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Manufacturers Registration

Manufacturers Registration Requirements

Oregon's 2019 legislature changed the registration requirements for manufacturers beginning Jan. 1, 2020 (HB 3114). The changes are reflected below.

Before Jan. 1 of each year, manufacturers of computers, monitors, TVs and printers (covered devices) must register with DEQ for that upcoming year if they either: 

  • Will sell or offer for sale their covered devices in or into Oregon during that year
  • Their brands of covered devices were sold in or into Oregon during the previous year and are not registered by another manufacturer.

Manufacturers who do not meet either of these criteria are no longer required to register even if their covered devices have been or are returned for recycling through Oregon E-Cycles. 

The annual registration and registration fee timeline: 

  • Oct. 15 - Dec. 31 – manufacturers register
  • January - February – DEQ requests market share information from registered manufacturers
  • March – DEQ sends preliminary registration fees and tier assignments to manufacturers
  • May – DEQ sends registration fee invoices
  • July 1 –  Registration fee payments are due 

A manufacturer includes any entity that: 

  • Manufactures covered devices under a brand that it owns or is licensed to use (unless the license is to manufacture covered devices for delivery exclusively to or at the order of the licenser);
  • Sells covered devices manufactured by others under a brand that the seller owns;
  • Manufactures covered devices without affixing a brand;
  • Manufactures covered devices to which it affixes a brand that it does not own; or
  • On whose account covered devices are imported into the US (unless at the time they were imported they were registered by another manufacturer). 

Online registration

DEQ requests all manufacturers to register via the eCycleRegistration website. 

This service is a tool developed by the Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse, and provides a central platform for manufacturers to register their covered devices for multiple states with electronics recycling laws. If you have not already done so, please visit to set up your account.

Why register online?

The biggest benefit is that it makes registering for Oregon E-Cycles in subsequent years a lot easier. After you set up your account and register for the first time, you'll simply need to verify or edit that information in subsequent years. That should avoid redundant data entry for both you and DEQ. 

The eCycleRegistration website will prompt you to enter the following information: 

  • Manufacturer name and web address
  • The type of recycling program the manufacturer will participate in for the following year: the State Contractor Program, an individual manufacturer program, or a group manufacturer program
  • Name, address, phone number and e-mail for a primary and a billing contact (if different). The primary contact receives notifications about registration and compliance issues; the billing contact receives invoices.
  • A list of all the manufacturer's current and former brands of covered devices, including dates manufactured. The manufacturer must also note whether former brands have been discontinued or are being made by another manufacturer.
  • Certification by a designated representative that the information provided is accurate and they have reviewed the company's responsibilities under Oregon E-Cycles.

Following your submittal, DEQ will review and approve or follow-up with you directly if further clarification is required.

Register Online


For general info, contact the program at 503-229-5830 or email us at:

For technical questions about the eCycleRegistration website, contact:

Jason Linnell of ERCC at