Zenith Energy Terminal Holdings, LLC is a fuel products transloading facility. The company accepts crude oil, diesel, renewable fuels and other fuel products from one mode of transportation, like railcars, and passes them along to another, such as marine vessels. In the interim, fuel products are stored at the facility in above-ground tanks. Zenith Energy is located at 5501 NW Front Avenue in northwest Portland.
Public involvement
DEQ held a virtual public information meeting on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 to share information about how DEQ regulates the Zenith Energy terminal from its Fuel Tank Seismic Stability Program, Emergency Response Program on spill preparedness and Air Quality Permitting Program. DEQ also shared information about Zenith's Air Contaminant Discharge Permit application and answered questions from the public.
DEQ will post the draft Air Contaminant Discharge Permit in a public notice in spring 2024. The public notice will include the draft permit, public hearing date(s) and the public comment period timeline with instructions on how to submit a comment
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Air quality
Current status: Following the City's approval of Zenith's land use compatibility statement, DEQ is reviewing Zenith's
air quality permit application. DEQ will have a public process to discuss the air quality permit in 2024.
Note: DEQ cannot overturn a land use compatibility statement. That would either have to happen at the City of Portland or through the Land Use Board of Appeals. See the FAQs below for more information.
Frequently asked questions
DEQ does not have the authority to make land use decisions. The City of Portland is the local land use authority for determining if the Zenith facility and operations are in line with local land use requirements. DEQ's process for reviewing these statements is to ensure any land use compatibility statement, or LUCS, the agency receives is consistent with that facility's application to confirm both DEQ and the land use agency are getting the same information.
DEQ asked Zenith for a new LUCS from the City of Portland in January 2021 because the activities Zenith proposed in its air quality permit renewal application did not match the existing LUCS.
When the City denied Zenith's LUCS, DEQ also denied Zenith's permit application. Zenith appealed the City's land use decision to the Land Use Board of Appeals. While the decision was under appeal, Zenith proposed a new LUCS and the City approved it. Zenith submitted a new air quality permit application to DEQ with the approved LUCS.
Any reversal or appeal of the LUCS would have to come from the City or go through the Land Use Board of Appeals the same way Zenith appealed the City's initial decision.
Questions specific to the City's LUCS process, approval, decision making and auditor report can be sent to: bds@portlandoregon.gov
The new land use compatibility statement, or LUCS, includes conditions for Zenith to cease all transloading of crude oil by 2027, lower the plant site emission limit for volatile organic compounds, cease operation of the asphalt refinery, require removal of thirty storage tanks and allow new storage tank construction only if related to renewable fuels and non-fuel projects, among other conditions.
Learn more about these conditions from the City of Portland Bureau of Development Services. Read the full LUCS on the City of Portland's public records website. Questions specific to the City's LUCS process, approval, decision making and auditor report can be sent to: bds@portlandoregon.gov
Zenith is operating in compliance with its existing Title V permit. Per Oregon law, while Zenith has a complete, timely application in, it may operate consistent with its existing permit until DEQ makes a permitting decision.
For media inquiries:
Lauren Wirtis, 503-568-3295, Office of Communications and Outreach