Emergency Response and Planning
Templates for water systems
- Emergency Response and Planning Guidance for Water Systems
MS Word or
PDF - CWS NTNC (serving 3,300 people or fewer) ERP Template
MS Word or
- CWS (serving over 3.300 people) Supplemental ERP Template
MS Word or
- Emergency Response and Planning Checklist for Water Systems
MS Word or
OAR 333-061-0064 became effective February 1, 2023.
Community and Non-transient, Non-community (NTNC) water systems serving 3,300 people or fewer:
These systems are required to develop and maintain an emergency response plan (ERP) that can be accessed by water system staff during emergencies. DWS has developed an emergency response plan template for Community and NTNC water systems serving 3,300 people or fewer.
Community Water Systems serving more than 3,300 people:
Emergency response and planning requirements have been updated to align with
America's Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) which requires Community Water Systems (CWS) serving more than 3,300 people to conduct a risk and resilience assessment (RRA) and develop and maintain an ERP based on the findings from the assessment.
There are additional requirements for CWS serving more than 3,300 people and DWS has developed a supplemental template for these systems to add to their current AWIA compliant ERP. Additional requirements include:
- developing procedures for emergency events involving high-risk contaminant sources or activities,
- identifying institutional customers serving vulnerable populations,
- developing, and maintaining an emergency contact list,
- identifying decision making authorities, and
- developing procedures for notifying agencies, customers, and local media during emergencies.
Note: Water systems are not required to certify to DWS that their plans are complete and should not send documents with critical information to DWS. These documents must be made available for review during the water system’s sanitary survey.
Power outages
Drought and Water Conservation
Source Water Protection
Protecting your system’s water source whether it’s groundwater, surface water or GWUDI is vital to improving resiliency and ability to prepare and respond to emergencies and natural disasters. Planning for emergencies such as a contaminant spill near your source should be tailored to hazards identified in your source area.
Water system personnel can develop source water protection strategies by identifying hazards, potential contaminants or land use practices that could impact their drinking water source. Examples of source water protection include reducing runoff pollution and sedimentation by restoring riparian zones and stabilizing stream banks, land protection or easements, limiting risky human activities in source water or wellhead protection areas and public education. For additional resources, visit
Drinking Water Service’s source water protection page.
Chemical Storage
Hauling Water During an Emergency
Emergency Response and Preparedness Trainings