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Oregon Health Authority

Background Checks

National Background Check is Required

Any person listed on the application for a proposed medical marijuana dispensary or processing site must submit to a national background check. OAR 333-008-2020

This includes all owners, PRDs or PRPs who are named in the application.

The background check is conducted in accordance with OAR 333-008-2020 and will only look for the answers to the following questions:

  1. Has the individual been convicted in any state for the manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in Schedule I or Schedule II within two years from the date of application?
  2. Has the individual been convicted for the manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance in Schedule I or Schedule II more than once in any state?

NOTE: If an individual wishes to challenge the accuracy of information provided by the Department of State Police or Federal Bureau of Investigation and agencies reporting to those entities, those challenges must go through the Department of State Police or Federal Bureau of Investigation and reporting agencies; NOT through a contested case process involving OHA.

Background Check Process


The background check fee is $35 for each individual.

Payment may be made by check or money order, payable to the Oregon Health Authority.

Payment must be sent by mail, postmarked no later than the 5th day after payment on a new or renewal dispensary or processing site application.

Mail fee payment to:

OMMP Dispensary and Processor Unit
P.O. Box 14450
Portland, OR 97293-0450

Forms and Instructions

Each individual named in the application is required to complete a background check authorization form to initiate the background check. No later than the 5th day after payment on a new or renewal application is made, each individual named in the application will need to fill out a Background Check Request form and upload to their MMD or MMPS account. Each individual will receive a letter with further instructions. The letter will outline how and where to get fingerprints done. Fingerprints must be submitted as outlined in the letter within 21 days. 

Electronic Fingerprints

After OMMP has received your background check form, you will receive a letter with instructions on how to proceed with fingerprinting. You are not required to submit your fingerprints electronically but it may result in your background check to be processed quicker.  The letter will outline Fieldprint vendors that may be used. If you don't have a Fieldprint vendor located near you, please contact OMMP for other options on getting fingerprints completed by emailing

Include your MMD# or MMPS# on every item sent to the OMMP program.