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Your DEQ Online Public Records

Please note: As of April 16, 2024, Environmental Cleanup Site Information is now located in the Your DEQ Online Public Records "Projects" module.
The Your DEQ Online Public Records Portal reflects information published by DEQ programs that use Your DEQ Online. There are three modules in public records portal along with the Events module for reporting pollution. A link to each is located in the left channel of the page, which by default, opens on the "Submittals" module. They include:

  • Submittals: These include submittals that are received by DEQ through Your DEQ Online and that DEQ programs have chosen to publish in the portal.
  • Permits/Licenses/Certificates: These include published record of permits, licenses or certifications that DEQ has processed and issued to responsible officials in Your DEQ Online.
  • Projects: These include published environmental cleanup, leaking underground storage tank and heating oil tank information in Your DEQ Online.

Get Started

  1. Open Your DEQ Online Public Records Portal.
  2. Inside the portal, select one of the modules listed in the left channel of the page.
  3. Enter your search criteria in the fields provided.  


Information not published here may be found elsewhere. To learn more, visit Public Records at DEQ.
To find a public notice and add public comment through the Your DEQ Online Public Portal, see the Your DEQ Online Public Involvement page.