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Oregon Health Authority

Enrollment Information

If you participated in Open Enrollment in October 2024, you have until Feb. 28, 2025 to make Open Enrollment corrections.  Click on the Forms link under 'Other Benefit Options' to find the Open Enrollment & Correction Form. 

  1. Agencies have until Nov. 8, 2024 to input any OE forms received by Oct. 31, 2024.

  2. Members who do not actively enroll during Open Enrollment will:
    • Default to the benefit elections you had for 2024. 
      • This action is: Not Correctable
    • Not be eligible for the Health Engagement Model (HEM). This means you will be moved to the higher deductible plan ($350). You will not be eligible for the monthly incentive of $17.50.
      • This action is: Not Correctable
    • Move to the “Tobacco user" Optional Life Plan tier (if enrolled). Both Employee and Spouse/Partner are affected.
      • This action is: Correctable
    • Default to tobacco use status: Both my Spouse/Partner and I currently use tobacco (surcharge applies).
      • This action is: Correctable
    • Default to: my Spouse/Partner has other employer group coverage available and waives that coverage (surcharge applies).
      • This action is: Correctable
  3. Members who enrolled in an Opt-out Plan in 2025 must re-enroll each year. If you do not re-enroll you will be defaulted into a Medical Waive Plan. The Medical Waive Plan will not be eligible for the opt-out cash incentive.
      • This action is: Correctable
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Corrections can be made until Dec. 13, 2024. If you did not complete Open Enrollment, you are not eligible to enroll in or make corrections to an FSA. Click on the Forms link below to find the FSA Open Enrollment & Correction form. 

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