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Highlighted Project: Upper Sandy River Basin Aquatic Habitat Restoration

Project Overview

Sandy River constructed island, bar jam, and boulders 

Sandy River looking across side channel 

Sandy River salmon and steelhead populations have declined over the last century due to degradation of habitat and other factors. The Sandy River Basin Partners (the Partners) have identified the Salmon River and Upper Sandy 6th Field watersheds among the top four areas providing high quality habitat for the basin's native fish.

Restoration on the Salmon River and its tributary, Boulder Creek, and Upper Sandy watershed tributary Clear Fork address primary limiting factors for Sandy basin salmon and steelhead. Restoration includes reactivating flow to historic side channels and floodplain habitat, constructing large wood habitat structures, and adding instream roughness elements. Additional large wood was placed in side channels and on stream margins.

The work was completed on public land near Welches, Oregon in Clackamas County and managed by the US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management.

The Freshwater Trust

Grant Type:
Restoration Grant

Sandy River Basin Restoration

Site Visits to the Sandy River Basin

For more information:

Search OWEB's Grant Management System (OGMS) for Project Number 218-3020 (ID 15931).


For questions or comments, reach out to your Regional Project Representative.