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Oregon Health Authority

Hospital Reporting Program


The Hospital Reporting Program collects, maintains, analyzes, and reports information about hospitals in Oregon hospital financial and utilization data to inform policymaking. 

Programs and Datasets

Click the accordions below to begin exploring our datasets and programs:

Every month, Oregon's 60 acute care inpatient hospitals self-report information about their finances and utilization. Timely and transparent reporting of these data helps researchers, policymakers, and the public identify and understand the impact of state and federal health reforms on hospital care and financial stability​.​

Visit the Databank webpage to learn more and explore the data:
Financial and Utilization (Databank)​​​​​ ​

Every year, hospitals and health systems in Oregon submit detailed audited financial records to the Oregon Health Authority. Transparent reporting of these data is important to help researchers, policymakers, and the public understand hospital​​s' financial health, and their role in driving health care costs and meeting the needs of their communities. ​

Visit the Audited Financials webpage to learn more and explore the data:
Audited Financials​​​

​​Most hospitals in Oregon are designated as non-profit institutions. In return for their tax-exempt status, non-profit hospitals are expected to provide measurable benefits to the community. Every year, Oregon​'s 60 acute care inpatient hospitals report the amount of money they contribute ​​​toward different categories of community benefit.​​

Visit the Hospital Community Benefit Reporting webpage to learn more and explore the data:
Community Benefit Reporting​​​​ ​​​

Beginning in 2022, hospitals are assigned a Community Benefit Minimum Spending Floor. Visit the webpage to view program announcements and assigned floors:​
Minimum Spending Floors​​​​​ ​​​

Visit the Hospital Profiles webpage to explore a variety of financial and community benefit data from hospitals.:
Hospital Profiles​ ​

The Hospital Reporting Program uses data from Oregon's All Payer All Claims (APAC) database to show the amounts commercial insurance companies pay different hospitals in Oregon for common procedures each year. ​​

Visit the Hospital Payment​ webpage to learn more and explore the data:

Hospital Payment Reporting​​​

Hospitals keep records every time a person is di​scharged (released) from an inpatient hospital or emergency department (ED). These records include important information such as the reason they were admitted, diagnoses that were made, and care that was delivered. Hospital and emergency department discharge data are used by researchers and policymakers to understand trends in hospital services and the health conditions experienced by people in Oregon.​

Visit the Hospital and ED Discharge Data webpage to learn more and explore the data:​​
Hospital and ED Discharge Data​​​

​Visit the Caital Projects​​ Reporting webpage to learn more and explore the data:
Capital Projects Reporting​​​​​ ​


Click the tiles below to explore our data dashboards:


Financial & Utilization

Explore trends over time on key financial and utilization metrics, or read the Quarterly Summary Report


Community Benefit

Explore how much money Oregon's non-profit hospitals spend toward programs initiatives to benefit their local communities. 


Hospital Payment Report

This dashboard uses data from Oregon's All Payer All Claims (APAC) database to report the different amounts insurance companies pay for common procedures across hospital.

More Information

​Please send inquiries to HDD.Admin@odhsoha.ore​​

Below is a consolidated list of all the forms that the Hospital Reporting Program maintains. These can also be found on the corresponding program webpages. ​

Audited Financial & FR-3

Community Be​nefit

Capital Projects Reporting

Data Request Forms

Hospital Facility and Clinic Report Form​

For Consumers

As per House Bill 4020 from the 2018 Oregon Legislature, OHA is making available to hospitals and the general public a uniform financial assistance application.  This application may be used in any hospital in Oregon to request financial assistance. It was developed by the Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems. 

Financial Assistance Application 

For Hospitals