report

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2004

  • Table 1-1. Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, U.S., 1945-2004
  • Table 1-2. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, Oregon 1908-2004
  • Table 1-3. Population, Live Births, and Births to Unmarried Mothers by County of Residence, and Marriages and Dissolutions of Marriage by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 1-4. Population and Births by City of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 1-5. United States Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care 1980-2004
  • Table 1-6. Oregon Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care 1980-2004

Section 2. - Natality

Section 2 Narrative

  • Table 2-1. Resident Births by Age Group of Mother, Oregon, 1955-2004
  • Table 2-2. Age-Specific Birth Rates, Fertility Rates, and Total Fertility Rates, Oregon, 1940, 1950-2004
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon Resident Births to Unmarried Mothers by Age of Mother, 1970-2004
  • Table 2-4.  Age of Mother by Live Birth Order, Oregon Resident Births, 2004
  • Table 2-5. Total Pregnancies by Type of Outcome and Age Groups, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by Age and County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-7. Resident Births by Race of Mother, Oregon 1974-2004
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, Race, and County of Residence of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2004
  • Table 2-9. Births to Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-10. Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Residence Births, 2004
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried Mother by Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2004
  • Table 2-12. Race, Ethnicity and Place of Birth of Mother by Selected Demographic Characteristics(percent), Oregon Resident Births, 2004
  • Table 2-13. Country of Mother's Birth by Continent of Father's Birth, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-14. Maternal Characteristics by Method of Payment for Delivery, Oregon Resident Births, 2004
  • Table 2-15. Reported Use of Illicit Substances, Alcohol, or Tobacco, and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2004
  • Table 2-16. Maternal Risk Factors by County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal Care by Mother's Age, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal Care by Mother's Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal Care by Mother's Education, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal Care by Mother's County of Residents, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal Care by Resident County for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal Care by Birthweight, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-23. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Age(percents), Oregon Resident Births, 2004
  • Table 2-24. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Race(percents), Oregon Resident Births, 2004
  • Table 2-25. Rates of Selected Medical Risk Factors by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with Selected Medical Risk Factors by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-27. Delivery Methods by Day of Birth, Mother's Age and Race, and Payment Source, Oregon Resident Births, 2004
  • Table 2-28. County of Occurrence by Type of Institution and Delivery Attendant, Oregon Occurrence Births, 2004
  • Table 2-29. Age of Mother by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2004
  • Table 2-30. Age of Mother by Birthweight for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Resident Births, 2004
  • Table 2-31. Race of Mother and Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2004
  • Table 2-32. Low Birthweight Infants by County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2004
  • Table 2-33. Weight Gain of Mother by Period of Gestation, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Race of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2004
  • Table 2-34. Percent Low Birthweight by Weight Gain of Mother, Period of Gestation, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Race of Mother (percents), Oregon Resident Births, 2004
  • Table 2-35. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-36. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 2-37. Congenital Malformations by Age of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2004
  • Table 2-38. Most Popular Baby Names, Oregon Occurrence, 2004

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 Narrative

  • Table 3-1. Number, Rate, and Percent Change for Pregnancies, Births, and Abortions to 15- to 44-Year-Olds, Oregon, 1980-2004
  • Table 3-2. Live Births and Induced Abortions Occurring in Oregon, 1970-2004
  • Table 3-3. Induced Abortions by Race/Ethnicity, Marital Status and Age, Oregon Occurrence
  • Table 3-4. Abortions in Relation to Length of Gestation by Method, Complications, and Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2004
  • Table 3-5. Contraceptive Use, Number of Previous Abortions, and Number of Living Children by Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2004
  • Table 3-6. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy Occurring in Oregon by Residence and Age Group of Patient, 2004
  • Table 3-7. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy by County of Residence and County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2004

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy 

Section 4 Narrative

  • Table 4-1. Oregon Pregnancies for Teens 15-19, 1974-2004
  • Table 4-2. Oregon Pregnancies to Young Teens (10-17 Years), 1974-2004
  • Table 4-3. Births to 15- to 19-Year-Old Teens by Race/Ethnicity by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2004
  • Table 4-4. Births to Teens 15-19 by Marital Status, Race/Ethnicity and Age by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2004
  • Table 4-5. Pregnancy Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 4-6. Birth Rates of Teen Mothers by County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 4-7. Abortion Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 4-8. Teens 15-19: Births, Level of Prenatal Care and Low Birthweight Rates by County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 4-9. Birth Outcomes of Infants by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 4-10. Demographic Characteristics of Mother by Age, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 4-11. Demographic Characteristics of Abortion Patients by Age, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 4-12. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 4-13. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 1998-2004

Section M. Marriage - Supplemental Chapter

Section M Narrative

  • Table M-1. Marriages by Age Group of Each Spouse, Oregon Occurrence, 2004
  • Table M-2. Marriages by County of Occurrence and Type of Ceremony, Oregon Occurrence, 2004
  • Table M-3. Marriages by Years of Education, Oregon Occurrence, 2004
  • Table M-4. Previous Marriages for Both Spouses, Oregon Occurrence, 2004



  • Table 1: Population Distribution by Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2004
  • Table 2: Population Estimates of Oregon and Its Counties by Age and Sex, July 1, 2004
  • Table 3: Forecasts of Oregon's County Populations and Components of Change, 2004 - 2040




All files are PDF format

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Quick Reference: Volume 1. Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2003
  • Table 1-1. Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, U.S., 1945-2003
  • Table 1-2. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, Oregon 1908-2003
  • Table 1-3. Population, Live Births, and Births to Unmarried Mothers by County of Residence, and Marriages and Dissolutions of Marriage by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 1-4. Population and Births by City of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 1-5. United States Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care 1980-2003
  • Table 1-6. Oregon Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care 1980-2003

Section 2. - Natality

Section 2 Narrative - Natality
  • Table 2-1. Resident Births by Age Group of Mother, Oregon, 1955-2003
  • Table 2-2. Age-Specific Birth Rates, Fertility Rates, and Total Fertility Rates, Oregon, 1940, 1950-2003
  • Table 2-3. Percentage of Oregon Resident Births to Unmarried Mothers by Age of Mother, 1970-2003
  • Table 2-4. Age of Mother by Live Birth Order, Oregon Resident Births, 2003
  • Table 2-5. Total Pregnancies by Type of Outcome and Age Groups, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-6. Pregnancies by Age and County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-7. Resident Births by Race of Mother, Oregon 1974-2003
  • Table 2-8. Ethnicity, Race, and County of Residence of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2003
  • Table 2-9. Births to Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-10. Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Residence Births, 2003
  • Table 2-11. Unmarried Mother by Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2003
  • Table 2-12. Race, Ethnicity and Place of Birth of Mother by Selected Demographic Characteristics (Percent), Oregon Resident Births, 2003
  • Table 2-13. Country of Mother's Birth by Continent of Father's Birth, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-14. Maternal Characteristics by Method of Payment for Delivery, Oregon Resident Births, 2003
  • Table 2-15. Reported Use of Illicit Substances, Alcohol, or Tobacco, and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2003
  • Table 2-16. Maternal Risk Factors by County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 2-17. Prenatal Care by Mother's Age, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-18. Prenatal Care by Mother's Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-19. Prenatal Care by Mother's Education, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-20. Prenatal Care by Mother's County of Residents, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-21. Prenatal Care by Resident County for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-22. Prenatal Care by Birthweight, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-23. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Age (Percents), Oregon Resident Births, 2003
  • Table 2-24. Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Race (Percents), Oregon Resident Births, 2003
  • Table 2-25. Rates of Selected Medical Risk Factors by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-26. Mothers with Selected Medical Risk Factors by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-27. Delivery Methods by Day of Birth, Mother's Age and Race, and Payment Source, Oregon Resident Births, 2003
  • Table 2-28. County of Occurrence by Type of Institution and Delivery Attendant, Oregon Occurrence Births, 2003
  • Table 2-29. Age of Mother by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2003
  • Table 2-30. Age of Mother by Birthweight for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Resident Births, 2003
  • Table 2-31. Race of Mother and Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2003
  • Table 2-32. Low Birthweight Infants by County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2003
  • Table 2-33. Weight Gain of Mother by Period of Gestation, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Race of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2003
  • Table 2-34. Percent Low Birthweight by Weight Gain of Mother, Period of Gestation, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Race of Mother (Percents), Oregon Resident Births, 2003
  • Table 2-35. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-36. Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 2-37. Congenital Malformations by Age of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2003
  • Table 2-38. Most Popular Baby Names, Oregon Occurrence, 2003

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 Narrative - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

  • Table 3-1. Number, Rate, and Percent Change for Pregnancies, Births, and Abortions to 15- to 44-Year-Olds, Oregon, 1980-2003
  • Table 3-2. Live Births and Induced Abortions Occurring in Oregon, 1968-2003
  • Table 3-3. Induced Abortions by Race/Ethnicity, Marital Status and Age, Oregon Occurrence, 2003
  • Table 3-4. Abortions in Relation to Length of Gestation by Method, Complications, and Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2003
  • Table 3-5. Contraceptive Use, Number of Previous Abortions, and Number of Living Children by Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2003
  • Table 3-6. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy Occurring in Oregon by Residence and Age Group of Patient, 2003
  • Table 3-7. Induced Terminations of Pregnancy by County of Residence and County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2003

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 Narrative - Teen Pregnancy

  • Table 4-1. Oregon Pregnancies for Teens 15-19, 1974-2003
  • Table 4-2. Oregon Pregnancies for Young Teens (10-17 Years), 1974-2003
  • Table 4-3. Births to 15- to 19-Year-Old Teens by Race/Ethnicity by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2003
  • Table 4-4. Births to Teens 15-19 by Marital Status, Race/Ethnicity and Age by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2003
  • Table 4-5. Pregnancy Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 4-6. Birth Rates of Teen Mothers by County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 4-7. Abortion Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 4-8. Teens 15-19: Births, Level of Prenatal Care and Low Birthweight Rates by County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 4-9. Birth Outcomes of Infants by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 4-10. Demographic Characteristics of Mother by Age, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 4-11. Demographic Characteristics of Abortion Patients by Age, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 4-12. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 4-13. Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 1998-2003


All files are PDF format

Complete 2002 Volume 1 Report

Section 1. - Quick Reference
  • Section 1 (all tables)
  • Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2002
  • Table 1-1. Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, U.S., 1945-2002 
  • Table 1-2. Population, Live Births, Births to Unmarried Mothers, Marriages, and Divorces, Oregon 1908-2002
  • Table 1-3. Population, Live Births, and Births to Unmarried Mothers by County of Residence, and Marriages and Dissolutions of Marriage by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 1-4.Population and Births by City of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 1-5.United States Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care 1980-2002 
  • Table 1-6.Oregon Rates of Low Birthweight, and Measures of Prenatal Care 1980-2002

Section 2. - Natality
  • Section 2 (all tables)
  • Narrative 
  • Table 2-1.Resident Births by Age Group of Mother, Oregon, 1955-2002
  • Table 2-2.Age-Specific Birth Rates, Fertility Rates, and Total Fertility Rates, Oregon, 1940, 1950-2002
  • Table 2-3.Percentage of Oregon Resident Births to Unmarried Mothers by Age of Mother, 1970-2002
  • Table 2-4.Age of Mother by Live Birth Order, Oregon Resident Births, 2002
  • Table 2-5.Total Pregnancies by Type of Outcome and Age Groups, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-6.Pregnancies by Age and County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-7.Resident Births by Race of Mother, Oregon 1974-2002
  • Table 2-8.Ethnicity, Race, and County of Residence of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2002
  • Table 2-9.Births to Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-10.Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Residence Births, 2002
  • Table 2-11.Unmarried Mother by Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2002
  • Table 2-12.Race, Ethnicity and Place of Birth of Mother by Selected Demographic Characteristics (Percent), Oregon Resident Births, 2002
  • Table 2-13.Country of Mother's Birth by Continent of Father's Birth, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-14.Maternal Characteristics by Method of Payment for Delivery, Oregon Resident Births, 2002
  • Table 2-15.Reported Use of Illicit Substances, Alcohol, or Tobacco, and County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2002
  • Table 2-16.Maternal Risk Factors by County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 2-17.Prenatal Care by Mother's Age, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-18.Prenatal Care by Mother's Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-19.Prenatal Care by Mother's Education, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-20.Prenatal Care by Mother's County of Residents, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-21.Prenatal Care by Resident County for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-22.Prenatal Care by Birthweight, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-23.Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Age (Percents), Oregon Resident Births, 2002
  • Table 2-24.Selected Medical or Health Characteristics by Mother's Race (Percents), Oregon Resident Births, 2002
  • Table 2-25.Rates of Selected Medical Risk Factors by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-26.Mothers with Selected Medical Risk Factors by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-27.Delivery Methods by Day of Birth, Mother's Age and Race, and Payment Source, Oregon Resident Births, 2002
  • Table 2-28.County of Occurrence by Type of Institution and Delivery Attendant, Oregon Occurrence Births, 2002
  • Table 2-29.Age of Mother by Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2002
  • Table 2-30.Age of Mother by Birthweight for Unmarried Mothers, Oregon Resident Births, 2002
  • Table 2-31.Race of Mother and Birthweight, Oregon Resident Births, 2002
  • Table 2-32.Low Birthweight Infants by County of Residence, Oregon Births, 2002
  • Table 2-33.Weight Gain of Mother by Period of Gestation, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Race of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2002
  • Table 2-34.Percent Low Birthweight by Weight Gain of Mother, Period of Gestation, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Race of Mother (Percents), Oregon Resident Births, 2002

  • Table 2-35.Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-36.Live Births with Selected Conditions of the Newborn by Race of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 2-37.Congenital Malformations by Age of Mother, Oregon Resident Births, 2002
  • Table 2-38.Most Popular Baby Names, Oregon Occurrence, 2002

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy
  • Section 3 (all tables)
  • Narrative 
  • Table 3-1.Number, Rate, and Percent Change for Pregnancies, Births, and Abortions to 15- to 44-Year-Olds, Oregon, 1980-2002 
  • Table 3-2.Live Births and Induced Abortions Occurring in Oregon, 1968-2002
  • Table 3-3.Induced Abortions by Race/Ethnicity, Marital Status and Age, Oregon Occurrence, 2002
  • Table 3-4.Abortions in Relation to Length of Gestation by Method, Complications, and Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2002 
  • Table 3-5.Contraceptive Use, Number of Previous Abortions, and Number of Living Children by Age of Patient, Oregon Occurrence, 2002
  • Table 3-6.Induced Terminations of Pregnancy Occurring in Oregon by Residence and Age Group of Patient, 2002
  • Table 3-7.Induced Terminations of Pregnancy by County of Residence and County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2002

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy
  • Section  4 (all tables)
  • Narrative 
  • Table 4-1.Oregon Pregnancies for Teens 15-19, 1974-2002
  • Table 4-2.Oregon Pregnancies for Young Teens (10-17 Years), 1974-2002
  • Table 4-3.Births to 15- to 19-Year-Old Teens by Race/Ethnicity by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2002
  • Table 4-4.Births to Teens 15-19 by Marital Status, Race/Ethnicity and Age by Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Birthweight, Oregon Residence, 2002
  • Table 4-5.Pregnancy Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 4-6.Birth Rates of Teen Mothers by County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 4-7.Abortion Rates of Teens by County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 4-8.Teens 15-19: Births, Level of Prenatal Care and Low Birthweight Rates by County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 4-9.Birth Outcomes of Infants by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 4-10.Demographic Characteristics of Mother by Age, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 4-11.Demographic Characteristics of Abortion Patients by Age, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 4-12.Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 4-13.Age of Father by Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 1998-2002


All files are PDF format

Complete 2001 Volume 1 Report

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Section 1 - Quick Reference (all tables)
Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2001

Section 2. - Natality

Section 2 - Natality (all tables)

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (all tables)

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 - Teen Pregnancy (all tables)






All files are PDf format

Complete 2000 Volume 1 Report 

Section 1. - Quick Reference

Section 1 - Quick Reference (all tables)
Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2000

Section 2. - Natality

Section 2 (all tables)

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (all tables)

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 (all tables)






All files are PDf format

Complete 1999 Volume 1 Report 

Section 1. - Quick Reference
Section 2. - Natality

Section 2 - Natality (all tables)

Section 3. - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 3 - Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (all tables)

Section 4. - Teen Pregnancy

Section 4 - Teen Pregnancy (all tables)


Appendices A - D:Complete Appendices A - D





All files are PDF format

Section 1: Quick Reference

Section 2: Natality

Section 3: Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

Section 4: Teen Pregnancy


All files are PDf format

Section 1: Quick Reference

Section 2: Natality
Section 3: Induced Terminations of Pregnancy

 Section 4: Teen Pregnancy



All files are PDF format

Section 1: Quick Reference
Section 2: Natality
Section 3: Induced Terminations of Pregnancy
Section 4: Teen Pregnancy




All files are PDF format

Complete 1995 Volume 1 Report

Section 1: Quick Reference
Section 2: Natality
Section 3: Induced Terminations of Pregnancy
Section 4: Teen Pregnancy
