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Oregon Health Authority

Alcohol and Other Drugs

Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention and Education Program

Resources and guidance for county, tribal and community grantees and partners working on strategies and policies to prevent excessive alcohol use, and alcohol and drug misuse, abuse and addiction in their communities.

Health Systems Resources

Strategic Communication Resources

Tribal Alcohol and other Drugs Prevention

New ADPEP Coordinators

Related Resources

Statewide Engagement for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention

Based on areas of interest expressed in our conversations with Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Partners, we’ve identified three areas to develop initial collaborative workgroups to:

  1. Crosswalk the language and frameworks of public health and prevention
  2. Align and clearly communicate state-wide strategies, goals and priorities
  3. Collaborate with prevention partners to re-imagine how prevention happens in Oregon

The ideas and input from these conversations informed the design, representation and composition (volunteers, OHA staff, partners) of these workgroups.

Look for future workgroup documents and products to be posted to this site.

Workgroup 1: Crosswalk the language and frameworks of public health and prevention

Workgroup 1, Webinar 1 notes:
The first of three Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Collaborative Workgroups (Workgroup 1: Crosswalk the language and frameworks of public health and prevention) launched with a webinar meeting on April 4, 2018. In this meeting, workgroup members shared their hopes for what the group will accomplish and collaboratively established working agreements, expectations, and decision-making criteria for the group. The group also brainstormed a list of potential frameworks to crosswalk, discussed what was essential to understand about the frameworks, and determined a process for prioritizing the list through a workgroup survey in follow up to the webinar.

Workgroup 1, Webinar 2 notes:
Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Collaborative Workgroup #1 (Crosswalk the language and frameworks of public health and prevention) had their second webinar meeting on April 18, 2018. The workgroup discussed the results of a survey used to prioritize the list of frameworks they will crosswalk. Each of the top-rated frameworks were discussed and together the group refined and finalized the list of core frameworks to include. The group also discussed and practiced an approach to cross walking key terminology and decided they will use a follow up survey to prioritize the key terms to crosswalk.

Workgroup 1, Webinar 3 notes:
Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Collaborative Workgroup #1 (Crosswalk the language and frameworks of public health and prevention) met in Eugene on May 10th and 11th. The workgroup chose 8 concepts to crosswalk and they captured similarities and differences in how the Public Health and Prevention fields understand and apply each concept. The group also selected 8 frameworks that are core to the Public Health and Prevention fields and described 10 places they see important connections between these different frameworks. Feedback will also be gathered from additional prevention partners who had volunteered for this workgroup.

Workgroup 1 Meeting Notes (June 7th)
Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Collaborative Workgroup #1 (Crosswalk the language and frameworks of public health and prevention) reconvened in Eugene on June 7th to review feedback and input on a framework connections document. This workgroup reviewed eight of the most commonly used frameworks for guiding and directing funding priorities from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), resulting in a visual graphic of how local and state mental and public health authorities are getting work done to achieve improved health outcomes. Members drafted a letter to workgroup #2 describing their intentions to clarify language, the spirit of collaborative work and intentions to move forward together.

Concepts and Connections document was finalized – a visual crosswalk of frameworks and concepts used and applied in practice. Increased understanding of language and frameworks will continue to inform and facilitate productive conversations as we to strive to best address alcohol and drug prevention.

Workgroup 2: Align with partners and clearly communicate statewide strategies, goals and priorities

Workgroup 2 Meeting Notes (June 6th)
The second of three Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Collaborative Workgroups (Workgroup 2: Align with partners and clearly communicate statewide strategies, goals and priorities) launched with a planning session meeting in Portland on June 6th, 2018. The purpose of this workgroup is for collaboration and recommending an approach to clearly communicate and align state-wide strategies, goals and priorities. The workgroup began by reviewing why this workgroup is important and prioritized and developed team agreements and hopes and expectations for their recommendations. The group agreed to a process that follows a Collective Impact model. Using components Collective Impact, the group also reflected on past, current and future states of alcohol and drug prevention and assessed readiness for change to use this model. Lastly, the group began to brainstorm potential common shared objectives.

Workgroup 2 Webinar Notes (June 27th)
Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Collaborative Workgroup #2 (Align with partners and clearly communicate statewide strategies, goals and priorities) virtually met on June 27th, 2018. Using the Collective Impact model, the group worked on establishing language for a common agenda and begin refining a list of potential shared objectives.

Workgroup 2 Meeting Notes (July 16th)

Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Collaborative Workgroup #2 (Align with partners and clearly communicate statewide strategies, goals and priorities) met in Portland on July 16th, 2018. The group agreed upon finalized common agenda language for substance use/misuse prevention, which states: Together, we are committed to preventing substance use, misuse, disorder, addiction and their related harms. We do this by reducing risk factors and promoting protective factors in support of physical, behavioral, societal, cultural and spiritual health. The group also agreed upon broader goals related to substance use and misuse, related negative health and social harms and promotion of resilience in individuals and communities.

Workgroup 2 Webinar Notes (July 24th)
Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Collaborative Workgroup #2 (Align with partners and clearly communicate statewide strategies, goals and priorities) virtually met on July 24th , 2018. At this webinar, workgroup members discussed principles of communication and identified various audiences to communicate with about prevention strategies, goals and priorities.

Workgroup 2 Meeting Notes (August 8th)
Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Collaborative Workgroup #2 virtually met on August 8th, 2018. In the collective impact approach, the group discussed a range of efforts (mutually reinforcing efforts) and key entities needed that contribute to a common agenda and work towards shared goals. This was a way to demonstrate the power of collective action and importance of the unique roles each entity offers. As a final step in the collective impact approach, the group agreed that OHA Public Health Division would be best equipped to support the role of a Backbone Support Organization. This role would include serving as a convener, being the central source of communication, operating and participating in the in the interest of the collective, and fostering conditions that allow development of a common vision, and alignment around that agenda. The work of this group is organized and described in a Framework for Collaboration: Recommendations to Promote a Collective Impact Approach to Alcohol and other Drug Prevention in Oregon.  

Workgroup 3: Collaborate with Prevention Partners and Re-Imagine How Prevention Happens in Oregon

The third Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Collaborative Workgroups launched with a webinar meeting on September 10th, 2018. The purpose of the third workgroup is to collaboratively identify steps that alcohol and other drug prevention in Oregon will need to take to become more integrated and aligned on reaching outcomes. The workgroup agreed to apply a PESTEL analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Legal, Environmental, Technological, Political) to analyze the current situation and use a logic model approach to organize the focus for future alcohol and other drug work. 

The workgroup met virtually on September 28th to understand how previous work connects and builds a foundation for reimaging how prevention happens in Oregon. Specifically, how the increased understanding of language and frameworks, development of a common agenda, and alignment of shared goals can inform and make more specific the conversations to discuss how prevention happens in Oregon. The group dug into the PESTEL analysis identifying positive and negative influences on alcohol and other drug prevention.  

The efforts of Workgroup 3 are a culmination of this extensive participatory process to imagine a sustainable prevention network that supports stronger, healthier families and communities across Oregon. The common vision and proposed activities for the future is a recommended process for continuous improvement rather than a binding strategic plan. 

Moving Forward

Thank you to each of the workgroup members for your contributions and leadership in this process.
PHD HPCDP will use and share these resources with impact partners to foster understanding of the concepts and language used to prevent harmful alcohol and other drug use, offering a common agenda and framework for collaboration to reach outcomes together. 

We are grateful for all of those who contributed to this important engagement process to talk about how we work together to make Oregon a healthier state. Together, we can build from where we are to support stronger families and communities in Oregon.

A shared agenda with common goals can unite all and move Oregon past differences and seemingly contrary approaches. To the degree the alcohol and other drug prevention partners operate as described by Workgroup 2 – with OHA’s Public Health Division as a convener for collective action – the activities proposed inform living, working initiatives and facilitate interagency collaboration along the continuum of care among communities and statewide.
1. Crosswalk the Language and Frameworks of Public Health and Prevention: Concepts and Connections.  
3. Collaborate with Prevention Partners to Imagine How Future Prevention Happens in Oregon common vision and proposed activities.

Additional resources:
Statewide Collaboration PowerPoint slides – coming soon
Please contact HPCDP if you’d like to use these slides in your conversations.