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Cascades West Area Commission on Transportation


About 40 potential voting members:
  • 3 county commissioners (one from each county)
  • 24 incorporated cities (one from each city)
  • 3 port districts (one from each port)
  • 1 tribal council
  • 6 private sector (two from each county)
  • Transportation and transit districts 
  • 1 ODOT area manager
  • State legislators
  • Representatives of other groups representing regional transportation interests
  • Representatives of regional groups that have an interest in transportation issues
  • Two representatives of alternative modes (bicycle, pedestrian)
  • Chairs of the Cascades West Council of Governments Senior Services Advisory Council and the Cascades West Council of Governments Disabilities Services Advisory Council
  • Executive director of each metropolitan planning organization within the area


Meeting dates and locations, agendas and minutes are posted on the CWACT web page.

Leadership and Work Program

Executive Committee comprised of Chair and Chair-elect, a county commissioner from each county, one additional member from each county, and the ODOT area manager. Executive Committee helps develop a work program that is adopted by the ACT. The Executive Committee can make certain decisions in emergencies.
ODOT contracts staff support from Cascades West Council of Governments.
Work Program
  • Provide a forum for discussion of regional transportation issues.
  • Participate in ODOT policy formation.
  • Discuss ODOT/local government relationships.
  • Coordinate with Albany Area MPO and Corvallis Area MPO.
Cascades West Area Commission on Transportation is also the transportation committee of the Cascades West Council of Governments. CWACT relies heavily on an appointed technical advisory committee comprised of one member from each governmental member of CWACT. The technical advisory committee chair is an ex-officio member of CWACT. 

 Map of Cascades West ACT area


Benton, Linn and Lincoln counties
Charter: February 19, 1997.

Sign Up for Updates


ACT Chair
Roger Nyquist 
Linn County Commissioner
300 SW 4th Avenue
Albany, OR 97321
Pat Malone  
Benton County Commissioner
PO Box 3020
Corvallis, OR 97339

ACT Staff
Justin Peterson
Cascades West Council 
1400 Queen Ave SE, Suite 201
Albany, OR 97322
ODOT Contact 
Christine Hildebrant
Area 4 Manager
3700 SW Philomath Boulevard
Corvallis, OR 97333 
Corvallis Office: 541-757-4211  
Technical Assistance 
Matthew Lehman
ACT Administrator
Cascades West COG
1400 Queen Avenue S.E., Suite 205
Albany, OR 97322
Phone: 541-758-1911
Fax: 541-967-4651

Operating Documents