Formula Choices starting May 1, 2023: English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
Oregon WIC Approved Foods
Effective February 1st, 2021; Revised September 1, 2022; Revised November 1st, 2023
Click on the Food List images or links below to view or download the Oregon WIC Food List.
For a list of revisions, use these links:
Single sheet (one-sided) |
3-up printer-friendly (two-sided)
*Printed copies of the English and Spanish Food Lists are available. Contact your local WIC clinic to request a copy.

Oregon WIC Food List:
Arabic | Burmese |
Chinese |
Chuukese |
Dari |
English | Large Print English | Karen |
Nepali |
Pashto |
Russian |
Somali |
Spanish | Ukrainian |
Note: These are
Adobe Reader (PDF format) files. Due to the number of images, they are large files and may take a few minutes to download and open.
Printer friendly Versions:
Arabic |
Burmese | Chinese |
Chuukese |
Dari | English | Karen |
Nepali |
Pashto | Russian | Somali |
Spanish | Ukrainian | Vietnamese
Common WIC Foods (visual teaching tool, available online only): English