DEQ maintains electronic copies of EQC meeting materials online. Recent meeting materials can be viewed on the left hand menu. While we do not have a complete archive of commission records, we have many historic minutes from the EQC going back to 1969 and its predecessor agencies, the State Sanitary Authority and Air Pollution Authority, going back to 1939.
How to search for EQC meeting materials in ORMS:
- Use the Oregon Records Management Solution Tool to search for EQC documents.
- In the Jurisdiction drop-down, select “Department of Environmental Quality".
- The Search by section allows users to choose filters and keywords to more precisely tailor their search.
- You must include an asterisk (*) after your search term (required by the ORMS tool).
- For EQC records, select “Title Word" as the filter type, then EQC*. For State Sanitary Authority records search SSA* and for Air Pollution Authority search APA*
- To narrow search, you can enter “EQCYYYY*" where YYYY is the year of the meeting. Enter “EQCminutes*" to search only for commission meetings minutes.
- Use “Any Word" in the drop down to search additional keywords in the document description.
- For fulltext search, use the “Document Content" dropdown option.
- Click “Search"
To request materials not in ORMS, please visit our
Public Records Requests web page.