Adolescent immunizations
One of the CCO incentive metrics is immunizations for adolescents, which includes HPV, Tdap and meningococcal vaccines by age 13.
Recorded presentations
Webinar: Help adolescents get back on track with immunizations. You are the key to HPV cancer prevention
Oregon has seen reduced adolescent immunization rates across the state during COVID-19, while in-person adolescent well visits were put on hold. As those visits begin to resume, this recorded webinar (hosted by the Oregon Pacific Areas Health Education Center) will help all immunization providers make an effective recommendation for HPV vaccination and answer parent's questions. The recording, along with other upcoming or recorded OPAHEC webinars, is available on the
OPAHEC website or the
OPAHEC YouTube channel.
Resources for providers working with vaccine-hesitant parents
Boost Oregon: A parent-led community that educates Oregonians about the safety and benefits of childhood vaccinations.
CDC: Provider resources to help health care professionals start or continue vaccine conversations with parents
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Vaccine Education Center: Complete, up-to-date and reliable information about vaccines to parents and healthcare professionals.
Quality improvement technical assistance
Training and quality improvement support for childhood and adolescent immunizations may be available through the Oregon Immunization Program's Immunization Quality Improvement for Providers (IQIP) program. More resources are available on the Immunization Providers page.
Anona Gund:
CCO incentive measure technical specifications and guidance documents are available from the Office of Health Analytics.
Childhood immunizations
The Transformation Center has previously provided technical assistance in this area and applicable resources are available in the resource table below.