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Legislation and Budget

The Office of Policy and Analysis coordinates with the Governor’s Office and the Oregon Legislature in biennial budget development, assessing potential legislation, and evaluating and modifying existing statues that would help DEQ better fulfill our mission to be a leader in restoring, maintaining and enhancing the quality of Oregon's air, land and water. The office also serves as the central point of contact for legislators, and their staff, to help constituents find information and assistance from the department. 

2025-27 agency request budget development

2023 regular legislative session

2023-25 budget information

2021-23 budget information

Every two years, DEQ submits an Agency Request Budget to the Governor in early fall, which includes both new funding requests and existing agency operations for the biennium. This becomes the basis of the Governor’s Recommended Budget and is a starting point for discussions during the legislative session. Toward the end of the session, the Legislature adopts a state budget that includes all agency spending plans for the next two years. 

2021 regular legislative session

The Oregon Legislature adjourned the 2021 Regular Session on June 26, 2021. DEQ tracked hundreds of bills during the session. Included in the following report are measures that made it to final passage that either directly impact the agency's work or will likely impact future agency activities.


Policy and External Affairs Manager