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Loan Application Process

DEQ's CWSRF program provides loans for several different categories of projects. The program recommends that applicants contact their regional project officer early in developing their application for assistance. Below are links to the documents associated with each type of application: Nonpoint Source, Point Source, Planning, Local Community, and Community Development Financial Institution.

An applicant must complete and submit at least one application to be considered for funding. To be considered complete, an application must substantially answer and address all questions. Please review the instructions for additional guidance.

Applicants are not required to submit documents on the Checklist of Loan Requirements (Exhibits) at the time of submission for an application to be considered “complete." They will be required as part of the loan development process and prior to loan signing.

Applicants may submit a completed application at any time, however, the program only reviews applications three times per year. In order to be included in the next round of review, applications must be signed by an authorized official at the applicant's agency and submitted by 11:59 p.m. PT the day of the applicable submission deadline listed below. Applicants must submit the application, plus any attachments, to their appropriate DEQ regional project officer. Email is preferred.

To learn more about the application process, contact your regional project officer.

Application review deadlines 2025

By 11:59 p.m. PT on the due date:

  • Friday, April 11, 2025
  • Friday, Aug. 8, 2025
  • Friday, Dec. 12, 2025

Application and process information

​​​​​​​Funding for projects that include animal waste management; agricultural conservation; protection or restoration of riparian (streamside) habitat; establishing conservation easements; acquiring riparian lands or wetlands, estuary management projects and other nonpoint source activities.

​​​​​​​​​​​Funding for design and construction of publicly owned wastewater facilities; building or rehabilitation of sewer collection systems; urban wet weather flow control activities, including stormwater; sanitary and combined sewer control measures. This application also includes the opportunity of using the Sponsorship Option, which allows a public agency to finance both a traditional wastewater project with a nonpoint source or estuary management activity as a combined project.

​​​Funding of data collection and measurement, evaluation, analysis, security evaluations, report preparation, environmental review and any other activity leading to a written document.

​​​Encourages public agencies, often rural counties, soil and water conservation districts or irrigation districts, to use revolving fund financing to establish their own local loan program that addresses a local water quality issue occurring within their jurisdiction.