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Oregon Health Authority

Housing Services

Oregon Housing Opportunities in Partnership Program (OHOP)

On this page:

About the Program
Long Term Rental Assistance - OHOP Client Referral Forms
Low Income Energy Assistance Program
Service Regions
Funding and Administration

About the Program

  • The goal of OHOP is to assist clients in achieving and maintaining housing stability so as to avoid homelessness and improve their access to, and engagement in, HIV care and treatment.
  • The program provides tenant based rental assistance to low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS through rental subsidy payments.
  • The program is designed to act as a bridge to long-term assistance programs, such as the Housing Choice Voucher program (sometimes called Section 8).
  • Participation in the program is voluntary and conditional and is not an entitlement program.
  • Additionally, the program assists clients in locating and/or securing suitable rental housing, identifying other related housing and community based resources that may be available to clients, and providing housing information and referral to those housing resources.
  • The program only receives completed referral packets from Ryan White Case Managers or Care Coordinators. 
    • Find a Case Manager in your County here.

To learn more about OHOP policies and procedures: Review the OHOP Program Policies and Procedures.

Long Term Rental Assistance - OHOP Client Referral Forms

Fillable Forms (Word) Forms for Printing (PDF)

Client Referral Packet - English

Client Referral Packet - Spanish

Client Referral Packet - French

Background Check (Required) - English

Background Check (Required) - Spanish

Background Check (Required) - French

Referral After Termination Addendum - English 

Referral After Termination Addendum - Spanish

Verification of Homelessness - English

Verification of Homelessness - Spanish

Client Referral Packet - English

Client Referral Packet - Spanish

Referral After Termination Addendum - English

Referral After Termination Addendum - Spanish

Verification of Homelessness - English

Verification of Homelessness - Spanish

Additional Supportive Housing Program Documents
OHOP Referral Update - Intent to Transfer (Word)

NOTE: Client referrals must be submitted by a Ryan White Part B Case Manager and must be sent via secure email to In the rare circumstance where secure email is not an option, please fax referrals to (971) 673-0101 with attention to OHOP.

Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) 

The Oregon Housing Opportunities in Partnership (OHOP) program may be able to help Ryan White Part B clients pay their heating and/or cooling bills during the LIHEAP season. OHOP cannot assist LIHEAP applicants who live in Multnomah, Clackamas, Columbia, Washington or Yamhill counties. Residents of these 5 counties should apply for LIHEAP through their local community based organization

  • Most program clients will qualify for between $250 and $550 in assistance that can be deposited directly to their heating and/or cooling utility account.
  • The assistance can be used to pay current bills, back-due amounts, and shut-off notices.
  • For cooling season only electric bills may be eligible for a payment.

 LIHEAP Heating Season Opens December 1, 2024!

The LIHEAP season for OHOP runs through September 30, 2025, or until funds are exhausted, whichever comes first. LIHEAP applications will only be mailed out to active OHOP participants for the 2025 heating season. Case Managers should identify and provide applications to those in need.

A complete application with verification of current income for each household member is needed to be evaluated, for each season. Payments to utility accounts may take up to 4- 6 weeks to show on the account.

Service Regions

The OHOP program serves 31 counties outside of the 5 county Portland Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA- Multnomah, Clackamas, Yamhill, Washington and Columbia). Program Housing Coordinators are assigned to each region and administer the program in the following counties:

Region 1 Serves Clatsop, Marion, Polk, Tillamook Counties
Works with all Spanish speaking clients in any region
Region 2
Lead Housing Coordinator
Serves Lane County
Region 3Serves Jackson, Klamath, Lake Counties
Region 4Serves Baker, Benton, Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jefferson, Linn, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, Wheeler Counties
Region 5
Serves Coos, Curry, Douglas, Josephine, Lane, Lincoln Counties

OHOP Region Map

Funding and Administration

  • The Oregon Housing Opportunities in Partnership program is funded by grants received from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is designed to assist people living with HIV/AIDS in creating a continuum of stable, sustainable housing.
  • The Oregon Health Authority, HIV Care and Treatment Program, directly administers the program in addition to the Ryan White Part B Program.

Because the program is funded through federal grants, ongoing program assistance is subject to the continued availability of HOPWA funds.