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Rulemaking: Focused Investment Partnership Grants Division 47
At the January 2024 meeting, the OWEB Board authorized rulemaking for OWEB’s Focused Investment Partnership (FIP) Grant Program. The FIP program is an OWEB investment that: addresses a board-identified focused investment priority of significance to the state; achieves clear and measurable ecological outcomes; uses integrated, results-oriented approaches as identified through a strategic action plan; and is implemented by a high-performing partnership. FIP funding supports partnerships in pursuing conservation initiatives with up to $12 million over six years. A Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) has been formed to assist OWEB in developing revisions to the FIP rules.
Public Comment on Administrative Rules for the Focused Investment Partnership ProgramNotice of Proposed Rulemaking
Focused Investment Partnership Grants RAC Meeting #1-June 27, 2024 AgendaFocused Investment Partnership Draft Rules - RAC Meeting #1Recording
Focused Investment Partnership Grants RAC Meeting #2-July 29, 2024AgendaFocused Investment Partnership Draft Rules - RAC Meeting #2Public CommentRecording
Focused Investment Partnership Grants RAC Meeting #3-August 20, 2024AgendaFocused Investment Partnership Draft Rules - RAC Meeting #3Focused Investment Partnership Draft Rules Clean Copy - RAC Meeting #3Recording
Focused Investment Partnership Grants RAC Meeting #4-September 12, 2024AgendaFocused Investment Partnership Draft Rules - RAC Meeting #4Focused Investment Partnership Draft Rules Clean Copy - RAC Meeting #4Recording
Engagement Grants Division 15 and Monitoring Grants Division 25
Public Comment on Administrative Rules for the Engagement and Monitoring Grant Programs.Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
OAHP RAC Meetings
Oregon Agricultural Heritage Program (OAHP) Rulemaking
Public Comment on Administrative Rules for the Oregon Agricultural Heritage Grant ProgramNotice of Proposed RulemakingPublic Comment
RAC Meeting #1-June 5, 2024Agenda and MaterialsRecording
RAC Meeting #2-July 9, 2024Agenda and MaterialsRecording
RAC Meeting #3-August 7, 2024Agenda and MaterialsRecording
RAC Meeting #4-September 11, 2024Agenda and MaterialsRecording
RAC Meeting #5-October 21, 2024Agenda and MaterialsRecording
RAC Meeting #6-November 7, 2024Agenda and MaterialsRecording
OWEB Administrative Rules
Oregon Agricultural Heritage Program Rules
Please direct questions and comments to Eric Hartstein, Senior Policy Coordinator, or 503-910-6201.
Grant Program Division 5
Administrative Rule OWEB Grant Program
Updates to OWEB’s Grant Program Rules (Division 5) At the January 2022 meeting, the OWEB Board approved initiating rulemaking for Division 5, OWEB Grant Program. The division generally governs the acceptance and consideration of grant applications. A Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) has been formed to assist OWEB in developing revisions to the rules.
RAC Meeting #1-July 12, 2022Agenda and MaterialsRecording
RAC Meeting #2-August 30, 2022Agenda and MaterialsRecording
Climate Evaluation Criteria
Administrative Rule Climate-Related Evaluation Criteria
Updates to OWEB's Climate Evaluation Criteria Rulemaking At the July 2022 meeting, the OWEB Board authorized rulemaking to implement the OWEB Climate Resolution. A Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) was formed to assist OWEB in developing climate-related evaluation criteria and accompanying definitions across OWEB’s grant programs. A Summary Report of the Climate Resolution Public Engagement Process was given at the July board meeting.
RAC Meeting #1-December 5, 2022Agenda and MaterialsRecording
RAC Meeting #2-January 6, 2023Agenda and MaterialsRecording
RAC Meeting #3-February 10, 2023Agenda and MaterialsRecording
RAC Meeting #4-April 11, 2023Agenda and MaterialsRecording
Proposed Rules June 5, 2023Notice of Proposed RulemakingClimate-related Evaluation Criteria and Definitions
Rulemaking: Small Grant Program Division 35
Administrative Rule Small Grant ProgramEffective July 1, 2025
Updates to OWEB's Small Grant Program Rulemaking (Division 35)At the July 2023 meeting, the OWEB Board authorized rulemaking for OWEB’s Small Grant Program. The Small Grant Program is an easy-to-engage-in, competitive grant program that awards funds for on-the-ground restoration projects. The program responds to a need for local decision-making about watershed restoration opportunities on a timeline shorter than many of OWEB’s other grant programs. The board has expressed interest in examining the eligible applicants and types of grants offered through the grant program. A Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) has been formed to assist OWEB in developing revisions to the Small Grant Program rules.
RAC Meeting #1-November 27, 2023AgendaSmall Grant Rules Potential Revisions November 27, 2023Recording
Rulemaking: Drinking Water Source Protection Grant Program
Administrative Rule Drinking Water Source Protection Grant Program
House Bill (HB) 2010 is an omnibus water bill from the 2023 legislative session that directs OWEB to establish a grant program to provide grants to water suppliers for the protection of drinking water sources. At the July 2023 meeting, the OWEB Board authorized the rulemaking necessary to implement the newly established Drinking Water Source Protection grant program. A Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) has been formed to assist OWEB in developing administrative rules to define program administrative requirements.
Public Comment on Administrative Rules for the New Drinking Water Source Protection Grant ProgramNotice of Proposed Rulemaking Public Comment
Drinking Water Source Protection Grant Program RAC Meeting #1-January 10, 2024AgendaPresentationPublic CommentRecording
Drinking Water Source Protection Grant Program RAC Meeting #2-February 9, 2024AgendaDAS Bond Funding PresentationRulemaking Language PresentationPublic CommentRecording
Drinking Water Source Protection Grant Program RAC Meeting #3-February 27, 2024AgendaDrinking Water Source Protection Grant Program Draft Rules February 22, 2024Recording
Drinking Water Source Protection Grant Program RAC Meeting #4-March 15, 2024AgendaDrinking Water Source Protection Grant Program Draft Rules March 8, 2024Recording
Drinking Water Source Protection Grant Program RAC Meeting #5-April 4, 2024AgendaDrinking Water Source Protection Grant Program Draft Rules March 28, 2024Public CommentRecording
Drinking Water Source Protection Grant Program RAC Meeting #6-April 19, 2024AgendaDrinking Water Source Protection Grant Program Draft Rules April 15, 2024Recording
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