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Oregon Health Authority

Information for Schools, Colleges, Universities and Childcare Providers

Archived Outbreak Information - 2014

This information is no longer being updated.

On this page:

Key facts

  • The risk of Ebola in Oregon is extremely low. There have been no cases of Ebola in Oregon.
  • Ebola virus spreads through physical contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person who is showing symptoms. It is not transmitted through the air like measles or chicken pox, nor is it transmitted by water or food.
  • Students should not be barred from school, school-related activities, school buses or childcare facilities if they have no symptoms of illness.
  • School closure decisions are typically made by school administration. It is highly unlikely that school closure would be required for public health reasons related to a staff member or student exposed to Ebola. If considering closure, please consult with the local health department.
  • Symptoms for which students or staff should stay home are the same as in the past. Key symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea or severe discomfort that interferes with normal functioning. These symptoms could be signs of a communicable disease.
  • Schools and childcare facilities should use regular enrollment procedures.

If students or staff have recently come to Oregon from an Ebola-affected area 

  • Oregon public health officials are following federal CDC guidance for monitoring the health of people who arrive in Oregon from an Ebola-affected area. People under monitoring for Ebola will be in daily contact with public health officials for 21 days, starting the day after leaving the affected area. If a person remains healthy during the 21 day monitoring period, they are not at risk for transmitting Ebola.
  • People under monitoring for Ebola due to recent travel are considered low risk if they had no known exposure to the virus. They may continue attending classes, school-related activities or childcare during this time, as long as this is the plan agreed upon by public health officials.
  • If a student or staff member is under monitoring by the local health department AND begins to show symptoms consistent with Ebola, he or she should be isolated in a private room with the door closed.
    • A school nurse, healthcare provider, principal or childcare facility director should be contacted right away. They should contact the local health department immediately. The local health department will help arrange medical evaluation.
    • If the person is severely ill and needs immediate attention, call 911 as well. Describe the person, their symptoms, their travel, and that they are under monitoring for Ebola with the local health department.
    • Parents should be notified and educated as they would for any illness.
    • If the person is diagnosed with Ebola, public health officials will follow up with anyone who had contact with that person while he or she had symptoms to decide if they need to be monitored.

  • Children or staff who get sick more than 21 days after returning from an Ebola-affected area do not need to be checked for Ebola and are not at risk for Ebola.

Learn more about how Oregon is monitoring people at risk for Ebola.

Advice for study abroad, foreign exchange and other education-related travel

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has advised that people avoid non-essential travel to Ebola-affected areas. CDC advises that education-related travel be postponed until further notice.
  • Visit CDC’s travel health notices page for the most up-to-date guidance and recommendations for travel to other countries.
  • The U.S. Department of State takes action to protect U.S. citizens who travel outside the U.S. through a number of diplomatic channels. However, in the event of an outbreak, any country has the right to enact measures (such as quarantine of exposed people, isolation of sick people, and screening of people entering or exiting the country for sickness or disease exposure) to protect its citizens and to prevent the spread of an outbreak to other countries. These measures may infringe on the individual rights of those who appear to be infected with or exposed to a disease of public health concern—including visiting U.S. citizens. The ability of the U.S. Department of State to intervene in such situations is limited. See the U.S. Department of State Travel page for more information.

Learn more

Page last updated: June 16, 2015