By August 30 of a new biennium, each team should have submitted their Biennial Report from the recently closed biennium, as well as the team’s revised Bylaws, Priority Watershed Concerns, and Eligible Project Types for the current biennium.
In their bylaws, teams establish application deadlines for the biennium and their application review schedule. They also select officers, including the Team Contact, Team Record Keeper, Outreach Coordinator, and the individual responsible for the Team Biennial Report to OWEB.
Once the team has completed the above tasks and no team member (council, district, or tribe) has outstanding OWEB reports, the Team Contact signs a grant agreement with OWEB, effective after both parties (OWEB and the Team Contact) have signed. The grant agreement is valid through the end of the current biennium for which it was signed.
Teams may meet electronically or in person. They meet no fewer than 8 times in the biennium (the meeting schedule for the biennium is laid out in the bylaws). The role of teams is to review and discuss applications, deny applications or recommend them to OWEB for funding, and to check the status of currently funded projects.
Small Grant Teams are encouraged to invite local individuals with expertise in a watershed restoration discipline or other watershed restoration interests to consult with the team on its priorities, program elements, and recommendations for project grant awards.