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OSH offers COVID-19 vaccine to patients, staff

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Competitive by nature, Hayley Barrett was determined to be the first in line to get vaccinated for COVID-19 at Oregon State Hospital. So, she didn't go to the clinic at the 6 a.m. start time. She arrived 15 minutes early. 

“I am super excited. It's finally here!" said Barrett, a registered nurse. “I would like to contribute in any way I can to stop this pandemic. I believe in the science."

Oregon State Hospital is now offering the Moderna vaccine to all patients and staff who want one*. Staff are receiving their first vaccine dose now and will receive their second one in about a month. Patients, too, can choose to get vaccinated in coming weeks.  

As of Tuesday morning, more than 700 staff members had received their vaccinations — and that number conti​nues to grow. Most said they chose to get vaccinated because they want to do their part to protect themselves, their loved ones and their community.

“I want to keep our patients protected and I want the planet protected," said Randy Davis, a Collaborative Problem-Solving coach who works with patients and staff. “I'm super happy to be in the first round."

Samantha McFadden, a food service worker for the hospital, said she was nervous about getting vaccinated. But she wants to do her part to protect others — including a diabetic co-worker who she describes as her “partner in crime."

“I kind of feel like I'm a guinea pig, but I don't feel this vaccine would be offered it wasn't safe," she said. “I have faith in the system. I have faith in doctors."

Dr. Thomas Flynn, a psychiatrist at the hospital, said he's also eager to do his part to stop the pandemic. 

“If the vaccine is good enough for Dr. Fauci, it's good enough for me," he said. “I'm looking forward to it. We need as many people to get vaccinated as possible to keep this place safe."
* Clarification: OSH is not offering vaccines to the public.


Hayley Barrett, a registered nurse at Oregon State Hospital, arrived at the vaccination clinic at 5:45 a.m. on Monday to ensure she’d be first in line.

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