In addition to using the outreach materials provided by DEQ, retailers may meet the point-of-sale requirement by printing information about Oregon E-Cycles on customer receipts.
Retailers could choose to print this information on all customer receipts or on customer receipts with a qualifying purchase (i.e. purchase of a computer, monitor, desktop printer or TV). Another option would be to have this information generated in addition to a receipt, much like the way some grocery stores provide coupons along with the receipt to customers.
Language for sales receipt
If retailers choose to meet the point-of-sale requirement by printing information on customer receipts, the information must be printed in a readily visible size and location and must include the following language:
Oregon E-Cycles: Free Recycling
for Computers, Monitors, Desktop Printers and TVs 1-888-532-9253
Retailers may also wish to include the Oregon E-Cycles logo with this language. The logo may be placed above or to the left of the text. An example of acceptable receipt graphic and language is provided below:

Oregon E-Cycles: Free Recycling
for Computers, Monitors, Desktop Printers and TVs 1-888-532-9253
Language for other point-of-sale materials or bill inserts
If you wish to create your own point-of-sale materials or to provide a bill insert promoting Oregon E-Cycles, you must include a version of the Oregon E-Cycles logo provided by DEQ and one of the following blurbs in your materials:
Option 1: Short blurb
Oregon E-Cycles provides FREE e-cycling for your computers, monitors, desktop printers and TVs at participating collection sites near you!
For more information, visit or call 1-888-532-9253.
Option 2: Medium blurb
Oregon E-Cycles, a new program created by Oregon's Electronics Recycling Law and financed by electronics manufacturers, provides free recycling of computers, monitors, desktop printers and TVs to anyone with seven or fewer items to recycle at a time.
For more information, visit or call 1-888-532-9253.
Option 3: Long blurb
Oregon E-Cycles is Free! Available to anyone with seven or fewer items to recycle at a time.
Oregon E-Cycles is Easy! Convenient statewide collections available year round.
Oregon E-Cycles Recycles Responsibly! Participating recyclers must follow environmentally-sound management practices.
For information about Oregon E-Cycles, or to learn more about the importance of e-cycling, visit or call 1-888-532-9253.