Safe Antibiotic Use & Child Care

Child and day care centers are a common place for viruses and bacterial infections where germs pass easily among children and providers, primarily because personal contact in these settings is very common and difficult to control.
Antibiotics are used to combat bacterial infections, however antibiotic use is so common (sometimes inappropriately prescribed) in infants and toddlers that child care centers are often ideal settings for drug-resistant strains of bacteria to surface.
It is important for childcare providers and parents alike to know that antibiotics do not work for viruses that cause colds or the flu. Below we have provided some helpful resources for child care centers and providers on safe use of antibiotics.
Fun Stuff
Children's Antibiotic Resistance Activity KitAn 8-page booklet of coloring sheets and games that teaches children and their parents about antibiotic resistance. Suitable for grades K-3. Size 8.5" x 11".
Other Resources