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Vehicle Inspection Program Updates 2024

Proposed rule

Rulemaking contact: Brett Schneider, 971-673-1652

Topics under consideration for this rulemaking include:

  • Codifying the DEQ Too test method in rule 
  • Updating reciprocity provisions for vehicles that are temporally operating less than 150 miles outside of the Oregon border
This page will include updates and the latest developments for this rulemaking. DEQ plans to begin holding advisory committee meetings in April 2024. Meeting materials will be available on this page as they become available. 

We will publish the notice of rulemaking and open a public comment period in late Winter or early Summer 2024. We will also hold a public hearing in Summer or early Fall 2024. 

DEQ is convening an advisory committee to review the technical issues and fiscal impacts related to the proposed rules. In convening this committee, DEQ has appointed members that reflect the range of entities that are both directly and indirectly affected by proposed changes to the rules.

Public involvement

DEQ invites the public to submit comments on the proposed rules. The comment period closes at 4 p.m. on Nov. 7, 2024.

For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

Supporting documents
Public hearing

DEQ plans to hold one public hearing. Anyone can attend a hearing by webinar or teleconference. 

Monday, Oct. 28, 2024, 5:30 p.m.

Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 894 1284 7118 

Join via phone 
+16699006833,,89412847118# US (San Jose) 
+17193594580,,89412847118# US

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EQC action

DEQ plans to present the final proposal, including any modifications made in response to public comments to the Environmental Quality Commission for a decision at its Jan. 9-10, 2025 meeting.