Project Mobility Consideration Checklist is used to identify potential impacts to freight and traffic mobility in the development phase of a project. A guide is also available for completing the Checklist. Prior to PS&E, the Statewide Mobility Program manager must sign all mobility consideration checklists for highway projects that impact freight and traffic mobility. Mobility Program signature is not required for a "no mobility impact" project before submitting it with the PS&E package.
Changes to Project Mobility Consideration Checklist
Before making changes during construction that have the potential to adversely affect mobility or run counter to previous agreements, the Project Manager:
- Must discuss proposed changes with the contractor, region mobility liaison and any relevant region resources to discuss proposed changes to determine if the change is warranted and supported by the region.
- Engage the mobility team to discuss and get agreement with the potential changes before any agreements are made with the contractor, if supported by the region.
- Document ODOT Statewide Mobility Program and trucking industry support of any potential new restrictions and provide a copy of the documentation to the region mobility liaison.
Leadership Direction for Changes to Mobility Consideration Checklist