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Public Transportation Funding Opportunities


The following funding opportunities support the delivery of public transportation in Oregon and are managed by the Oregon Department of Transportation.  

Active Funding Opportunities 


This solicitation is for two separate competitive statewide solicitations; the STIF Discretionary Fund and the Statewide Transit Network Program. Review the STIF D​iscretionary and Statewide Network Program Guidance and Grant Application Instructions document in the Application section.


The STIF Discretionary and Statewide Network solicitation will be available on July 11, 2024. Grant applications are due to ODOT no later than September 5, 2024.


Section 122 of House Bill 2017 provides statewide funding for public transportation service. Proceeds from the payroll tax will be deposited into the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund. The Oregon Department of Revenue began assessing the tax July 1, 2018. ODOT is administering the STIF Discretionary Fund program with five percent of these revenues and the STN Program through a combination of four percent of STIF revenues and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5311(f) moneys. The Oregon Transportation Commission will decide which projects to award funding.

Match Requirements

The match requirements for projects awarded through this solicitation will vary based on the project type and program funds used to fund the project. STIF Discretionary and Statewide Transportation Network-STIF Intercommunity Fund applicants must demonstrate their ability to provide at least 20 percent of the Project’s total costs. Projects that meet certain characteristics may be eligible for a 10 percent match rate.

For projects receiving Section 5311(f) funds, applicants must demonstrate their ability to provide a 50 percent match of the net cost for operations projects and a 20 percent match of the net cost for capital projects and project administration.

Eligible Recipients

Applicants to these fund programs must be Public Transportation Service Providers, as defined by OAR 732-040-0005(24) or, as relevant to FTA 5311(f) funding, entities eligible to receive FTA Section 5311(f) funding. Eligible STIF Discretionary Fund applicants may contract with a non-profit or for-profit public transportation provider following procurement requirements applicable to the source(s) of project funding.

Eligible Projects

Projects eligible for funding under the STIF Discretionary fund include but are not limited to capital projects such as vehicles, facilities, equipment, and technology; and management, planning, and research.

Projects eligible to receive grants under the STIF Intercommunity Fund or FTA Section 5311(f) Intercity Fund include, but are not limited to, capital projects such as vehicles, facilities, equipment and technology, as well as mobility management, planning, research, pilot and ongoing operations projects that support intercommunity and intercity bus services.

STIF funding is not available for light rail capital expenses.

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Award Announcement


This federal fund source supports public transportation for seniors and individuals with disabilities by funding eligible capital, purchased service, and preventive maintenance projects for transportation providers.


The 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities solicitation will open on August, 22, 2024. Applications will be due to ODOT no later than November 20, 2024.


Funds are awarded every two years using an established formula. Lead Agencies recommend projects for funding.

Funding comes from the Federal Transit Administration’s Section 5310 program, which is distributed to states using a population-based formula in an amount set by Congress. Funding also comes from ODOT’s transfer of Federal Highway Administration Surface Transportation Block Grant funds to the Section 5310 program.

Match Requirements
Rural Agencies 
All projects: local share 10.27 percent, federal share 89.73 percent

Small Urban Agencies
All projects: local share 20 percent, federal share 80 percent
Eligible Recipients

​Eligible recipients are counties, mass transit districts, transportation districts, transportation service districts, Indian tribal governments, cities, councils of government, and private nonprofit organizations. Funds may be used in all areas of the state.

Private for-profit companies are not eligible for this program and may only participate as vendors with service contracts or agreements with eligible recipients.
Eligible Projects

​​Eligible projects include vehicle purchases, passenger shelters, purchased services, preventive maintenance, travel training, marketing programs, development of centralized call centers, and equipment that supports transportation to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities.

Projects must be derived from a local Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan.
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Award Announcement


This program supports rural public transportation providers operating in areas with populations of fewer than 50,000 by financing operations, capital, project administration, preventive maintenance, planning, and mobility management projects.


The 5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas solicitation will open on August, 22, 2024. Applications will be due to ODOT no later than November 20, 2024.


The majority of funds are distributed every two years to pre-qualified agencies through a three-part formula which includes a base amount, passenger trips, and service miles.
Funding comes from the Federal Transit Administration 5311 program.

Match Requirements

​Operations projects: local share 43.92 percent, federal share 56.08 percent
Capital, administration, preventive maintenance, planning, and mobility management projects: local share 10.27 percent, federal share 89.73 percent.

Eligible Recipients

Eligible recipients include public agencies, Indian tribes, or private nonprofit agencies operating general public transit services in rural areas that are not part of a designated urban area.

Private for-profit companies are not eligible for this program and may only participate as vendors with service contracts or agreements with an eligible recipient. Recipients are encouraged to consider including private for-profit transportation providers in their programs.

Eligible Projects

Eligible projects include operations, capital, project administration, preventive maintenance, planning, and mobility management. Projects must support general public transportation services.​

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Award Announcement


This solicitation is for the STIF Formula Fund, which is intended to expand, improve, and maintain public transportation services in Oregon.


The 2025-27 STIF Plan solicitation will open on August 27, 2024. Formula Fund submittals must be received by ODOT no later than January 16, 2025.


At its inception, the STIF program was funded solely by the Oregon "transit tax," which is a state payroll tax equal to one-tenth of 1 percent. The STIF program is also funded by ID card fees, non-highway gas tax, and cigarette tax revenues now that it has been consolidated with the Special Transportation Fund (STF) is effective July 1, 2023. The total funding amount will be estimated annually, and actual revenues will vary based on transit tax collections.

Match Requirements

There are no match requirements for STIF Formula funds.

Eligible Recipients

Only a Qualified Entity may submit a STIF Plan. A Qualified Entity is a county in which no part of a Mass Transit District or Transportation District exists, a Mass Transit District, a Transportation District or an Indian Tribe, per OAR 732-040-0005. A Public Transportation Service Provider or any non-profit, private for-profit, or public entity is eligible to receive STIF Formula funds through a qualified entity as a sub-recipient under the Qualified Entity's STIF Plan.

A map of Qualified Entities is located in the STIF Rulemaking Document Library on the STIF webpage.

Eligible Projects

​​STIF funding may be used to finance investments and improvements in public transportation services, except for light rail capital expenses. STIF may be used for public transportation purposes that support the effective planning, deployment, operation, and administration of public transportation programs.

STIF moneys are not intended to supplant local funding sources to maintain existing services. A STIF Plan that proposes to use STIF funding to replace local funding to maintain an existing service may result in denial of the funding request.

For More Information

More information will be available prior to the beginning of the solicitation of August 27, 2024.

Additional Resources
Award Announcement


This program funds the replacement and purchase of buses, bus equipment, and bus-related facilities for transportation providers in small urban and rural areas with population of 199,999 or less.

Application deadline is March 12, 2024
Grant agreements executed once Federal funds are secured.​

Pending FTA approval, the grant period will be October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2028.


Funding is provided by FTA's 5339 Bus and Bus Facilities Program which is distributed to states in an amount set by Congress. Distribution to local agencies is done through an ODOT discretionary selection process.

Match Requirements
Vehicles: local share 15 percent, federal share 85 percent
Vehicle-related equipment and facilities that comply with Clean Air Act or Americans with Disabilities Act: local share 10%, federal share 90%
Bicycle facilities: local share 10%, federal share 90%
All others: local share 20 percent, federal share 80 percent

Eligible Recipients

Eligible recipients are general public service providers who operate in small urban and rural communities with a population of 199,999 or less.

Eligible Projects
Eligible projects for the 2024 solicitation include replacing, rebuilding, or purchasing buses and related equipment as well as construction of bus-related facilities. For vehicle replacement or right-sizing, the vehicle to be replaced or right-sized must meet or exceed the age or mileage standard for the vehicle type at the time of procurement. Eligible projects include:  

- Acquisition of buses for fleet and service expansion 
- Bus maintenance and administrative facilities 
- Transfer facilities 
- Bus malls 
- Transportation centers 
- Intermodal terminals 
- Park-and-ride stations 
- Acquisition of replacement vehicles 
- Bus rebuilds 
- Passenger amenities such as passenger shelters and bus stop signs 
- Accessory and miscellaneous equipment such as: mobile radio units, supervisory vehicles, fare boxes, computers, and shop and garage equipment 
- Clean fuels projects
- Introduction of new technology: transit-related technology, such as innovative and improved products that provide benefits to transit, including Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
- Bicycle facilities
- Joint development improvements


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Award Announcement


This solicitation supports projects for operations, mobility management, purchased service, and preventive maintenance for transportation providers serving seniors and individuals with disabilities in rural areas.

Application deadline is March 12, 2024
Grant agreements executed once Federal funds are secured.​

Funding comes from the Federal Transit Administration's 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program which is distributed to states using a population-based formula in an amount set by Congress. Distribution to local agencies is done through an ODOT discretionary selection process.
Match Requirements
Operating projects: local share 50 percent, federal share 50 percent
Other projects: local share 20 percent, federal share 80 percent

Eligible Recipients

Public transportation agencies providing rural services.


Eligible Projects

Operations, mobility management, purchased service, and preventive maintenance.

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Award Announcement


The purpose of Section 5304 grant funding is to support planning projects that lead to improved mobility and transit access for citizens, more livable and economically vibrant communities, and more efficient and well-coordinated public transportation systems. 

Solicitation opens January 4, 2023 
Application deadline is March 12, 2024 
Grant agreements executed once Federal funds are secured.​

Pending FTA approval, the grant period for planning projects will be October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2026.


Expected: $300,000. Final amount may vary. Funds are awarded through a competitive selection process. 

Match Requirements

​Local share is 20 percent, federal share is 80 percent

Eligible Recipients

Transportation agencies that serve rural areas (population less than 50,000). 

Eligible Projects
Planning projects leading to improved mobility and accessibility for Oregonians. Proposed projects should align with the goals and priorities of regional transit plans and the Oregon Transportation Plan, the Oregon Transit Network Report, and/or the ODOT Strategic Action Plan. Eligible projects include, but are not limited to: 

- Transit needs assessments
- Short-range transit development plans
- System design plans
- Civil rights plans
- Transit marketing plans
- Site selection studies
- Transit service implementation plans
- Ridership surveys
- Service coordination plans
- Environmental impact analyses
- Asset management plans​

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Award Announcement


The main purpose of the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Low or No Emission Program (Low-No Program) is to support the transition of the nation’s transit fleet to the lowest polluting and most energy efficient transit vehicles. The Low-No Program provides funding to state and local governmental authorities for the purchase or lease of zero-emission and low-emission transit buses. This also includes acquisition, construction, and leasing of required supporting facilities.

Letter of Intent Due March 11, 2024, Supplemental Form Due April 8, 2024, Direct Applicants Due April 25, 2024.


Funding comes from the FTA's 5339 Program with available funds of $1.10 billion in federal fiscal year 2023.

Project Budget: Applicants are encouraged to identify scaled funding options in case insufficient funding is available to fund a project at the full requested amount. If an applicant indicates that a project is scalable, the applicant must provide an appropriate minimum funding amount that will fund an eligible project that achieves the objectives of the program and meets all relevant program requirements. The applicant must provide a clear explanation of how the project budget would be affected by a reduced award. FTA may award a lesser amount whether or not a scalable option is provided.

Match Requirements

For vehicles, the match is 15 percent local funds. For Bus-related Equipment and Facilities (such as recharging or refueling facilities), the match is 10 percent local funds.

Acceptable match sources are: cash from non-government sources other than revenues from providing public transportation services; revenues derived from the sale of advertising and concessions; amounts received under a service agreement with a state or local social service agency or private social service organization; revenues generated from value capture financing mechanisms; funds from an undistributed cash surplus; replacement or depreciation cash fund or reserve; new capital; or in-kind contributions. In addition, transportation development credits or documentation of in-kind match may substitute for local match if identified in the application.

Eligible Recipients

An eligible applicant is a designated recipient of FTA 5307 grants as well as states, local governmental authorities, and Indian tribes. ODOT will be applying on behalf of subrecipients who are not 5307 direct recipients.

Eligible Projects

Purchase or lease of zero-emission and low-emission transit buses, and acquisition, construction, and leasing of required supporting facilities.

FTA will consider the quality and extent to which applications demonstrate how the proposed project will: reduce energy consumption, reduce harmful emissions and reduce direct carbon emissions. Applicants must demonstrate how the proposed project is consistent with local and regional long range planning documents and local government priorities. Applicants must identify the source of the local cost share and describe whether such funds are currently available for the project or will need to be secured if the project is selected for funding.

Applications will be evaluated based on the quality and extent to which they demonstrate how the proposed project will address an unmet need for capital investment in vehicles and/or supporting facilities. For example: an applicant may demonstrate that it requires additional charging facilities for low- or no-emission vehicles, that it intends to replace existing vehicles that have exceeded their minimum useful life, or that it requires additional vehicles to meet current ridership demands.

For More Information

Email or call 503-986-3410.​​

Additional Resources

For more information about the Low-No Program visit the Section 5339(c) webpage​.

FY2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity​

Award Announcement

​Awarding in 2024.


The purpose of the Bus and Bus Infrastructure Program is to assist in the financing of buses and bus facilities capital projects, including replacing, rehabilitating, purchasing or leasing buses or related equipment, and rehabilitating, purchasing, constructing or leasing bus-related facilities.


Letter of Intent Due March 11, 2024, Supplemental Form Due April 8, 2024, Direct Applicants Due April 25, 2024.


Funding comes from the FTA's 5339(b) Program with available funds of more than $390 million for this solicitation.

Scalable Project Budget: Applicants are encouraged to identify scaled funding options in case insufficient funding is available to fund a project at the full requested amount. If an applicant indicates that a project is scalable, the applicant must provide an appropriate minimum funding amount that will fund an eligible project that achieves the objectives of the program and meets all relevant program requirements. The applicant must provide a clear explanation of how the project budget would be affected by a reduced award. FTA may award a lesser amount whether or not a scalable option is provided. ​

Match Requirements

For Vehicles, the match is 15 percent local funds. For Bus-related Equipment and Facilities (such as recharging or refueling facilities, including clean fuel or alternative-fuel vehicle-related equipment), the match is 10 percent local funds.

Eligible sources of local match include the following:

  • cash from non-Government sources other than revenues from providing public transportation services;
  • revenues derived from the sale of advertising and concessions;​
  • amounts received under a service agreement with a State or local social service agency or private social service organization;
  • revenues generated from value capture financing mechanisms; or funds from an undistributed cash surplus;
  • replacement or depreciation cash fund or reserve;
  • In addition, transportation development credits or documentation of in-kind match may substitute for local match if identified in the application.
Eligible Recipients

Eligible applicants include designated recipients that allocate funds to fixed route bus operators, states or local governmental entities that operate fixed route bus service, and Indian tribes. Eligible subrecipients include all otherwise eligible applicants and private nonprofit organizations engaged in public transportation.

Oregon RPTD will submit a statewide application on behalf of public agencies, private nonprofit organizations engaged in public transportation in rural areas, and projects proposed by Indian tribes; all proposals for projects in rural (non-urbanized) areas must be submitted by a State.

Eligible Projects

Eligible projects are capital projects to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses, vans, and related equipment, and capital projects to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities.

Applications will be evaluated based on the quality and extent to which they demonstrate how the proposed project addresses:

  • Demonstration of Need; an unmet need for capital investment in bus vehicles and/or supporting facilities.
  • Demonstration of Benefits; how will the project improve the condition of the transit system, improve the reliability of transit service for its riders, and enhance access and mobility within the service area.
  • Planning and Local/Regional Prioritization; how the proposed project will be consistent with local and regional long-range planning documents and local government priorities; including long-range transportation plans.
  • Local Financial Commitment; identify the source of the local cost share and describe whether such funds are currently available for the project or will need to be secured if the project is selected for funding.
  • Project Implementation Strategy; project ready to implement within a reasonable period of time and whether the applicant’s proposed implementation plans are reasonable and complete.
  • Technical, Legal and Financial Capacity: applicants must demonstrate that they have the technical, legal and financial capacity to undertake the project.
  • Bus facility and equipment projects (replacement, rehabilitation, and/or expansion): provide the age and condition of the asset to be rehabilitated or replaced and its minimum useful life.
  • Bus projects (replacement, rehabilitation or expansion): provide the age, condition and performance of the asset(s) to be replaced or rehabilitated.
  • Service expansion: provide the proposed service expansion and the benefits for transit riders and the community from the new service.
For More Information

Email​ or call 503-986-3885.​

Additional Resources

For more information about the Bus and Bus Facilities Program visit the Section 5339(b) webpage​.

Award Announcement

Awarding in 2024.


​The purpose of this program is to fund the replacement or right-sizing of vehicles that have met or exceeded their useful life standards.


​Application deadline is March 12, 2024
Grant agreements executed once Federal funds are secured.


​The Oregon Transportation Commission has allocated Federal Highway Administration Surface Transportation Block Grant funding to support this program. Funds will be transferred to FTA section 5307, 5310, or 5311 programs after award based on recipient eligibility.

Total funding available: $9 million​

  • $4 million for Section 5307
  • $5 million for Section 5310 and 5311 projects, and pending funding availability, Section 5307 projects​
Match Requirements

​​Local share 10.27 percent, federal share 89.73 percent

Eligible Recipients

​Entities eligible to receive Federal Transit Administration section 5307, 5310, or 5311 funding.

Eligible Projects

Vehicle replacement or right-sizing of vehicles in which ODOT holds a security interest.

For More Information
Contact your Regional Transit Coordinator​.​

Additional Resources
Award Announcement

Inactive Funding Opportunities


​The goal of the NCMM’s 2021 Ready-to-Launch Grants is to enable multi-sector community teams to pilot promising mobility solutions, the development of which was inspired and informed by the results of community research.


​Applications are due to the National Center for Mobility Management by 10/15/2021.


​There are $225,000 in funds available with a $75,000 maximum for each award.

Match Requirements

​Please note that no in-kind support or local match is required.

Eligible Recipients

​The applicant organization must be a non-profit organization or a government agency that is able to receive, or be a subrecipient of, federal funding. Lead organizations must be eligible recipients or subrecipients for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds under 49 U.S.C. Sections 5307, 5310, or 5311. Teams who have previously received an NCMM Ready-to-Launch grant are not eligible to apply for this opportunity.

Eligible Projects

​Each of the three chosen communities will receive up to $75,000, paid to the lead applicant. Funds will be distributed on a cost reimbursement basis. The projects will meet the transportation needs of underserved individuals and address transportation equity with regard to the effect that transportation planning, investment and operations have for underserved individuals

For More Information

The point of contact for the Ready-to-Launch grants is Amy Conrick, All questions should be submitted in writing to this email address.

Additional Resources
Award Announcement


The mission of TGM is to support community efforts to expand transportation choices. By linking land use and transportation planning, TGM works with local governments to create vibrant, livable places in which people can walk, bike, take transit or drive where they want to go.


Applications due June 6, 2019

Applications awarded August 2019


The TGM Program awards grants on an annual basis. TGM typically awards between $2 and $2.5 million per cycle. Projects are selected on a competitive basis within each of the five ODOT regions. The regional allocation – funds available for projects - is based on a formula that considers the number of cities and the population within a region. Grants generally have two-years for projects to be negotiated and completed. Award amounts generally range between $75,000 and $250,000.

Match Requirements

Local share is 12% of the total project cost. Grantees typically provide match in the form of cash or direct project costs, such as time and materials directly related to the project. Time that may be counted as project match includes that from grantee staff, grantee contract planners and engineers, or certain volunteers, such as project committee members. Communities defined as “distressed” by the Oregon Business Development Department may request a partial match waiver. 

Eligible Recipients

Eligible applicants include cities, counties, councils of government on behalf of a city or county, and tribal governments. Certain special districts are eligible, such as transportation districts, metropolitan planning organizations, ports, mass transit districts, parks and recreation districts, and metropolitan service districts. School districts, and public colleges and universities, may be eligible as part of a joint application with a local government for an otherwise eligible project. Eligible applicants may join together to propose a project, such as a multi-county TSP or multi-city or city-county corridor plan.

Eligible Projects

TGM grants are for planning work leading to local policy decisions. Projects should result in the development of an adoption-ready plan or land use regulation or amendments to an existing plan or land use regulation. Projects that primarily do research or outreach, study an issue, compile data, or inventory information are generally not eligible for grant funding. TGM grants also cannot fund preliminary engineering, engineering, or construction work. If in doubt, discuss with your Region TGM planner about whether your proposed work is eligible.


For More Information

​Email Elizabeth Ledet​ or call 503-986-3205.​

Additional Resources

Find the Racial and Ethnic Impact Statement, Application Packet, examples of successful 2018 TGM applications, a list of all TGM grants to date, and help for developing a project approach and budget at:​.

Award Announcement


​This federal fund provides assistance to employees and volunteers of grant recipients and others to attend transit-related trainings. Training is provided directly by Public Transit Section staff or at state, regional, and national workshops and conferences.


​Applications accepted year-round.


​Funds are distributed through competitive and formula processes based on criteria developed by the Public Transit Section. The number of scholarships awarded for a specific event or to an agency may be limited. The Public Transit Section reimburses qualified expenses to the agency (not the individual).
Funding is provided through state funding sources and the Federal Transit Administration’s Rural Transit Assistance Program (5311(b)(3)).

Match Requirements

​Scholarships generally support 50 to 80 percent of registration and travel expenses for a training or conference.

Eligible Recipients

​Employees and volunteers of grant recipients and transportation service providers are eligible. 

Eligible Projects

​Attendance at the annual Oregon Public Transportation Conference, grant-related trainings (such as trainings prior to a grant application cycle), transit manager topic trainings, grant management trainings, compliance trainings, training provided by other state agencies or other sources.

For More Information
​Email Jaimie Baldwin or call 503-986-3669.​
Additional Resources
Award Announcement

​Accepted applicants notified by email.

  • ​Explore and validate forward-thinking approaches to improve transit system design, service, and financing.
  • Provide funding to transit agencies in all types of communities—urban, suburban, rural— to identify, test, and prove out new approaches, technologies and service models.
  • Establish a national network of public transportation stakeholders that are incorporating innovative approaches and business models to improve mobility and that will share their project results. 
  • Identify and promote the most promising and effective innovations that can be implemented more broadly through FTA’s capital programs.


​Preliminary intent due April 6, 2020
Due to FTA May 18, 2020​


​The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the availability of $11 million in Public Transportation Innovation funds to support innovation throughout the transit industry by promoting forward-thinking approaches to improve transit system design, service, and financing.

Match Requirements

​The Federal share of project costs under this program is limited to 80 percent. Applications may seek a lower Federal contributions. The applicant must provide the local share of the net project costs in cash, or in-kind and must document in its application the source of the local match.

Eligible Recipients
  • ​Private for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, including shared-use mobility providers, technology system suppliers and integrator, automated vehicle technology providers, property managers and developers, and others;
  • ​Private operators of transportation services, such as employee shuttle services, airport connector services, university transportation systems, or parking and tolling or airports authorities;
  • Other operators of public transportation, including public transportation agencies, State/local government DOTs, and Federally recognized Indian tribes.
  • Bus or vehicle manufacturers or suppliers;
  • Banking or financial institutions;
  • State or local government entities, including multi-jurisdictional partnerships, and organizations such as a Metropolitan Planning Organization; or
  • ​Other organizations including research consortia or not-for-profit industry organizations, institutions of higher education, and others.

Eligible Projects

Notice solicits applications for AIM Challenge Grant projects that demonstrate innovative technologies, applications, practices, and/or service models that can lead to more efficient public transportation service, better mobility for individuals, and enhance the overall rider experience, with special emphases on innovative service delivery models, creative financing, novel partnerships and integrated payment solutions. Applicants are also encouraged to submit applications with other innovative models and ideas that may not fall into one of these areas.​


For More Information

​FTA will hold a webinar to provide additional information on AIM Challenge Grants, including how to apply and how applications will be evaluated 10-11 p.m. PT Thursday, April 2, 2020. Register.

For further information concerning the notice, contact FTA Research office via email at, or please contact Ms. Christina Gikakis, Office of Mobility Innovation, 202–366–2637, or

Additional Resources
Award Announcement


​Bridges gaps and resolves barriers between Oregon's veterans living in rural areas and the healthcare benefits they've earned.


Invitational Application Available 9/25/2023


​Total amount available: $650,000

Match Requirements

​There is no local match required for this program. Coordinated applications between STF Agencies or through purchased services contracts with common providers is encouraged.

Eligible Recipients

​STF Agencies with service areas featuring rural census tracts (as defined by Rural-Urban Commuter codes 4 through 10). All nine of Oregon's federally-recognized Tribes are eligible, irrespective of rurality.​

Eligible Projects

​Operations, contract purchased services, mobility management, and planning.
Letter of Interest respondents have been invited to submit proposals for operations, contract purchased services, mobility management, and planning project. Applications are due December 31, 2023 at 11:45 PM Pacific Time.​

For More Information
Additional Resources

​The Rural Veterans Healthcare Transportation Grant Program is a partnership between Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs and ODOT Public Transportation Division, under funding appropriated to House Bill 2139

Award Announcement


As of July 1, 2017, funding has been shifted from an Intercity Program with an exclusively 5311(f) federal funding source to a Transit Network and Intercity Program funded primarily with 5311(f) funds.

The Transit Network and Intercity Program now encompasses the former Intercity Program purpose and eligible activities and expands it to include projects that support the statewide transit network, but might not meet 5311(f) requirements.


​Awarding Spring 2025.


Funds are available through a competitive discretionary grant process based on statewide program criteria.

This program utilizes Federal Transit Administration Intercity 5311(f) funds and other funds. The mix of funding allows greater flexibility in Transit Network and Intercity Program projects.

Match Requirements

​Capital projects: local share 20 percent, federal share 80 percent
Operating projects: local share 50 percent, federal share 50 percent

Eligible Recipients

Eligible recipients include agencies, public entities, Indian tribes, and private for-profit agencies that provide transit service.

Grants will not be awarded to support fixed route transit service without a process in place to create and maintain Google Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data that describe the service.

Eligible Projects

Regional connector services, planning, marketing, coordination, preventive maintenance, projects that support key transit hubs, and capital assistance for buses and shelters.


For More Information
Email Frank Thomas or call 503-986-4051.​

Additional Resources
Award Announcement